CosNotifyChannelAdmin Namespace Reference

Defines the interfaces to connect and manipulate the Notification Service. More...


exception  ConnectionAlreadyActive
 Exception Raised if an attempt is made to resume a connection that has not been suspended. More...
exception  ConnectionAlreadyInactive
 Exception raised if an attempt is made to suspend a connection already suspended. More...
exception  NotConnected
 Exception raised if an attempt is made to suspend or resume a proxy that has not been connected. More...
interface  ProxyConsumer
 Defines the interface shared by all consumer proxies. More...
interface  ProxySupplier
 Defines the interface shared by all supplier proxies. More...
interface  ProxyPushConsumer
 Defines the interface provided for push-style suppliers using the 'any' event format. More...
interface  StructuredProxyPushConsumer
 Defines the interface provided for push-style suppliers using the 'structured' event format. More...
interface  SequenceProxyPushConsumer
 Defines the interface provided for push-style suppliers using the 'batched' event format. More...
interface  ProxyPushSupplier
 Defines the interface provided for push-style consumers using the 'any' event format. More...
interface  StructuredProxyPushSupplier
 Defines the interface provided for push-style consumers using the 'structured' event format. More...
interface  SequenceProxyPushSupplier
 Defines the interface provided for push-style consumers using the 'batched' event format. More...
exception  AdminNotFound
 Exception raised if a lookup for a specific Admin ID fails. More...
exception  ProxyNotFound
 Exception raised if a lookup for a specific Proxy ID fails. More...
struct  AdminLimit
 Helper structure to represent a violation of the limits in a proxy admin. More...
exception  AdminLimitExceeded
 Exception raised if a limit in a proxy admin is breached. More...
interface  ConsumerAdmin
 Interface used to control and obtain the proxies used by consumers. More...
interface  SupplierAdmin
 Interface used to control and obtain the proxies used by suppliers. More...
interface  EventChannel
 Defines the interface to control an use an event channel. More...
exception  ChannelNotFound
 Exception raised if an specific ChannelID is not found. More...
interface  EventChannelFactory
 Defines the interface used to build event channels. More...


typedef long ProxyID
 Each proxy is assigned a unique ID by its proxy admin.
typedef sequence< ProxyIDProxyIDSeq
 Helper type to query or fetch multiple IDs simulatenously.
typedef long AdminID
 Each proxy admin is assigned a unique number by its EventChannel.
typedef sequence< AdminIDAdminIDSeq
 List of Admin IDs.
typedef long ChannelID
 Each event channel is assigned a unique ID by its factory.
typedef sequence< ChannelIDChannelIDSeq
typedef EventChannelFactoryEventChannelFactory_ptr


enum  ProxyType {
 Helper typedef to inspect the types of proxies connected to an EventChannel. More...
 Define the modes to fetch subscriptions and publication lists from the Notification Service. More...
 Helper type used to fetch proxies. More...
enum  InterFilterGroupOperator { AND_OP, OR_OP }
 Define how multiple Filters are considered in a proxy admin. More...

Detailed Description

Defines the interfaces to connect and manipulate the Notification Service.

Typedef Documentation

typedef long CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AdminID

Each proxy admin is assigned a unique number by its EventChannel.

typedef sequence<AdminID> CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AdminIDSeq

List of Admin IDs.

typedef long CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ChannelID

Each event channel is assigned a unique ID by its factory.

typedef sequence<ChannelID> CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ChannelIDSeq

Helper type used to return the complete list of event channel IDs

typedef EventChannelFactory* CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory_ptr

typedef long CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyID

Each proxy is assigned a unique ID by its proxy admin.

typedef sequence<ProxyID> CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyIDSeq

Helper type to query or fetch multiple IDs simulatenously.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ClientType

Helper type used to fetch proxies.

ANY_EVENT  The proxy uses the 'any' event format.
STRUCTURED_EVENT  The proxy uses the 'structured' event format.
SEQUENCE_EVENT  The proxy uses the 'sequence' (or batch) event format.

enum CosNotifyChannelAdmin::InterFilterGroupOperator

Define how multiple Filters are considered in a proxy admin.


enum CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ObtainInfoMode

Define the modes to fetch subscriptions and publication lists from the Notification Service.

ALL_NOW_UPDATES_OFF  Get all the current subscriptions/publications, do not send updates to the peer
ALL_NOW_UPDATES_ON  Get all the current subscriptions/publications, send updates to the peer
NONE_NOW_UPDATES_OFF  Do not get any of the current subscriptions/publications, do not send updates to the peer either
NONE_NOW_UPDATES_ON  Do not get any of the current subscriptions/publications, but send updates to the peer

enum CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyType

Helper typedef to inspect the types of proxies connected to an EventChannel.

PUSH_ANY  A push-style proxy that uses the 'any' format.
PULL_ANY  A pull-style proxy that uses the 'any' format.
PUSH_STRUCTURED  A push-style proxy that uses structured events.
PULL_STRUCTURED  A pull-style proxy that uses structured events.
PUSH_SEQUENCE  A push-style proxy that uses event batches.
PULL_SEQUENCE  A pull-style proxy that uses event batches.
PUSH_TYPED  A typed, push-style proxy.
PULL_TYPED  A typed, pull-style proxy.

Generated on Fri Dec 14 04:16:21 2007 for TAO_CosNotification by  doxygen 1.5.3-6