DAnCE::RepositoryManager::Admin Class Reference

Implements administrative functions for the Repository Manager. More...

#include <repository_manager_admin.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Admin (Deployment::RepositoryManager_ptr rm)
bool install_package (const ACE_TCHAR *uri, const ACE_TCHAR *name, bool replace)
 Install a package at a provided filesystem path.
bool create_package (const ACE_TCHAR *pc_path, const ACE_TCHAR *name, const ACE_TCHAR *baselocation, bool replace)
 Create new package.
bool uninstall_package (const ACE_TCHAR *uuid)
::CORBA::StringSeq * list_packages (void)
 List all installed packages.
::CORBA::StringSeq * list_types (void)
 List all installed package types.
::CORBA::StringSeq * find_by_type (const ACE_TCHAR *type)
 Find package names by type.
bool shutdown (void)
 Attempt to shutdown the server.

Private Attributes

Deployment::RepositoryManager_var rm_

Detailed Description

Implements administrative functions for the Repository Manager.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Admin::Admin ( Deployment::RepositoryManager_ptr  rm  ) 

Member Function Documentation

bool Admin::create_package ( const ACE_TCHAR pc_path,
const ACE_TCHAR name,
const ACE_TCHAR baselocation,
bool  replace 

Create new package.

name name
CORBA::StringSeq * Admin::find_by_type ( const ACE_TCHAR type  ) 

Find package names by type.

bool Admin::install_package ( const ACE_TCHAR uri,
const ACE_TCHAR name,
bool  replace 

Install a package at a provided filesystem path.

CORBA::StringSeq * Admin::list_packages ( void   ) 

List all installed packages.

CORBA::StringSeq * Admin::list_types ( void   ) 

List all installed package types.

bool Admin::shutdown ( void   ) 

Attempt to shutdown the server.

bool Admin::uninstall_package ( const ACE_TCHAR uuid  ) 

Uninstall a package with a provided UUID. Fails if the NoSuchName exception was raised.

Member Data Documentation

Deployment::RepositoryManager_var DAnCE::RepositoryManager::Admin::rm_ [private]

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