UIOP_Acceptor.h File Reference

#include "tao/orbconf.h"
#include "tao/Strategies/UIOP_Connection_Handler.h"
#include "tao/Transport_Acceptor.h"
#include "tao/Acceptor_Impl.h"
#include "tao/GIOP_Message_Version.h"
#include "ace/Acceptor.h"
#include "ace/LSOCK_Acceptor.h"

Include dependency graph for UIOP_Acceptor.h:

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class  TAO_UIOP_Acceptor
 The UIOP-specific bridge class for the concrete acceptor. More...

Detailed Description

UIOP_Acceptor.h 78937 2007-07-18 14:37:07Z johnnyw

Unix Domain Socket (UIOP) specific acceptor processing

Fred Kuhns <[email protected]>

Ossama Othman <[email protected]>

Generated on Thu Feb 21 04:03:22 2008 for TAO_Strategies by  doxygen 1.5.3-6