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Debian Quick Reference
Appendix A - Appendix

A.1 Authors

Debian Quick Reference was initiated by Osamu Aoki osamu#at#debian.org as a personal installation memo that was eventually called "Quick Reference ...". Many contents came from the archives of the "debian-user" mailing list. Also "Debian Installation Manual" and "Debian Release Notes" were referenced.

Following a suggestion from Josip Rodin, who is very active with the Debian Documentation Project (DDP) and is the current maintainer of "The Debian FAQ", this document was renamed as "Debian Reference" and was merged with several chapters from the "The Debian FAQ" with reference-like contents. Then "Debian Quick Reference" was formed as an excerpt.

This document has been edited, translated, and expanded by the following QREF team members:

A.2 Warranties

Since I am not an expert, I do not pretend to be fully knowledgeable about Debian or Linux in general. Security considerations I use may only be applicable for home use.

This document does not replace any authoritative guides.

All warranties are disclaimed. All trademarks are property of their respective trademark owners.

A.3 Feedback

Comments and additions to this document are always welcome. Please send email to the Debian BTS system under the debian-reference package or under the respective translation packages. Use of reportbug makes it easy to file a thorough bug report. You may still send email to Osamu Aoki at osamu#at#debian.org in English or to each translator in their respective language.

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Debian Quick Reference

CVS, Sat Jan 26 10:28:47 UTC 2008

Osamu Aoki osamu#at#debian.org
Authors, Section A.1