Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ACE_NS_Node< T >Implementation element in a Queue, List, and Stack
ACE_Unbounded_List< T >Implement a simple unordered set of <T> of unbounded size
ACE_Unbounded_List_Iterator< T >Implement an iterator over an unbounded List
CosNaming::NamingContextInterface for managing name bindings and naming contexts
CosNaming::NamingContext::NotEmptyIndicates that the context is not empty
CosNaming::NamingContext::NotFoundIndicates that the name does not identify a binding
CosNaming::NamingContextExt::InvalidAddressIndicates that the URL address is invalid
TAO_Bindings_Iterator< ITERATOR, TABLE_ENTRY >This class implements the <BindingIterator> interface that is part of the <CosNaming> idl module. This class works with Hash_Map-based implementations of CosNaming::NamingContext
TAO_Bindings_MapThis abstract base class defines an interface for hash-based data structures used in implementations of NamingContext (i.e., TAO_Transient_Naming_Context and TAO_Persistent_Naming_Context)
TAO_ExtIdHelper class for TAO_Transient_Bindings_Map: unifies several data items, so they can be stored together as a <key> for a

in a hash table holding the state of a Transient Naming Context

TAO_Hash_Naming_ContextThis class factors out common code for two 'ConcreteImplementors' in the Bridge pattern architecture of the CosNaming::NamingContext implementation
TAO_IntIdHelper class for TAO_Transient_Bindings_Map: unifies several data items, so they can be stored together as a

for a <key> in a hash table holding the state of a Transient Naming Context

TAO_Naming_ClientThis class is intended to simplify programs that want to play the role of Naming Service clients
TAO_Naming_ContextThis class plays a role of the 'Abstraction' (aka 'Interface') in the Bridge pattern architecture of the CosNaming::NamingContext implementation
TAO_Naming_Context_ImplThis abstract base class plays a role of the 'Implementor' in the Bridge pattern architecture of the NamingContext implementation
TAO_Naming_ServerDefines a wrapper class that holds the root Naming Context
TAO_Persistent_Bindings_MapProvides hash-table-based persistent storage for name to object bindings in a Naming Context
TAO_Persistent_Context_IndexThis class facilitates implementation of Persistent Naming Service. It keeps track, centrally, of several pieces of info for each Persistent Naming Context, allowing to perform the initialization necessary for each Naming Context to restore the state of the Naming Service from persistent storage on server start-up
TAO_Persistent_ExtIdHelper class for TAO_Persistent_Bindings_Map: unifies several data items, so they can be stored together as a <key> for a

in a hash table holding the state of a Persistent Naming Context

TAO_Persistent_Index_ExtIdHelper class for TAO_Persistent_Context_Index: holds Persistent Naming Context POA id, so it can be stored as a <key> for a

in a hash table holding state of a Persistent Context Index. (Persistent Context Index is like directory that stores info about every active Naming Context)

TAO_Persistent_Index_IntIdHelper class for TAO_Persistent_Context_Index: unifies several data items, so they can be stored together as a

for a <key> in a hash table holding the state of a Persistent Context Index. (Persistent Context Index is like directory that stores info about every active Naming Context)

TAO_Persistent_IntIdHelper class for TAO_Persistent_Bindings_Map: unifies several data items, so they can be stored together as a

for a <key> in a hash table holding the state of a Persistent Naming Context

TAO_Persistent_Naming_ContextThis class plays a role of a 'ConcreteImplementor' in the Bridge pattern architecture of the CosNaming::NamingContext implementation
TAO_Storable_Bindings_MapProvides hash-table-based transient storage for name to object bindings in a Naming Context
TAO_Storable_Naming_ContextThis class plays a role of a 'ConcreteImplementor' in the Bridge pattern architecture of the CosNaming::NamingContext implementation
TAO_Storable_Naming_Context::File_Open_Lock_and_CheckHelper class for the TAO_Storable_Naming_Context
TAO_Transient_Bindings_MapProvides hash-table-based transient storage for name to object bindings in a Naming Context
TAO_Transient_Naming_ContextThis class plays a role of a 'ConcreteImplementor' in the Bridge pattern architecture of the CosNaming::NamingContext implementation

Generated on Mon May 19 04:37:35 2008 for TAO_CosNaming by  doxygen 1.5.5