
Public API Reference

iSequenceManager Struct Reference

The sequence manager. More...

#include <ivaria/sequence.h>

Inheritance diagram for iSequenceManager:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void Clear ()=0
 Clear all sequence operations currently in memory (this will call DecRef() on them).
virtual void DestroySequenceOperations (uint sequence_id)=0
 Destroy all operations with a given sequence id.
virtual csTicks GetDeltaTime () const =0
 Get the delta time to add to the main time to get the real main time.
virtual csTicks GetMainTime () const =0
 Get the current time for the sequence manager.
virtual uint GetUniqueID ()=0
 Return a unique id that you can use for identifying the sequence operations.
virtual bool IsEmpty ()=0
 Return true if the sequence manager has nothing to do (i.e.
virtual bool IsSuspended ()=0
 Return true if the sequence manager is suspended.
virtual csPtr< iSequenceNewSequence ()=0
 Create a new empty sequence.
virtual void Resume ()=0
 Resume the sequence manager at exactly the point it was previously suspended.
virtual void RunSequence (csTicks time, iSequence *sequence, iBase *params=0, uint sequence_id=0)=0
 Execute a sequence at the given time.
virtual void Suspend ()=0
 Suspend the sequence manager.
virtual void TimeWarp (csTicks time, bool skip)=0
 Perform a time warp.

Detailed Description

The sequence manager.

The sequence manager is a plugin that will perform sequences of operations depending on elapsed time. It is mostly useful for demo's or intros of games.

Main creators of instances implementing this interface:

Main ways to get pointers to this interface:

Main users of this interface:

Definition at line 179 of file sequence.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void iSequenceManager::Clear (  )  [pure virtual]

Clear all sequence operations currently in memory (this will call DecRef() on them).

virtual void iSequenceManager::DestroySequenceOperations ( uint  sequence_id  )  [pure virtual]

Destroy all operations with a given sequence id.

virtual csTicks iSequenceManager::GetDeltaTime (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the delta time to add to the main time to get the real main time.

Do not use GetDeltaTime() from within the operation callback.

virtual csTicks iSequenceManager::GetMainTime (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the current time for the sequence manager.

This is not directly related to the real current time. Suspending the sequence manager will also freeze this time. Note that the sequence manager updates the main time AFTER rendering frames. So if you want to get the real main time you should add the delta returned by GetDeltaTime() too. However from within operation callbacks you should just use GetMainTime() in combination with the supplied delta.

virtual uint iSequenceManager::GetUniqueID (  )  [pure virtual]

Return a unique id that you can use for identifying the sequence operations.

virtual bool iSequenceManager::IsEmpty (  )  [pure virtual]

Return true if the sequence manager has nothing to do (i.e.

the queue of sequence operations is empty).

virtual bool iSequenceManager::IsSuspended (  )  [pure virtual]

Return true if the sequence manager is suspended.

virtual csPtr<iSequence> iSequenceManager::NewSequence (  )  [pure virtual]

Create a new empty sequence.

This sequence is not attached to the sequence manager in any way. After calling NewSequence() you can add operations to it and then use RunSequence() to run it.

virtual void iSequenceManager::Resume (  )  [pure virtual]

Resume the sequence manager at exactly the point it was previously suspended.

Calling Resume() on a running sequence manager has no effect.

virtual void iSequenceManager::RunSequence ( csTicks  time,
iSequence sequence,
iBase params = 0,
uint  sequence_id = 0 
) [pure virtual]

Execute a sequence at the given time.

This will effectively put the sequence on the queue to be executed when the time has elapsed. Modifications on a sequence after it has been added have no effect. You can also remove the sequence (with DecRef()) immediatelly after running it.

The optional params instance will be given to all operations that are added on the main sequence. Ref counting is used to keep track of this object. So you can safely DecRef() your own reference after calling RunSequence.

time Time at which the sequence should be executed.
sequence Sequence to execute.
params Optional instance given to all operations added to the main sequence.
sequence_id This identifier can be used to get track of a given sequence. You can use this id to remove all operations that have this id.

virtual void iSequenceManager::Suspend (  )  [pure virtual]

Suspend the sequence manager.

This will totally stop all actions that the sequence manager was doing. Use Resume() to resume. Calling Suspend() on an already suspended sequence manager has no effect. Note that a sequence manager is suspended by default. This is so you can set it up and add the needed operations and then call resume to start it all.

virtual void iSequenceManager::TimeWarp ( csTicks  time,
bool  skip 
) [pure virtual]

Perform a time warp.

This will effectively let the sequence manager think that the given time has passed. If the 'skip' flag is set then all sequence parts that would have been executed in the skipped time are not executed. Otherwise they will all be executed at the same time (but the delta time parameter to 'Do' and 'Condition' will contain the correct difference). 'time' is usually positive. When 'time' is negative this will have the effect of adding extra time before the first operation in the queue will be executed. i.e. we jump in the past but operations that used to be there before are already deleted and will not be executed again.

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