CORBA::Principal Class Reference

A "Principal" identifies an authenticated entity in the network administration framework. More...

#include <Principal.h>

Collaboration diagram for CORBA::Principal:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef Principal_ptr _ptr_type
typedef Principal_var _var_type

Public Member Functions

unsigned long _incr_refcnt (void)
unsigned long _decr_refcnt (void)
 Principal (void)

Static Public Member Functions

static Principal_duplicate (Principal *)
static Principal_nil (void)

Public Attributes

CORBA::OctetSeq id

Protected Member Functions

 ~Principal (void)

Private Member Functions

Principaloperator= (const CORBA::Principal_ptr &)
 Principal (const CORBA::Principal_ptr &)

Private Attributes

unsigned long > 
 Reference counter.

Detailed Description

A "Principal" identifies an authenticated entity in the network administration framework.

Identities are used to control acccess (authorization) as well as in audit trails (accountability).

This CORBA feature has been deprecated by the OMG. Use the CORBA Security Service instead.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef Principal_ptr CORBA::Principal::_ptr_type

typedef Principal_var CORBA::Principal::_var_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL CORBA::Principal::Principal ( void   ) 

CORBA::Principal::~Principal ( void   )  [protected]


Protected destructor to enforce proper memory management through the reference counting mechanism.

CORBA::Principal::Principal ( const CORBA::Principal_ptr  )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

ACE_INLINE CORBA::Principal * CORBA::Principal::_duplicate ( CORBA::Principal x  )  [static]

ACE_INLINE CORBA::Principal * CORBA::Principal::_nil ( void   )  [static]

ACE_INLINE unsigned long CORBA::Principal::_incr_refcnt ( void   ) 

ACE_INLINE unsigned long CORBA::Principal::_decr_refcnt ( void   ) 

Principal& CORBA::Principal::operator= ( const CORBA::Principal_ptr  )  [private]

Member Data Documentation

CORBA::OctetSeq CORBA::Principal::id

ACE_Atomic_Op<TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX, unsigned long> CORBA::Principal::refcount_ [private]

Reference counter.

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