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When Things Go Wrong: Debugging the Kernel

No matter how careful your programming habits, sometimes things don’t work right the first time. Kernel panics are simply a fact of life during development of kernel extensions or other in-kernel code.

There are a number of ways to track down problems in kernel code. In many cases, you can find the problem through careful use of printf or IOLog statements. Some people swear by this method, and indeed, given sufficient time and effort, any bug can be found and fixed without using a debugger.

Of course, the key words in that statement are “given sufficient time and effort.” For the rest of us, there are debuggers: gdb and ddb.

In this section:

Setting Debug Flags in Open Firmware
Avoiding Watchdog Timer Problems
Choosing a Debugger
Using gdb for Kernel Debugging
Using ddb for Kernel Debugging

Setting Debug Flags in Open Firmware

With the exception of kernel panics or calls to PE_enter_debugger, it is not possible to do remote kernel debugging without setting debug flags in Open Firmware. These flags are relevant to both gdb and ddb debugging and are important enough to warrant their own section.

To set these flags, you can either use the nvram program (from the Mac OS X command line) or access your computer’s Open Firmware. You can access Open Firmware this by holding down Command-Option-O-F at boot time. For most computers, the default is for Open Firmware to present a command–line prompt on your monitor and accept input from your keyboard. For some older computers you must use a serial line at 38400, 8N1. (Technically, such computers are not supported by Mac OS X, but some are usable under Darwin, and thus they are mentioned here for completeness.)

From an Open Firmware prompt, you can set the flags with the setenv command. From the Mac OS X command line, you would use the nvram command. Note that when modifying these flags you should always look at the old value for the appropriate Open Firmware variables and add the debug flags.

For example, if you want to set the debug flags to 0x4, you use one of the following commands. For computers with recent versions of Open Firmware, you would type

printenv boot-args
setenv boot-args original_contents debug=0x4

from Open Firmware or

nvram boot-args
nvram boot-args="original_contents debug=0x4"

from the command line (as root).

For older firmware versions, the interesting variable is boot-command. Thus, you might do something like

printenv boot-command
setenv boot-command 0 bootr debug=0x4

from Open Firmware or

nvram boot-command
nvram boot-command="0 bootr debug=0x4"

from the command line (as root).

Of course, the more important issue is what value to choose for the debug flags. Table 19-1 lists the debugging flags that are supported in Mac OS X.

Table 19-1  Debugging flags

Symbolic name





Halt at boot-time and wait for debugger attach (gdb).



Send kernel debugging printf output to console.



Drop into debugger on NMI (Command–Power, Command-Option-Control-Shift-Escape, or interrupt switch).



Send kernel debugging kprintf output to serial port.



Make ddb (kdb) the default debugger (requires a custom kernel).



Output certain diagnostic info to the system log.



Allow debugger to ARP and route (allows debugging across routers and removes the need for a permanent ARP entry, but is a potential security hole)—not available in all kernels.



Support old versions of gdb on newer systems.



Disable graphical panic dialog.

The option DB_KDP_BP_DIS is not available on all systems, and should not be important if your target and host systems are running the same or similar versions of Mac OS X with matching developer tools. The last option is only available in Mac OS 10.2 and later.

Avoiding Watchdog Timer Problems

Macintosh computers have various watchdog timers designed to protect the system from certain types of failures. There are two primary watchdog timers in common use: the power management watchdog timer (not present on all systems) and the system crash watchdog timer. Both watchdogs are part of the power management hardware.

The first of these, the power management watchdog timer, is designed to restore the system to a known safe state in the event of unexpected communication loss between the power management hardware and the CPU. This timer is only present in G4 and earlier desktops and laptops and in early G5 desktops. More specifically, it is present only in machines containing a PMU (Power Management Unit) chip.

Under normal circumstances, when communication with the PMU chip is lost, the PMU driver will attempt to get back in sync with the PMU chip. With the possible exception of a momentary loss of keyboard and mouse control, you probably won't notice that anything has happened (and you should never even experience such a stall unless you are writing a device driver that disables interrupts for an extended period of time).

The problem occurs when the disruption in communication is caused by entering the debugger while the PMU chip is in one of these "unsafe" states. If the chip is left in one of these "unsafe" states for too long, it will shut the computer down to prevent overheating or other problems.

This problem can be significantly reduced by operating the PMU chip in polled mode. This prevents the watchdog timer from activating. You should only use this option when debugging, however, as it diminishes performance and a crashed system could overheat.

To disable this watchdog timer, add the argument pmuflags=1 to the kernel's boot arguments. See “Setting Debug Flags in Open Firmware” for information about how to add a boot argument.

The second type of watchdog timer is the system crash watchdog timer. This is normally only enabled in Mac OS X Server. If your target machine is running Mac OS X Server, your system will automatically reboot within seconds after a crash to maximize server uptime. You can disable this automatic reboot on crash feature in the server administration tool.

Choosing a Debugger

There are two basic debugging environments supported by Mac OS X: ddb and gdb. ddb is a built-in debugger that works over a serial line. By contrast, gdb is supported using a debugging shim built into the kernel, which allows a remote computer on the same physical network to attach after a panic (or sooner if you pass certain options to the kernel).

For problems involving network extensions or low-level operating system bringups, ddb is the only way to do debugging. For other bugs, gdb is generally easier to use. For completeness, this chapter describes how to use both ddb and gdb to do basic debugging. Since gdb itself is well documented and is commonly used for application programming, this chapter assumes at least a passing knowledge of the basics of using gdb and focuses on the areas where remote (kernel) gdb differs.

Note: Only systems with serial hardware support ddb. Thus, it is only possible to use ddb on PowerMac G4 and older systems.

Using gdb for Kernel Debugging

gdb, short for the GNU Debugger, is a piece of software commonly used for debugging software on UNIX and Linux systems. This section assumes that you have used gdb before, and does not attempt to explain basic usage.

In standard Mac OS X builds (and in your builds unless you compile with ddb support), gdb support is built into the system but is turned off except in the case of a kernel panic.

Of course, many software failures in the kernel do not result in a kernel panic but still cause aberrant behavior. For these reasons, you can pass additional flags to the kernel to allow you to attach to a remote computer early in boot or after a nonmaskable interrupt (NMI), or you can programmatically drop into the debugger in your code.

You can cause the test computer (the debug target) to drop into the debugger in the following ways:

After you have decided what method to use for dropping into the debugger on the target, you must configure your debug host (the computer that will actually be running gdb). Your debug host should be running a version of Mac OS X that is comparable to the version running on your target host. However, it should not be running a customized kernel, since a debug host crash would be problematic, to say the least.

Note: It is possible to use a non-Mac OS X system as your debug host. This is not a trivial exercise, however, and a description of building a cross-gdb is beyond the scope of this document.

When using gdb, the best results can be obtained when the source code for the customized kernel is present on your debug host. This not only makes debugging easier by allowing you to see the lines of code when you stop execution, it also makes it easier to modify those lines of code. Thus, the ideal situation is for your debug host to also be your build computer. This is not required, but it makes things easier. If you are debugging a kernel extension, it generally suffices to have the source for the kernel extension itself on your debug host. However, if you need to see kernel-specific structures, having the kernel sources on your debug host may also be helpful.

Once you have built a kernel using your debug host, you must then copy it to your target computer and reboot the target computer. At this point, if you are doing panic-only debugging, you should trigger the panic. Otherwise, you should tell your target computer to drop into the debugger by issuing an NMI (or by merely booting, in the case of debug=0x1).

Next, unless your kernel supports ARP while debugging (and unless you enabled it with the appropriate debug flag), you need to add a permanent ARP entry for the target. It will be unable to answer ARP requests while waiting for the debugger. This ensures that your connection won’t suddenly disappear. The following example assumes that your target is with an IP number of

$ ping -c 1 target_host_name
ping results: ....
$ arp -an ( 00:a0:13:12:65:31
$ sudo arp -s 00:a0:13:12:65:31
$ arp -an ( at00:a0:13:12:65:31 permanent

Now, you can begin debugging by doing the following:

gdb /path/to/mach_kernel
source /path/to/xnu/osfmk/.gdbinit
p proc0
source /path/to/xnu/osfmk/.gdbinit
target remote-kdp

Note that the mach kernel passed as an argument to gdb should be the symbol–laden kernel file located in BUILD/obj/DEBUG_PPC/mach_kernel.sys (for debug kernel builds, RELEASE_PPC for non-debug builds), not the bootable kernel that you copied onto the debug target. Otherwise most of the gdb macros will fail. The correct kernel should be several times as large as a normal kernel.

You must do the p proc0 command and source the .gdbinit file (from the appropriate kernel sources) twice to work around a bug in gdb. Of course, if you do not need any of the macros in .gdbinit, you can skip those two instructions. The macros are mostly of interest to people debugging aspects of Mach, though they also provide ways of obtaining information about currently loaded KEXTs.


Warning:  It may not be possible to detach in a way that the target computer’s kernel continues to run. If you detach, the target hangs until you reattach. It is not always possible to reattach, though the situation is improving in this area. Do not detach from the remote kernel!

If you are debugging a kernel module, you need to do some additional work to get debugging symbol information about the module. First, you need to know the load address for the module. You can get this information by running kextstat (kmodstat on systems running Mac OS X 10.1 or earlier) as root on the target.

If you are already in the debugger, then assuming the target did not panic, you should be able to use the continue function in gdb to revive the target, get this information, then trigger another NMI to drop back into the debugger.

If the target is no longer functional, and if you have a fully symbol–laden kernel file on your debug host that matches the kernel on your debug target, you can use the showallkmods macro to obtain this information. Obtaining a fully symbol–laden kernel generally requires compiling the kernel yourself.

Once you have the load address of the module in question, you need to create a symbol file for the module. You do this in different ways on different versions of Mac OS X.

For versions 10.1 and earlier, you use the kmodsyms program to create a symbol file for the module. If your KEXT is called mykext and it is loaded at address 0xf7a4000, for example, you change directories to mykext.kext/Contents/MacOS and type:

kmodsyms -k path/to/mach_kernel -o mykext.sym mykext@0xf7a4000

Be sure to specify the correct path for the mach kernel that is running on your target (assuming it is not the same as the kernel running on your debug host).

For versions after 10.1, you have two options. If your KEXT does not crash the computer when it loads, you can ask kextload to generate the symbols at load time by passing it the following options:

kextload -s symboldir mykext.kext

It will then write the symbols for your kernel extension and its dependencies into files within the directory you specified. Of course, this only works if your target doesn’t crash at or shortly after load time.

Alternately, if you are debugging an existing panic, or if your KEXT can’t be loaded without causing a panic, you can generate the debugging symbols on your debug host. You do this by typing:

kextload -n -s symboldir mykext.kext

If will then prompt you for the load address of the kernel extension and the addresses of all its dependencies. As mentioned previously, you can find the addresses with kextstat (or kmodstat) or by typing showallkmods inside gdb.

You should now have a file or files containing symbolic information that gdb can use to determine address–to–name mappings within the KEXT. To add the symbols from that KEXT, within gdb on your debug host, type the command

add-symbol-file mykext.sym

for each symbol file. You should now be able to see a human-readable representation of the addresses of functions, variables, and so on.

Special gdb I/O Addressing Issues

As described in “Address Spaces”, some Macintosh hardware has a third addressing mode called I/O addressing which differs from both physical and virtual addressing modes. Most developers will not need to know about these modes in any detail.

Where some developers may run into problems is debugging PCI device drivers and attempting to access device memory/registers.

To allow I/O-mapped memory dumping, do the following:

set kdp_read_io=1

To dump in physical mode, do the following:

set kdp_trans_off=1

For example:

(gdb) x/x 0xf8022034
0xf8022034: Cannot access memory at address 0xf8022034
(gdb) set kdp_trans_off=1
(gdb) x/x 0xf8022034
0xf8022034: Cannot access memory at address 0xf8022034
(gdb) set kdp_read_io=1
(gdb) x/x 0xf8022034
0xf8022034: 0x00000020

If you experience problems accessing I/O addresses that are not corrected by this procedure, please contact Apple Developer Technical Support for additional assistance.

Using ddb for Kernel Debugging

When doing typical debugging, gdb is probably the best solution. However, there are times when gdb cannot be used or where gdb can easily run into problems. Some of these include

When gdb is not practical (or if you’re curious), there is a second debug mechanism that can be compiled into Mac OS X. This mechanism is called ddb, and is similar to the kdb debugger in most BSD UNIX systems. It is not quite as easy to use as gdb, mainly because of the hardware needed to use it.

Unlike gdb (which uses Ethernet for communication with a kernel stub), ddb is built into the kernel itself, and interacts directly with the user over a serial line. Also unlike gdb, using ddb requires building a custom kernel using the DEBUG configuration. For more information on building this kernel, see “Building Your First Kernel”.

Note: ddb requires an actual built-in hardware serial line on the debug target. Neither PCI nor USB serial adapters will work. In order to work reliably for interrupt-level debugging, ddb controls the serial ports directly with a polled-mode driver without the use of the I/O Kit.

If your debug target does not have a factory serial port, third-party adapter boards may be available that replace your internal modem with a serial port. Since these devices use the built-in serial controller, they should work for ddb. It is not necessary to install Mac OS X drivers for these devices if you are using them only to support ddb debugging.

The use of these serial port adapter cards is not an officially supported configuration, and not all computers support the third-party adapter boards needed for ddb support. Consult the appropriate adapter board vendor for compatibility information.

If your target computer has two serial ports, ddb uses the modem port (SCC port 0). However, if your target has only one serial port, that port is probably attached to port 1 of the SCC cell, which means that you have to change the default port if you want to use ddb. To use this port (SCC port 1), change the line:

const int console_unit=0;

in osfmk/ppc/serial_console.c to read:

const int console_unit=1;

and recompile the kernel.

Once you have a kernel with ddb support, it is relatively easy to use. First, you need to set up a terminal emulator program on your debug host. If your debug host is running Mac OS 9, you might use ZTerm, for example. For Mac OS X computers, or for computers running Linux or UNIX, minicom provides a good environment. Setting up these programs is beyond the scope of this document.

Important:  Serial port settings for communicating with ddb must be 57600 8N1. Hardware handshaking may be on, but is not necessary.

Note: For targets whose Open Firmware uses the serial ports, remember that the baud rate for communicating with Open Firmware is 38400 and that hardware handshaking must be off.

Once you boot a kernel with ddb support, a panic will allow you to drop into the debugger, as will a call to PE_enter_debugger. If the DB_KDB flag is not set, you will have to press the D key on the keyboard to use ddb. Alternately, if both DB_KDB and DB_NMI are set, you should be able to drop into ddb by generating a nonmaskable interrupt (NMI). See “Setting Debug Flags in Open Firmware” for more information on debug flags.

To generate a nonmaskable interrupt, hold down the command, option, control, and shift keys and hit escape (Mac OS X 10.4 and newer), hold down the command key while pressing the power key on your keyboard (on hardware with a power key), or press the interrupt button on your target computer. At this point, the system should hang, and you should see ddb output on the serial terminal. If you do not, check your configuration and verify that you have specified the correct serial port on both computers.

Commands and Syntax of ddb

The ddb debugger is much more gdb-like than previous versions, but it still has a syntax that is very much its own (shared only with other ddb and kdb debuggers). Because ddb is substantially different from what most developers are used to using, this section outlines the basic commands and syntax.

The commands in ddb are generally in this form:

command[/switch] address[,count]

The switches can be one of those shown in Table 19-2.

Table 19-2  Switch options in ddb




Print the location with line number if possible


Display as instruction with possible alternate machine-dependent format


Print the location being displayed


Display or process by bytes


Display low 8 bits as a character (nonprinting characters as octal) or count instructions while executing (depends on instruction)


Display as signed decimal


Display or process by half word (16 bits)


Display as an instruction


Display or process by long word (32 bits)


Display as unsigned hex with character dump for each line


Display in unsigned octal


Print cumulative instruction count and call tree depth at each call or return statement


Display in current radix, signed


Display the null-terminated string at address (nonprinting as octal).


Display in unsigned decimal or set breakpoint at a user space address (depending on command).


Display in unsigned hex


Display in signed hex

The ddb debugger has a rich command set that has grown over its lifetime. Its command set is similar to that of ddb and kdb on other BSD systems, and their manual pages provide a fairly good reference for the various commands. The command set for ddb includes the following commands:

break[/u] addr

Set a breakpoint at the address specified by addr. Execution will stop when the breakpoint is reached. The /u switch means to set a breakpoint in user space.

c or continue[/c]

Continue execution after reaching a breakpoint. The /c switch means to count instructions while executing.


Call a function.


Set condition breakpoints. This command is not supported on PowerPC.

cpu cpunum

Causes ddb to switch to run on a different CPU.

d or delete [addr|#]

Delete a breakpoint. This takes a single argument that can be either an address or a breakpoint number.


Equivalent to running kextstat while the target computer is running. This lists loaded KEXTs, their load addresses, and various related information.

dl vaddr

Dumps a range of memory starting from the address given. The parameter vaddr is a kernel virtual address. If vaddr is not specified, the last accessed address is used. See also dr, dv.


Displays mapping information for the last address accessed.

dmacro name

Delete the macro called name. See macro.


Displays the currently active page table.

dr addr

Dumps a range of memory starting from the address given. The parameter address is a physical address. If addr is not specified, the last accessed address is used. See also dl, dv.


Dumps save areas of all Mach tasks.

dv [addr [vsid]]

Dumps a range of memory starting from the address given. The parameter addr is a virtual address in the address space indicated by vsid. If addr is not specified, the last accessed address is used. Similarly, if vsid is not specified, the last vsid is used. See also dl, dr.

dwatch addr

Delete a watchpoint. See watch.


Displays CPU registers.


See print.


Switches to gdb mode, allowing gdb to attach to the computer.


On PowerPC only: Dumps the PowerPC exception trace table.

macro name command [ ; command .. ]

Create a macro called name that executes the listed commands. You can show a macro with the command show macro name or delete it with dmacro name.


Stop at the matching return instruction. If the /p switch is not specified, summary information is printed only at the final return.

print[/AIabcdhilmorsuxz] addr1 [addr2 ...]

Print the values at the addresses given in the format specified by the switch. If no switch is given, the last used switch is assumed. Synonymous with examine and x. Note that some of the listed switches may work for examine and not for print.


Reboots the computer. Immediately. Without doing any file-system unmounts or other cleanup. Do not do this except after a panic.

s or step

Single step through instructions.

search[/bhl] addr value [mask[,count]]

Search memory for value starting at addr. If the value is not found, this command can wreak havoc. This command may take other formatting values in addition to those listed.

set $name [=] expr

Sets the value of the variable or register named by name to the value indicated by expr.


Display system data. For a list of information that can be shown, type the show command by itself. Some additional options are available for certain options, particularly show all. For those suboptions, type show all by itself.


Prints a stack backtrace. If the /u flag is specified, the stack trace extends to user space if supported by architecture-dependent code.


Stop at the next call or return.

w or write[/bhl] addr expr1 [expr2 ... ]

Writes the value of expr1 to the memory location stored at addr in increments of a byte, half word, or long word. If additional expressions are specified, they are written to consecutive bytes, half words, or long words.

watch addr[,size]

Sets a watchpoint on a particular address. Execution stops when the value stored at that address is modified. Watch points are not supported on PowerPC.


Warning:  Watching addresses in wired kernel memory may cause unrecoverable errors on i386.


Short for examine. See print.


Examine backward. Execute the last examine command, but use the address previous to the last one used (jumping backward by increments of the last width displayed).


Examine forward. Execute the last examine command, but use the address following the last one used (jumping by increments of the last width displayed).

The ddb debugger should seem relatively familiar to users of gdb, and its syntax was changed radically from its predecessor, kdb, to be more gdb-like. However, it is still sufficiently different that you should take some time to familiarize yourself with its use before attempting to debug something with it. It is far easier to use ddb on a system whose memory hasn’t been scribbled upon by an errant DMA request, for example.

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Last updated: 2006-11-07

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