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C.1.18.4 Fire

To convert the old fire particle system to new particles you can use an emitter which is oriented at the bottom of the flame. To get behaviour equivalent to the old system use a box-shaped emitter, either with the metrics specified by `originbox' or a very small box around `origin'. You can use a force effector with random acceleration to have the particles shift a bit. Here you see an example of a fire particle system in the world file:

  <meshfact name="fireFact">
      <particlesize x="0.04" y="0.08" />
      <emitter type="sphere">
        <mass min="5" max="7.5" />
        <uniformvelocity />
        <initialvelocity x="0" y="1" z="0" />
        <initialttl min="1" max="1" />
      <effector type="lincolor">
        <color red="0.00" green="0.00" blue="0.00" time="1" />
        <color red="1.00" green="0.35" blue="0.00" time="0.96" />
        <color red="1.00" green="0.22" blue="0.00" time="0.9" />
        <color red="1.00" green="0.12" blue="0.00" time="0.8" />
        <color red="0.80" green="0.02" blue="0.00" time="0.7" />
        <color red="0.60" green="0.00" blue="0.00" time="0.75" />
        <color red="0.40" green="0.00" blue="0.00" time="0.5625" />
        <color red="0.20" green="0.05" blue="0.05" time="0.375" />
        <color red="0.10" green="0.10" blue="0.10" time="0.1875" />
        <color red="0.00" green="0.00" blue="0.00" time="0" />
      <effector type="force">
	<randomacceleration x="2.5" y="2.5" z="2.5" />
  <meshobj name="fire">
    <ztest />
        <add />
      <v x="10" y="0" z="10" />

Here is how this could work in code:

  csRef<iMeshFactoryWrapper> mfw = engine->CreateMeshFactory (
      "crystalspace.mesh.object.particles", "fire");
  if (!mfw) return;

  csRef<iMeshWrapper> exp = engine->CreateMeshWrapper (mfw, "custom fire",
	sector, origin);

  exp->GetMeshObject()->SetMixMode (CS_FX_ADD);
  exp->GetMeshObject()->SetMaterialWrapper (mat);

  csRef<iParticleBuiltinEmitterFactory> emit_factory = 
      csLoadPluginCheck<iParticleBuiltinEmitterFactory> (
        object_reg, "crystalspace.mesh.object.particles.emitter", false);
  csRef<iParticleBuiltinEffectorFactory> eff_factory = 
      csLoadPluginCheck<iParticleBuiltinEffectorFactory> (
        object_reg, "crystalspace.mesh.object.particles.effector", false);

  csRef<iParticleBuiltinEmitterSphere> sphemit = emit_factory->CreateSphere ();
  // Time to live depends on height of sector.
  float velocity = 0.5f;
  float seconds_to_live = 2.0f;
  sphemit->SetRadius (.2f);
  sphemit->SetParticlePlacement (CS_PARTICLE_BUILTIN_VOLUME);
  sphemit->SetEmissionRate (float (num) / seconds_to_live);
  sphemit->SetInitialMass (5.0f, 7.5f);
  sphemit->SetUniformVelocity (true);
  sphemit->SetInitialTTL (seconds_to_live, seconds_to_live);
  sphemit->SetInitialVelocity (csVector3 (0, velocity, 0),
      csVector3 (0));

  csRef<iParticleBuiltinEffectorLinColor> lincol = eff_factory->
    CreateLinColor ();
  lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1), 2);
  lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (1.00, 0.35, 0.00, 0), 1.5);
  lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (1.00, 0.22, 0.00, .1), 1.3125);
  lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (1.00, 0.12, 0.00, .3), 1.125);
  lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (0.80, 0.02, 0.00, .8), 0.9375);
  lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (0.60, 0.00, 0.00, .9), 0.75);
  lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (0.40, 0.00, 0.00, .97), 0.5625);
  lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (0.20, 0.00, 0.00, 1), 0.375);
  lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1), 0.1875);
  lincol->AddColor (csColor4 (0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1), 0);

  csRef<iParticleBuiltinEffectorForce> force = eff_factory->
    CreateForce ();
  force->SetRandomAcceleration (csVector3 (1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f));

  csRef<iParticleSystem> partstate =
  	scfQueryInterface<iParticleSystem> (exp->GetMeshObject ());
  partstate->SetParticleSize (csVector2 (0.04f, 0.08f));
  partstate->AddEmitter (sphemit);
  partstate->AddEffector (lincol);
  partstate->AddEffector (force);

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