
Public API Reference

imesh/thing.h File Reference

Thing mesh interfaces. More...

#include "csutil/scf.h"
#include "igraphic/image.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  csPolygonRange
 A range structure for specifing polygon ranges. More...
struct  iPolygonHandle
 This is an interface that can be used to represent a polygon in situations where a SCF object is required. More...
struct  iThingEnvironment
 This interface is implemented by the iObjectType for things. More...
struct  iThingFactoryState
 This is the state interface to access the internals of a thing mesh factory. More...
struct  iThingState
 This is the state interface to access the internals of a thing mesh object. More...

Polygon flags

#define CS_POLY_COLLDET   0x00000002
 If this flag is set then this polygon is used for collision detection.
#define CS_POLY_LIGHTING   0x00000001
 If CS_POLY_LIGHTING is set for a polygon then the polygon will be lit.
#define CS_POLY_VISCULL   0x00000004
 If this flag is set then this polygon is used for visibility culling.

Polygon ranges

#define CS_POLYRANGE(s1, s2)   csPolygonRange (s1, s2)
 A general range of polygons (inclusive).
#define CS_POLYRANGE_ALL   csPolygonRange (0, 2000000000)
 All polygons.
#define CS_POLYRANGE_LAST   csPolygonRange (-1, -1)
 The last created polygon or series of polygons (in case it was a box).
#define CS_POLYRANGE_SINGLE(idx)   csPolygonRange (idx, idx)
 A single polygon.

Move option flags

 The following flags affect movement options for a thing.
 The following flags affect movement options for a thing.

Thing flags

#define CS_THING_NOCOMPRESS   0x00010000
 If CS_THING_NOCOMPRESS is set then vertices of this thing factory will not be compressed.


#define CS_POLYINDEX_LAST   -1
 Last created polygon index (used where a single polygon index is required).

Detailed Description

Thing mesh interfaces.

Definition in file thing.h.

Generated for Crystal Space by doxygen 1.4.7