RtecEventChannelAdmin::Observer Class Reference

Monitor changes in the consumer subscriptions and/or supplier publciations. More...

import "RtecEventChannelAdmin.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void update_consumer (in ConsumerQOS sub)
 A change in the list of consumers has ocurred.
void update_supplier (in SupplierQOS pub)
 A change in the list of suppliers has ocurred.

Detailed Description

Monitor changes in the consumer subscriptions and/or supplier publciations.

The event channel reports changes in its internal subscription and/or publication list via this interface.

Member Function Documentation

void RtecEventChannelAdmin::Observer::update_consumer ( in ConsumerQOS  sub  ) 

A change in the list of consumers has ocurred.

The disjunction of the subscriptions is sent to the observer.

void RtecEventChannelAdmin::Observer::update_supplier ( in SupplierQOS  pub  ) 

A change in the list of suppliers has ocurred.

The list of all the event publications is passed to the observer.

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