CosNotifyFilter Namespace Reference

Defines the interfaces used in Event Filtering. More...


struct  ConstraintExp
 Defines a constraint expression. More...
struct  ConstraintInfo
 Helper data structure to modify a constraint expression. More...
struct  MappingConstraintPair
 Helper structure used to modify a mapping constraint expression. More...
struct  MappingConstraintInfo
 Helper structure used to represent a mapping constraint, its property value and the ID assigned to it in a MappingFilter. More...
exception  UnsupportedFilterableData
 Exception raised when an event with unsupported filtered data is tested against a Filter. More...
exception  InvalidGrammar
 Exception raised if the filtering expression is using an invalid grammar. More...
exception  InvalidConstraint
 Exception raised if a constraint's grammar does not match the Filter grammar. More...
exception  DuplicateConstraintID
 Exception raised if a duplicate ID is used while modifying or removing multiple constraints. More...
exception  ConstraintNotFound
 Exception raised if a constraint ID is not found while modifying or removing multiple constraints. More...
exception  CallbackNotFound
 Exception raised if the application tries to remove a Filter callback that does not exists. More...
exception  InvalidValue
 Exception raised if a modification or addition of a mapping constraint does not matches the mapping filter type. More...
interface  Filter
 Interface used to manipulate and evaluate filters. More...
interface  MappingFilter
 Mapping filters can be used to change properties of an event as it traverses the Notification Service. More...
interface  FilterFactory
 Create Filter and MappingFilter objects. More...
exception  FilterNotFound
 Exception raised if a filter ID is not found. More...
interface  FilterAdmin
 Interface used to modify the Filters attached to a Notification Service component. More...


typedef long ConstraintID
typedef sequence< ConstraintIDConstraintIDSeq
 A sequence of constraint IDs.
typedef sequence< ConstraintExpConstraintExpSeq
 A sequence of constraint expressions.
typedef sequence< ConstraintInfoConstraintInfoSeq
 Sequence of Constraint infos, modify multiple constraints.
typedef sequence
< MappingConstraintPair
 Sequence of mapping constraint pairs.
typedef sequence
< MappingConstraintInfo
 A list of MappingConstraintInfo.
typedef long CallbackID
typedef sequence< CallbackIDCallbackIDSeq
 Batch management of callback objects in the Filter interface.
typedef long FilterID
 Each filter is assigned a unique ID.
typedef sequence< FilterIDFilterIDSeq
 List of filter IDs.

Detailed Description

Defines the interfaces used in Event Filtering.

Typedef Documentation

Each callback object receives a unique ID when it is attached to a Filter

Batch management of callback objects in the Filter interface.

A sequence of constraint expressions.

Constraints are assigned IDs by each Filter object, and can be modified using those IDs.

A sequence of constraint IDs.

Sequence of Constraint infos, modify multiple constraints.

Each filter is assigned a unique ID.

List of filter IDs.

Sequence of mapping constraint pairs.

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