| // Create the factory.
csRef<iMeshFactoryWrapper> mfw = engine->CreateMeshFactory (
"crystalspace.mesh.object.particles", "explosion");
if (!mfw) return;
// Create the mesh and setup material, mixmode, and color.
csRef<iMeshWrapper> exp = engine->CreateMeshWrapper (mfw, "boing",
sector, center));
exp->SetRenderPriority (engine->GetAlphaRenderPriority ());
exp->GetMeshObject()->SetMaterialWrapper (mat);
exp->GetMeshObject()->SetMixMode (CS_FX_ALPHA);
exp->GetMeshObject()->SetColor (csColor (1, 1, 0));
// Find/load the built-in emitter factory. From this factory we
// can access some of the standard built-in emitters.
csRef<iParticleBuiltinEmitterFactory> emit_factory =
csLoadPluginCheck<iParticleBuiltinEmitterFactory> (
object_reg, "crystalspace.mesh.object.particles.emitter", false);
// Find/load the built-in effector factory. From this factory we
// can access some of the standard built-in effectors.
csRef<iParticleBuiltinEffectorFactory> eff_factory =
csLoadPluginCheck<iParticleBuiltinEffectorFactory> (
object_reg, "crystalspace.mesh.object.particles.effector", false);
// Create a sphere emitter where we will have a quick burst of
// all the particles from the center.
csRef<iParticleBuiltinEmitterSphere> sphereemit = emit_factory->
CreateSphere ();
sphereemit->SetRadius (0.1);
sphereemit->SetParticlePlacement (CS_PARTICLE_BUILTIN_CENTER);
sphereemit->SetPosition (csVector3 (0, 0, 0));
sphereemit->SetInitialVelocity (csVector3 (1, 0, 0), csVector3 (3, 3, 3));
sphereemit->SetUniformVelocity (false);
sphereemit->SetDuration (0.1f);
sphereemit->SetEmissionRate (1000.0f);
sphereemit->SetInitialTTL (1.0f, 1.0f);
// Create a lincolor effector to fade out the particles.
csRef<iParticleBuiltinEffectorLinColor> lincol = eff_factory->
CreateLinColor ();
lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (1,1,1,1), 1.0f);
lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (1,1,1,0), 0.0f);
// Setup the real particle system and add the emitter and effector
// we created above.
csRef<iParticleSystem> partstate =
scfQueryInterface<iParticleSystem> (exp->GetMeshObject ());
partstate->SetParticleSize (csVector2 (0.15f, 0.15f));
partstate->SetRotationMode (CS_PARTICLE_ROTATE_VERTICES);
partstate->SetIntegrationMode (CS_PARTICLE_INTEGRATE_BOTH);
partstate->AddEmitter (sphereemit);
partstate->AddEffector (lincol);
// Make sure that the particle mesh and factories are removed
// when all particles are gone (approx 1 second).
Sys->Engine->DelayedRemoveObject (1100, exp);
Sys->Engine->DelayedRemoveObject (1101, mfw);