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4.4.1 Names

Events are identified with the help of an extensible hierarchically-structured event naming layer. This system allows event names to be drilled down to arbitrary levels of specificity while simultaneously allowing event subscribers to express interest in general categories or precise event varieties.

For example: Each joystick is individually named, so event consumers can listen only to particular devices, or to particular flavors of events. For instance, the fourth joystick can produce the event `crystalspace.input.joystick.3.button.down'; an event handler may wish to subscribe to `crystalspace.input.joystick.3.button.down' to only receive down events from that joystick, to `crystalspace.input.joystick.3.button' to receive all button events from that joystick, to `crystalspace.input.joystick.3' to receive all events (buttons and moves) from that joystick, to `crystalspace.input.joystick' to receive all events from all joysticks, and so on.

Event names are translated into an efficient internal representation, the `csEventID', using a singleton event name registry object (`csEventNameRegistry', implementing the `iEventNameRegistry' interface) which can always be retrieved using the csEventNameRegistry::GetRegistry(iObjectRegistry*) method. The actual name translation is performed by the GetID() method, which takes a string or `csString' argument and returns a `csEventID'. The `csEventID's are then used in calls to subscribe to event queues and in comparisons to determine the type of an event. Many common event types' `csEventID's can be accessed using macros defined in `include/csutil/eventnames.h', e.g., `crystalspace.application.quit' is `csevQuit()', which must be called with an argument of either an `iObjectRegistry' pointer or a `iEventNameRegistry' reference. Since referencing an event ID via one of these macros will consume several cycles, performance-sensitive code should cache the results; see, for example, the `CS_DECLARE_EVENT_SHORTCUTS' and `CS_INITIALIZE_EVENT_SHORTCUTS()' macros in `include/csutil/eventnames.h'.

Demultiplexing in event handlers is handled like this:

static bool DemoEventHandler (iEvent& ev)
  if (ev.Name == csevMouseButton (object_reg, 0))
  else if (ev.Name == csevMouseMove (object_reg, 0))

This will handle mouse button and mouse move events for the first mouse.

You can also catch entire event hierarchies with a single test:

if (name_reg->IsKindOf(ev.Name, csevKeyboardEvent (name_reg)))

This will catch all keyboard events.

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