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CosNotification Namespace Reference

Define basic data structures used by the Notification Service. More...


struct  CosNotification::_EventType
 Define event type names. More...

interface  CosNotification::AdminPropertiesAdmin
 Define the interface to manipulate the Admin properties of a Notification Service components. More...

struct  CosNotification::EventHeader
 Complete event header. More...

struct  CosNotification::FixedEventHeader
 Define the 'fixed' part of the event header. More...

struct  CosNotification::NamedPropertyRange
 A named property range. More...

struct  CosNotification::Property
 Define a name/value pair. More...

struct  CosNotification::PropertyError
 Describe the problems detected with an application requested QoS. More...

struct  CosNotification::PropertyRange
 A structure to define property ranges. More...

interface  CosNotification::QoSAdmin
 Interface used to control the QoS properties of an Event Service components (Channel, Proxy, etc.). More...

struct  CosNotification::StructuredEvent
 Define structured events. More...

exception  CosNotification::UnsupportedAdmin
 Exception used to describe problems with one or more Admin properties. More...

exception  CosNotification::UnsupportedQoS
 Exception used to describe problems with one or more QoS requests. More...

Different kinds of property sequences

The following are all sequences of Property, but serve different purposes.

typedef PropertySeq OptionalHeaderFields
 Property sequence used for optional header fields. More...

typedef PropertySeq FilterableEventBody
 Property sequence used for the event body that can be used in filtering. More...

typedef PropertySeq QoSProperties
 Specify quality of service properties. More...

typedef PropertySeq AdminProperties
 Specify administrative properties. More...

Constants for QoS Properties

The following constant declarations define the standard QoS property names and the associated values each property can take on.

The name/value pairs for each standard property are grouped, beginning with a string constant defined for the property name, followed by the values the property can take on.

const string EventReliability = "EventReliability"
const short BestEffort = 0
const short Persistent = 1
const string ConnectionReliability = "ConnectionReliability"
 Can take on the same values as EventReliability. More...

const string Priority = "Priority"
const short LowestPriority = -32767
const short HighestPriority = 32767
const short DefaultPriority = 0
const string StartTime = "StartTime"
 StartTime takes a value of type TimeBase::UtcT. More...

const string StopTime = "StopTime"
 StopTime takes a value of type TimeBase::UtcT. More...

const string Timeout = "Timeout"
 Timeout takes on a value of type TimeBase::TimeT. More...

const string OrderPolicy = "OrderPolicy"
const short AnyOrder = 0
const short FifoOrder = 1
const short PriorityOrder = 2
const short DeadlineOrder = 3
const string DiscardPolicy = "DiscardPolicy"
 DiscardPolicy takes on the same values as OrderPolicy, plus. More...

const short LifoOrder = 4
const string MaximumBatchSize = "MaximumBatchSize"
 MaximumBatchSize takes on a value of type long. More...

const string PacingInterval = "PacingInterval"
 PacingInterval takes on a value of type TimeBase::TimeT. More...

const string StartTimeSupported = "StartTimeSupported"
 StartTimeSupported takes on a boolean value. More...

const string StopTimeSupported = "StopTimeSupported"
 StopTimeSupported takes on a boolean value. More...

const string MaxEventsPerConsumer = "MaxEventsPerConsumer"
 MaxEventsPerConsumer takes on a value of type long. More...

Constants for Admin Properties

Admin properties are defined in similar manner as QoS properties.

The only difference is that these properties are related to channel administration policies, as opposed message quality of service

const string MaxQueueLength = "MaxQueueLength"
 MaxQueueLength takes on a value of type long. More...

const string MaxConsumers = "MaxConsumers"
 MaxConsumers takes on a value of type long. More...

const string MaxSuppliers = "MaxSuppliers"
 MaxSuppliers takes on a value of type long. More...

const string RejectNewEvents = "RejectNewEvents"
 RejectNewEvents takes on a value of type Boolean. More...


typedef string Istring
 Dummy typedef for strings, if the intent was to support I18N strings the spec should have used wstring. More...

typedef Istring PropertyName
 Properties are named using a string. More...

typedef any PropertyValue
 Property values are stored using anys. More...

typedef sequence< PropertyPropertySeq
 Define a sequence of properties. More...

typedef sequence< _EventTypeEventTypeSeq
 A sequence of event types. More...

typedef sequence< NamedPropertyRangeNamedPropertyRangeSeq
 A sequence of named property ranges. More...

typedef sequence< PropertyErrorPropertyErrorSeq
 List of property errors. More...

typedef sequence< StructuredEventEventBatch
 Sequence of events, for batch processing. More...


enum  QoSError_code {
 Describe QoS errors. More...

Detailed Description

Define basic data structures used by the Notification Service.

Typedef Documentation

typedef PropertySeq CosNotification::AdminProperties

Specify administrative properties.

typedef sequence<StructuredEvent> CosNotification::EventBatch

Sequence of events, for batch processing.

typedef sequence<_EventType> CosNotification::EventTypeSeq

A sequence of event types.

typedef PropertySeq CosNotification::FilterableEventBody

Property sequence used for the event body that can be used in filtering.

typedef string CosNotification::Istring

Dummy typedef for strings, if the intent was to support I18N strings the spec should have used wstring.

typedef sequence<NamedPropertyRange> CosNotification::NamedPropertyRangeSeq

A sequence of named property ranges.

typedef PropertySeq CosNotification::OptionalHeaderFields

Property sequence used for optional header fields.

typedef sequence<PropertyError> CosNotification::PropertyErrorSeq

List of property errors.

typedef Istring CosNotification::PropertyName

Properties are named using a string.

typedef sequence<Property> CosNotification::PropertySeq

Define a sequence of properties.

typedef any CosNotification::PropertyValue

Property values are stored using anys.

typedef PropertySeq CosNotification::QoSProperties

Specify quality of service properties.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum CosNotification::QoSError_code

Describe QoS errors.

Enumeration values:
UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY  The application has requested an unsupported QoS property.
UNAVAILABLE_PROPERTY  The application has requested a QoS property that, though supported, cannot be set in the requested scope.
UNSUPPORTED_VALUE  The application has requested a QoS property with an unsupported value.
UNAVAILABLE_VALUE  The application has requested a QoS property with a supported value, but unavailable at the requeste scope.
BAD_PROPERTY  The property name is unknown or not recognized.
BAD_TYPE  The value type for the requested property is invalid.
BAD_VALUE  The value for the requested property is illegal.

Variable Documentation

const short CosNotification::AnyOrder = 0

const short CosNotification::BestEffort = 0

const string CosNotification::ConnectionReliability = "ConnectionReliability"

Can take on the same values as EventReliability.

const short CosNotification::DeadlineOrder = 3

const short CosNotification::DefaultPriority = 0

const string CosNotification::DiscardPolicy = "DiscardPolicy"

DiscardPolicy takes on the same values as OrderPolicy, plus.

const string CosNotification::EventReliability = "EventReliability"

const short CosNotification::FifoOrder = 1

const short CosNotification::HighestPriority = 32767

const short CosNotification::LifoOrder = 4

const short CosNotification::LowestPriority = -32767

const string CosNotification::MaxConsumers = "MaxConsumers"

MaxConsumers takes on a value of type long.

const string CosNotification::MaxEventsPerConsumer = "MaxEventsPerConsumer"

MaxEventsPerConsumer takes on a value of type long.

const string CosNotification::MaximumBatchSize = "MaximumBatchSize"

MaximumBatchSize takes on a value of type long.

const string CosNotification::MaxQueueLength = "MaxQueueLength"

MaxQueueLength takes on a value of type long.

const string CosNotification::MaxSuppliers = "MaxSuppliers"

MaxSuppliers takes on a value of type long.

const string CosNotification::OrderPolicy = "OrderPolicy"

const string CosNotification::PacingInterval = "PacingInterval"

PacingInterval takes on a value of type TimeBase::TimeT.

const short CosNotification::Persistent = 1

const string CosNotification::Priority = "Priority"

const short CosNotification::PriorityOrder = 2

const string CosNotification::RejectNewEvents = "RejectNewEvents"

RejectNewEvents takes on a value of type Boolean.

const string CosNotification::StartTime = "StartTime"

StartTime takes a value of type TimeBase::UtcT.

const string CosNotification::StartTimeSupported = "StartTimeSupported"

StartTimeSupported takes on a boolean value.

const string CosNotification::StopTime = "StopTime"

StopTime takes a value of type TimeBase::UtcT.

const string CosNotification::StopTimeSupported = "StopTimeSupported"

StopTimeSupported takes on a boolean value.

const string CosNotification::Timeout = "Timeout"

Timeout takes on a value of type TimeBase::TimeT.

Generated on Thu Oct 10 21:30:51 2002 for TAO_CosNotification by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001