TAO_Protocol_Item Class Reference

#include <Resource_Factory.h>

Collaboration diagram for TAO_Protocol_Item:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TAO_Protocol_Item (const ACE_CString &name)
 ~TAO_Protocol_Item (void)
const ACE_CStringprotocol_name (void)
TAO_Protocol_Factoryfactory (void)
 Return a pointer to the protocol factory.
void factory (TAO_Protocol_Factory *factory, int owner=0)
 Set the factory pointer's value.

Private Member Functions

 TAO_Protocol_Item (const TAO_Protocol_Item &)
void operator= (const TAO_Protocol_Item &)

Private Attributes

ACE_CString name_
 Protocol factory name.
 Pointer to factory object.
int factory_owner_
 Whether we own (and therefore have to delete) the factory object.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL TAO_Protocol_Item::TAO_Protocol_Item ( const ACE_CString name  ) 

Creator method, the protocol name can only be set when the object is created.

TAO_Protocol_Item::~TAO_Protocol_Item ( void   ) 

Destructor that deallocates the factory object if the Protocol_Item retains ownership.

TAO_Protocol_Item::TAO_Protocol_Item ( const TAO_Protocol_Item  )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

const ACE_CString & TAO_Protocol_Item::protocol_name ( void   ) 

Return a reference to the character representation of the protocol factories name.

TAO_Protocol_Factory * TAO_Protocol_Item::factory ( void   ) 

Return a pointer to the protocol factory.

void TAO_Protocol_Item::factory ( TAO_Protocol_Factory factory,
int  owner = 0 

Set the factory pointer's value.

void TAO_Protocol_Item::operator= ( const TAO_Protocol_Item  )  [private]

Member Data Documentation

ACE_CString TAO_Protocol_Item::name_ [private]

Protocol factory name.

TAO_Protocol_Factory* TAO_Protocol_Item::factory_ [private]

Pointer to factory object.

int TAO_Protocol_Item::factory_owner_ [private]

Whether we own (and therefore have to delete) the factory object.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Thu Feb 21 03:28:00 2008 for TAO by  doxygen 1.5.3-6