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C.1.18.1 Explosion

To convert the old explosion particle system to new particles you can use a sphere emitter with a very small radius and with particle placement in center. Set a very small duration and a high emission rate so that all particles will appear to be created at once. Using a linear color effector you can obtain the fading of the particles (use either alpha mixmode or add depending no the kind of fading you want). Here is an example of how the old explosion can be emulated using the new particle system (in code): Note that this is not an attempt to make a realistic or even nice looking explosion. It is just an attempt to emulate the ugly old explosion particle system from the past:

  // Create the factory.
  csRef<iMeshFactoryWrapper> mfw = engine->CreateMeshFactory (
	"crystalspace.mesh.object.particles", "explosion");
  if (!mfw) return;

  // Create the mesh and setup material, mixmode, and color.
  csRef<iMeshWrapper> exp = engine->CreateMeshWrapper (mfw, "boing",
	sector, center));
  exp->SetRenderPriority (engine->GetAlphaRenderPriority ());
  exp->GetMeshObject()->SetMaterialWrapper (mat);
  exp->GetMeshObject()->SetMixMode (CS_FX_ALPHA);
  exp->GetMeshObject()->SetColor (csColor (1, 1, 0));

  // Find/load the built-in emitter factory. From this factory we
  // can access some of the standard built-in emitters.
  csRef<iParticleBuiltinEmitterFactory> emit_factory = 
      csLoadPluginCheck<iParticleBuiltinEmitterFactory> (
        object_reg, "crystalspace.mesh.object.particles.emitter", false);
  // Find/load the built-in effector factory. From this factory we
  // can access some of the standard built-in effectors.
  csRef<iParticleBuiltinEffectorFactory> eff_factory = 
      csLoadPluginCheck<iParticleBuiltinEffectorFactory> (
        object_reg, "crystalspace.mesh.object.particles.effector", false);

  // Create a sphere emitter where we will have a quick burst of
  // all the particles from the center.
  csRef<iParticleBuiltinEmitterSphere> sphereemit = emit_factory->
    CreateSphere ();
  sphereemit->SetRadius (0.1);
  sphereemit->SetParticlePlacement (CS_PARTICLE_BUILTIN_CENTER);
  sphereemit->SetPosition (csVector3 (0, 0, 0));
  sphereemit->SetInitialVelocity (csVector3 (1, 0, 0), csVector3 (3, 3, 3));
  sphereemit->SetUniformVelocity (false);
  sphereemit->SetDuration (0.1f);
  sphereemit->SetEmissionRate (1000.0f);
  sphereemit->SetInitialTTL (1.0f, 1.0f);

  // Create a lincolor effector to fade out the particles.
  csRef<iParticleBuiltinEffectorLinColor> lincol = eff_factory->
    CreateLinColor ();
  lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (1,1,1,1), 1.0f);
  lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (1,1,1,0), 0.0f);

  // Setup the real particle system and add the emitter and effector
  // we created above.
  csRef<iParticleSystem> partstate =
  	scfQueryInterface<iParticleSystem> (exp->GetMeshObject ());
  partstate->SetParticleSize (csVector2 (0.15f, 0.15f));
  partstate->SetRotationMode (CS_PARTICLE_ROTATE_VERTICES);
  partstate->SetIntegrationMode (CS_PARTICLE_INTEGRATE_BOTH);
  partstate->AddEmitter (sphereemit);
  partstate->AddEffector (lincol);

  // Make sure that the particle mesh and factories are removed
  // when all particles are gone (approx 1 second).
  Sys->Engine->DelayedRemoveObject (1100, exp);
  Sys->Engine->DelayedRemoveObject (1101, mfw);

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