CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory Interface Reference

Defines the interface used to build event channels. More...

import "CosNotifyChannelAdmin.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

EventChannel create_channel (in CosNotification::QoSProperties initial_qos, in CosNotification::AdminProperties initial_admin, out ChannelID id) raises (CosNotification::UnsupportedQoS, CosNotification::UnsupportedAdmin )
 Create a new event channel.
ChannelIDSeq get_all_channels ()
 Get the complete list of event channels in this factory.
EventChannel get_event_channel (in ChannelID id) raises (ChannelNotFound)
 Get an event channel given its ID.

Detailed Description

Defines the interface used to build event channels.

Member Function Documentation

EventChannel CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory::create_channel ( in CosNotification::QoSProperties  initial_qos,
in CosNotification::AdminProperties  initial_admin,
out ChannelID  id 
) raises (CosNotification::UnsupportedQoS, CosNotification::UnsupportedAdmin )

Create a new event channel.

initial_qos Configure the initial QoS properties of the new EventChannel
initial_admin Configure the initial Admin properties of the new EventChannel
id Returns the ID assigned to the new EventChannel
The new event channel
CosNotification::UnsupportedQoS if the requested QoS properties cannot be satisfied or are invalid
CosNotification::UnsupportedAdmin if the requested admin properties cannot be satisfied or are invalid

ChannelIDSeq CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory::get_all_channels (  ) 

Get the complete list of event channels in this factory.

EventChannel CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory::get_event_channel ( in ChannelID  id  )  raises (ChannelNotFound)

Get an event channel given its ID.

id The ID of the event channel the application wants
The event channel
ChannelNotFound if the give ID is unknown on this factory

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
Generated on Wed Sep 19 05:06:48 2007 for TAO_CosNotification by  doxygen 1.5.3