Options Class Reference

Maintains the global options. More...

#include <Locator_Options.h>

Collaboration diagram for Options:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 Options ()
int init (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
 Parse the command-line arguments and initialize the options.
int init_from_registry ()
 This version should only be used when run as an nt service.
bool service (void) const
 Service Mode.
unsigned int debug (void) const
 Debug level for the Implementation Repository.
const ACE_TStringior_filename (void) const
 Returns the file where the IOR should be stored.
bool multicast (void) const
 Will we listen for multicast location requests?
SERVICE_COMMAND service_command (void) const
 The nt service command to run (install/remove).
int save_registry_options ()
const char * cmdline (void) const
const ACE_TStringpersist_file_name (void) const
bool readonly (void) const
 Do we allow modifications to the servers?
RepoMode repository_mode (void) const
bool repository_erase (void) const
 Do we wish to clear out the repository.
ACE_Time_Value startup_timeout (void) const
 Returns the timeout value for program starting.
ACE_Time_Value ping_interval (void) const
bool unregister_if_address_reused (void) const

Private Member Functions

int parse_args (int &argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[])
 Parses and pulls out arguments for the ImR.
void print_usage (void) const
 Print the usage information.
int run_service_command (const ACE_TString &cmdline)
 Run a service command.
int load_registry_options ()

Private Attributes

RepoMode repo_mode_
bool erase_repo_
unsigned int debug_
 Debug level.
ACE_TString ior_output_file_
 File where the IOR of the server object is stored.
bool multicast_
 Will we listen for multicast location requests?
bool service_
 Are we running as a service?
ACE_Time_Value ping_interval_
 The amount of time between successive "are you started yet?" pings.
ACE_Time_Value startup_timeout_
 The amount of time to wait for a server to response after starting it.
bool readonly_
 Can the server_repository be modified?
SERVICE_COMMAND service_command_
ACE_CString cmdline_
 Our extra command line arguments.
ACE_TString persist_file_name_
 The persistent XML file name.
bool unregister_if_address_reused_

Detailed Description

Maintains the global options.

This is where all the settings for TAO's Implementation Repository are stored.

This is where the settings for TAO's Implementation Repository are stored.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Options::Options (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

const char * Options::cmdline ( void   )  const
unsigned int Options::debug ( void   )  const

Debug level for the Implementation Repository.

int Options::init ( int  argc,
ACE_TCHAR argv[] 

Parse the command-line arguments and initialize the options.

int Options::init_from_registry ( void   ) 

This version should only be used when run as an nt service.

const ACE_TString & Options::ior_filename ( void   )  const

Returns the file where the IOR should be stored.

int Options::load_registry_options (  )  [private]
bool Options::multicast ( void   )  const

Will we listen for multicast location requests?

int Options::parse_args ( int &  argc,
ACE_TCHAR argv[] 
) [private]

Parses and pulls out arguments for the ImR.

const ACE_TString & Options::persist_file_name ( void   )  const

File that contains the activator related information that the persistent locator has to save.

ACE_Time_Value Options::ping_interval ( void   )  const

If the server hasn't been verified for a while, then we'll ping it. Note : No timers are currently used. We simply ping() during indirect invocations, if this interval has elapsed.

void Options::print_usage ( void   )  const [private]

Print the usage information.

bool Options::readonly ( void   )  const

Do we allow modifications to the servers?

bool Options::repository_erase ( void   )  const

Do we wish to clear out the repository.

Options::RepoMode Options::repository_mode ( void   )  const
int Options::run_service_command ( const ACE_TString cmdline  )  [private]

Run a service command.

int Options::save_registry_options (  ) 
bool Options::service ( void   )  const

Service Mode.

Options::SERVICE_COMMAND Options::service_command ( void   )  const

The nt service command to run (install/remove).

ACE_Time_Value Options::startup_timeout ( void   )  const

Returns the timeout value for program starting.

bool Options::unregister_if_address_reused ( void   )  const

Member Data Documentation

Our extra command line arguments.

unsigned int Options::debug_ [private]

Debug level.

bool Options::erase_repo_ [private]

File where the IOR of the server object is stored.

bool Options::multicast_ [private]

Will we listen for multicast location requests?

The persistent XML file name.

The amount of time between successive "are you started yet?" pings.

bool Options::readonly_ [private]

Can the server_repository be modified?

bool Options::service_ [private]

Are we running as a service?


The amount of time to wait for a server to response after starting it.

Should check the server address and remove previous server if the address is reused.

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