TAO::Invocation_Adapter Class Reference

Generic interface for the invocation object visible to the IDL compiler. More...

#include <Invocation_Adapter.h>

Collaboration diagram for TAO::Invocation_Adapter:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Invocation_Adapter (CORBA::Object_ptr target, Argument **args, int arg_number, const char *operation, size_t op_len, Collocation_Proxy_Broker *cpb, TAO::Invocation_Type type=TAO_TWOWAY_INVOCATION, TAO::Invocation_Mode mode=TAO_SYNCHRONOUS_INVOCATION)
virtual ~Invocation_Adapter (void)
virtual void invoke (TAO::Exception_Data *ex, unsigned long ex_count)
 Invoke the target, and used by the generated code.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void invoke_i (TAO_Stub *stub, TAO_Operation_Details &details)
bool get_timeout (TAO_Stub *stub, ACE_Time_Value &val)
TAO_Stubget_stub (void) const
 Helper method that extracts TAO_Stub from the target object.
void object_forwarded (CORBA::Object_var &effective_target, TAO_Stub *stub, CORBA::Boolean permanent_forward)
void set_response_flags (TAO_Stub *stub, TAO_Operation_Details &details)
 Helper method to set the response flags within details.
Helper methods for making different types of invocations.
These methods useful for various types of invocations like SII, AMI, DII and DSI. All the subclasses implement these methods to get the right behaviour at their level.

virtual Invocation_Status invoke_remote_i (TAO_Stub *stub, TAO_Operation_Details &details, CORBA::Object_var &effective_target, ACE_Time_Value *&max_wait_time)
virtual Invocation_Status invoke_collocated_i (TAO_Stub *stub, TAO_Operation_Details &details, CORBA::Object_var &effective_target, Collocation_Strategy strat)
 Make a collocated call.
virtual Invocation_Status invoke_twoway (TAO_Operation_Details &details, CORBA::Object_var &effective_target, Profile_Transport_Resolver &r, ACE_Time_Value *&max_wait_time)
 Helper method to make a two way invocation.
virtual Invocation_Status invoke_oneway (TAO_Operation_Details &details, CORBA::Object_var &effective_target, Profile_Transport_Resolver &r, ACE_Time_Value *&max_wait_time)
 Helper method to make a one way invocation.

Protected Attributes

CORBA::Object_ptr target_
 The target object on which this invocation is carried out.
Argument **const args_
 Array of arguments for this operation.
int const number_args_
 Number of arguments for this operation.
char const * operation_
 Name of the operation.
size_t const op_len_
 String length of the operation name.
Collocation_Proxy_Broker *const cpb_
 Collocation proxy broker for this operation.
Invocation_Type const type_
 The invocation type.
Invocation_Mode const mode_
 The invocation mode.

Private Member Functions

 Invocation_Adapter (void)
 Dont allow default initializations.
 Invocation_Adapter (Invocation_Adapter const &)
Invocation_Adapteroperator= (const Invocation_Adapter &)

Detailed Description

Generic interface for the invocation object visible to the IDL compiler.

The main objective of this class is to adapt the type and invocation specific information declared in the IDL by the application and convert them as CORBA invocations to the target object. Implementation of this class knows how to make invocations on a collocated or a remote object.

This adapter class serves as the base class for various types of invocations like AMI, DII, DSI etc. Adapter classes for AMI, DII, DSI inherit from this class and their local behavioural information before kicking off an invocation.

@ More info.. Wafer thin inclusions All stuff created on stack Only handles starts and restarts

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TAO::Invocation_Adapter::Invocation_Adapter ( CORBA::Object_ptr  target,
Argument **  args,
int  arg_number,
const char *  operation,
size_t  op_len,
Collocation_Proxy_Broker cpb,
TAO::Invocation_Type  type = TAO_TWOWAY_INVOCATION,

The only constructor used by the IDL compiler, and only way to create this adapter.

target Points to the object on which this invocation is being invoked.
args Array of pointers to the argument list in the operation declaration. This includes the return, inout and out arguments.
arg_number Number of arguments in the above array. This is the number of elements in the above array.
operation The name of the operation being invoked.
op_len Number of charecters in the operation name. This is an optimization which helps us to avoid calling strlen () while creating a message format.
cpb The collocation proxy broker for the target if one exists. This is useful especially to route the call to the collocated target.
type The operation type which could be a oneway or two way operation. This information is available in the IDL file.
mode Invocation mode. This information is also available in the IDL file and in the generated code.

TAO::Invocation_Adapter::~Invocation_Adapter ( void   )  [virtual]

TAO::Invocation_Adapter::Invocation_Adapter ( void   )  [private]

Dont allow default initializations.

TAO::Invocation_Adapter::Invocation_Adapter ( Invocation_Adapter const &   )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

void TAO::Invocation_Adapter::invoke ( TAO::Exception_Data *  ex,
unsigned long  ex_count 
) [virtual]

Invoke the target, and used by the generated code.

The implementation decides whether the target is remote or collocated and takes the right decision.

ex Array of exception data declared by the application in their IDL.
ex_count Number of elements in the array.

void TAO::Invocation_Adapter::invoke_i ( TAO_Stub stub,
TAO_Operation_Details details 
) [protected, virtual]

The stub pointer passed to this call has all the details about the object to which the invocation needs to be routed to. The implementation of this method looks if we are collocated or not and takes care of reinvoking the target if it receives forwarding information or if the first invocation fails for some reason, like a loss of connection during send () etc.

Invocation_Status TAO::Invocation_Adapter::invoke_remote_i ( TAO_Stub stub,
TAO_Operation_Details details,
CORBA::Object_var effective_target,
ACE_Time_Value *&  max_wait_time 
) [protected, virtual]

Helper method that prepares the necessary stuff for a remote invocation.

Invocation_Status TAO::Invocation_Adapter::invoke_collocated_i ( TAO_Stub stub,
TAO_Operation_Details details,
CORBA::Object_var effective_target,
Collocation_Strategy  strat 
) [protected, virtual]

Make a collocated call.

This method creates an object that takes care of making collocated invocations and calls invoke () on it. If the invoke () returns with a location forwarded reply we return a restart

stub The stub object on which the invocation is made.
details The operations details of the operation that is being invoked.

Invocation_Status TAO::Invocation_Adapter::invoke_twoway ( TAO_Operation_Details details,
CORBA::Object_var effective_target,
Profile_Transport_Resolver r,
ACE_Time_Value *&  max_wait_time 
) [protected, virtual]

Helper method to make a two way invocation.

This method creates a synchronous twoway invocation object to which the actual task of request handling is delegated. Once the invocation returns this method checks whether the request is forwarded to a new location.

Invocation_Status TAO::Invocation_Adapter::invoke_oneway ( TAO_Operation_Details details,
CORBA::Object_var effective_target,
Profile_Transport_Resolver r,
ACE_Time_Value *&  max_wait_time 
) [protected, virtual]

Helper method to make a one way invocation.

This method creates a synchronous oneway invocation object to which the actual task of request handling is delegated. Once the invocation returns this method checks whether the request is forwarded to a new location to take appropriate action.

bool TAO::Invocation_Adapter::get_timeout ( TAO_Stub stub,
ACE_Time_Value val 
) [protected]

Helper function that extracts the roundtrip timeout policies set in the ORB.

TAO_Stub * TAO::Invocation_Adapter::get_stub ( void   )  const [protected]

Helper method that extracts TAO_Stub from the target object.

void TAO::Invocation_Adapter::object_forwarded ( CORBA::Object_var effective_target,
TAO_Stub stub,
CORBA::Boolean  permanent_forward 
) [protected]

Helper method that takes care of setting the profiles within the stub object if the target gets forwarded

void TAO::Invocation_Adapter::set_response_flags ( TAO_Stub stub,
TAO_Operation_Details details 
) [protected]

Helper method to set the response flags within details.

Invocation_Adapter& TAO::Invocation_Adapter::operator= ( const Invocation_Adapter  )  [private]

Member Data Documentation

CORBA::Object_ptr TAO::Invocation_Adapter::target_ [protected]

The target object on which this invocation is carried out.

Argument** const TAO::Invocation_Adapter::args_ [protected]

Array of arguments for this operation.

int const TAO::Invocation_Adapter::number_args_ [protected]

Number of arguments for this operation.

This includes the return values too

char const* TAO::Invocation_Adapter::operation_ [protected]

Name of the operation.

size_t const TAO::Invocation_Adapter::op_len_ [protected]

String length of the operation name.

Collocation_Proxy_Broker* const TAO::Invocation_Adapter::cpb_ [protected]

Collocation proxy broker for this operation.

Invocation_Type const TAO::Invocation_Adapter::type_ [protected]

The invocation type.

Invocation_Mode const TAO::Invocation_Adapter::mode_ [protected]

The invocation mode.

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Generated on Fri Dec 14 03:42:29 2007 for TAO by  doxygen 1.5.3-6