ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T > Class Template Reference

Implement an iterator over an unbounded List. More...

#include <Naming_Service_Container.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator (ACE_Unbounded_List< T > &s, int end=0)
int next (T *&next_item)
int advance (void)
int first (void)
int done (void) const
 Returns 1 when all items have been seen, else 0.
void dump (void) const
 Dump the state of an object.
T > 
operator++ (int)
 Postfix advance.
T > & 
operator++ (void)
 Prefix advance.
T & operator * (void)
 Returns a reference to the interal element <this> is pointing to.
bool operator== (const ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T > &) const
 Check if two iterators point to the same position.
bool operator!= (const ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T > &) const

Public Attributes

 Declare the dynamic allocation hooks.

Private Attributes

ACE_NS_Node< T > * current_
 Pointer to the current node in the iteration.
ACE_Unbounded_List< T > * set_
 Pointer to the set we're iterating over.

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >

Implement an iterator over an unbounded List.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T>
ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator ( ACE_Unbounded_List< T > &  s,
int  end = 0 

Member Function Documentation

template<class T>
int ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::advance ( void   ) 

Move forward by one element in the List. Returns 0 when all the items in the List have been seen, else 1.

template<class T>
int ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::done ( void   )  const

Returns 1 when all items have been seen, else 0.

template<class T>
void ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::dump ( void   )  const

Dump the state of an object.

template<class T>
int ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::first ( void   ) 

Move to the first element in the List. Returns 0 if the List is empty, else 1.

template<class T>
int ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::next ( T *&  next_item  ) 

Pass back the <next_item> that hasn't been seen in the List. Returns 0 when all items have been seen, else 1.

template<class T>
T & ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::operator * ( void   ) 

Returns a reference to the interal element <this> is pointing to.

template<class T>
bool ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::operator!= ( const ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T > &   )  const

template<class T>
ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T > & ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::operator++ ( void   ) 

Prefix advance.

template<class T>
ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T > ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::operator++ ( int   ) 

Postfix advance.

template<class T>
bool ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::operator== ( const ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T > &   )  const

Check if two iterators point to the same position.

Member Data Documentation

template<class T>
ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DECLARE

Declare the dynamic allocation hooks.

template<class T>
ACE_NS_Node<T>* ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::current_ [private]

Pointer to the current node in the iteration.

template<class T>
ACE_Unbounded_List<T>* ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >::set_ [private]

Pointer to the set we're iterating over.

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