TAO_Policy_Creator Class Reference

This class is a utility for clients using the CosTrading::Lookup interface that helps them build a policy sequence without violating syntax rules and having to mess with typecodes. More...

#include <Trader_Utils.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TAO_Policy_Creator (int num_policies=0)
void search_card (CORBA::ULong scard)
 Set the maximum number of offers searched for the query.
void match_card (CORBA::ULong mcard)
 Set the maximum number of offers searched for the query.
void return_card (CORBA::ULong rcard)
 Set the maximum number of offers rerturned for the query.
void use_modifiable_properties (CORBA::Boolean mod_props)
 Consider offers with modifiable properties.
void use_dynamic_properties (CORBA::Boolean dyn_props)
 Consider offers with dynamic properties.
void use_proxy_offers (CORBA::Boolean prox_offs)
 Consider proxy offers (NOT SUPPORTED).
void starting_trader (const CosTrading::TraderName &name)
 Designate a trader at which to begin the query.
void starting_trader (CosTrading::TraderName *name)
void link_follow_rule (CosTrading::FollowOption follow_option)
 Specify under what conditions a federated query is appropriate.
void hop_count (CORBA::ULong hop_count)
 Limit the breadth of a federated query.
void request_id (const CosTrading::Admin::OctetSeq &request_id)
 Set the identifier for this query (clients shouldn't use this).
void exact_type_match (CORBA::Boolean exact_type)
 Search only the designated type --- not it's subtypes.
 operator const CosTrading::PolicySeq & (void) const
 Return the constructed policy sequence.
policy_seq (void) const

Private Member Functions

 TAO_Policy_Creator (const TAO_Policy_Creator &)
TAO_Policy_Creatoroperator= (const TAO_Policy_Creator &)
CosTrading::Policyfetch_next_policy (TAO_Policies::POLICY_TYPE pol_type)

Private Attributes

int poltable_ [TAO_Policies::REQUEST_ID+1]
 Table mapping policy enum value to the index in the policies sequence.
CosTrading::PolicySeq policies_
 The sequence being prepared for submittal to the query method.
CORBA::ULong num_policies_
 The number of policies so far in the sequence.

Detailed Description

This class is a utility for clients using the CosTrading::Lookup interface that helps them build a policy sequence without violating syntax rules and having to mess with typecodes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TAO_Policy_Creator::TAO_Policy_Creator ( int  num_policies = 0  ) 

TAO_Policy_Creator::TAO_Policy_Creator ( const TAO_Policy_Creator  )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

void TAO_Policy_Creator::search_card ( CORBA::ULong  scard  ) 

Set the maximum number of offers searched for the query.

void TAO_Policy_Creator::match_card ( CORBA::ULong  mcard  ) 

Set the maximum number of offers searched for the query.

void TAO_Policy_Creator::return_card ( CORBA::ULong  rcard  ) 

Set the maximum number of offers rerturned for the query.

void TAO_Policy_Creator::use_modifiable_properties ( CORBA::Boolean  mod_props  ) 

Consider offers with modifiable properties.

void TAO_Policy_Creator::use_dynamic_properties ( CORBA::Boolean  dyn_props  ) 

Consider offers with dynamic properties.

void TAO_Policy_Creator::use_proxy_offers ( CORBA::Boolean  prox_offs  ) 

Consider proxy offers (NOT SUPPORTED).

void TAO_Policy_Creator::starting_trader ( const CosTrading::TraderName name  ) 

Designate a trader at which to begin the query.

void TAO_Policy_Creator::starting_trader ( CosTrading::TraderName name  ) 

void TAO_Policy_Creator::link_follow_rule ( CosTrading::FollowOption  follow_option  ) 

Specify under what conditions a federated query is appropriate.

void TAO_Policy_Creator::hop_count ( CORBA::ULong  hop_count  ) 

Limit the breadth of a federated query.

void TAO_Policy_Creator::request_id ( const CosTrading::Admin::OctetSeq request_id  ) 

Set the identifier for this query (clients shouldn't use this).

void TAO_Policy_Creator::exact_type_match ( CORBA::Boolean  exact_type  ) 

Search only the designated type --- not it's subtypes.

TAO_Policy_Creator::operator const CosTrading::PolicySeq & ( void   )  const

Return the constructed policy sequence.

const CosTrading::PolicySeq & TAO_Policy_Creator::policy_seq ( void   )  const

Return a PolicySeq suitable for passing to the query method of the Lookup interface.

TAO_Policy_Creator& TAO_Policy_Creator::operator= ( const TAO_Policy_Creator  )  [private]

CosTrading::Policy & TAO_Policy_Creator::fetch_next_policy ( TAO_Policies::POLICY_TYPE  pol_type  )  [private]

Method to prepare the next slot in the policies_ sequence for policy insertion.

Member Data Documentation

int TAO_Policy_Creator::poltable_[TAO_Policies::REQUEST_ID+1] [private]

Table mapping policy enum value to the index in the policies sequence.

CosTrading::PolicySeq TAO_Policy_Creator::policies_ [private]

The sequence being prepared for submittal to the query method.

CORBA::ULong TAO_Policy_Creator::num_policies_ [private]

The number of policies so far in the sequence.

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Generated on Wed Sep 19 05:14:50 2007 for TAO_CosTrader by  doxygen 1.5.3