DAnCE::ArtifactInstallation Interface Reference

import "DAnCE_ArtifactInstallation.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void initialize () raises (::Deployment::PlanError)
void clear () raises (::Deployment::PlanError)
void install (in string plan_uuid, in::Deployment::ArtifactDeploymentDescription artifact) raises (::Deployment::PlanError)
void remove (in string plan_uuid, in string artifact_name) raises (::Deployment::PlanError)
void remove_all (in string plan_uuid) raises (::Deployment::PlanError)
string get_artifact_location (in string uuid, in string artifact_name)
 Used by component/locality server to query location of a given artifact.

Member Function Documentation

void DAnCE::ArtifactInstallation::clear (  )  raises (::Deployment::PlanError)
string DAnCE::ArtifactInstallation::get_artifact_location ( in string  uuid,
in string  artifact_name 

Used by component/locality server to query location of a given artifact.

void DAnCE::ArtifactInstallation::initialize (  )  raises (::Deployment::PlanError)
void DAnCE::ArtifactInstallation::install ( in string  plan_uuid,
in::Deployment::ArtifactDeploymentDescription  artifact 
) raises (::Deployment::PlanError)

Acts as a front end to the ArtifactInstallationHandlers that were installed at object creation. Each InstallationHandler is capable of handling a single URI type;

void DAnCE::ArtifactInstallation::remove ( in string  plan_uuid,
in string  artifact_name 
) raises (::Deployment::PlanError)
void DAnCE::ArtifactInstallation::remove_all ( in string  plan_uuid  )  raises (::Deployment::PlanError)

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