Intrusive_Ref_Count_Object_T.h File Reference

#include "ace/Atomic_Op.h"
#include "tao/Intrusive_Ref_Count_Object_T.inl"
#include "tao/Intrusive_Ref_Count_Object_T.cpp"
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class  TAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Object< OBJ, ACE_LOCK >
 Template class as wrapper of a non reference counted data type but provide intrusive reference-counting feature by inherited from TAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Base. This makes the parameterized type data be smart pointer by using a TAO_Intrusive_Ref_Count_Handle<X> to an this wrapper object. More...

Detailed Description

Intrusive_Ref_Count_Object_T.h 87943 2009-12-06 02:02:35Z dai_y
Yan Dai <[email protected]>
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