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ACE_IOStream< STREAM > Class Template Reference

A template adapter for creating an iostream-like object using an ACE IPC Stream for the actual I/O. Iostreams use an underlying streambuf object for the IO interface. The iostream class and derivatives provide you with a host of convenient operators that access the streambuf. More...

#include <IOStream_T.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ACE_IOStream (STREAM &stream, u_int streambuf_size=ACE_STREAMBUF_SIZE)
 ACE_IOStream (u_int streambuf_size=ACE_STREAMBUF_SIZE)
virtual ~ACE_IOStream (void)
virtual int close (void)
int eof (void) const
virtual int ipfx0 (void)
virtual int ipfx1 (void)
virtual int ipfx (int need=0)
virtual void isfx (void)
virtual int opfx (void)
virtual void osfx (void)
ACE_IOStream< STREAM > & operator>> (ACE_Time_Value *&tv)

Protected Attributes

ACE_Streambuf_T< STREAM > * streambuf_

Private Member Functions

ssize_t send (...)
ssize_t recv (...)
ssize_t send_n (...)
ssize_t recv_n (...)

Detailed Description

template<class STREAM>
class ACE_IOStream< STREAM >

A template adapter for creating an iostream-like object using an ACE IPC Stream for the actual I/O. Iostreams use an underlying streambuf object for the IO interface. The iostream class and derivatives provide you with a host of convenient operators that access the streambuf.

We inherit all characteristics of iostream and your <STREAM> class. When you create a new class from this template, you can use it anywhere you would have used your original <STREAM> class. To create an iostream for your favorite ACE IPC class (e.g., ACE_SOCK_Stream), feed that class to this template's <STREAM> parameter, e.g., typedef ACE_Svc_Handler<ACE_SOCK_iostream, ACE_INET_Addr, ACE_NULL_SYNCH> Service_Handler; Because the operators in the iostream class are not virtual, you cannot easily provide overloads in your custom ACE_IOStream classes. To make these things work correctly, you need to overload ALL operators of the ACE_IOStream you create. I've attempted to do that here to make things easier for you but there are no guarantees. In the iostream.cpp file is an example of why it is necessary to overload all of the get/put operators when you want to customize only one or two.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class STREAM >
ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::ACE_IOStream ( STREAM &  stream,
u_int  streambuf_size = ACE_STREAMBUF_SIZE 
template<class STREAM >
ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::ACE_IOStream ( u_int  streambuf_size = ACE_STREAMBUF_SIZE )

The default constructor. This will initiailze your STREAM and then setup the iostream baseclass to use a custom streambuf based on STREAM.

template<class STREAM >
ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::~ACE_IOStream ( void   ) [virtual]

We have to get rid of the <streambuf_> ourselves since we gave it to the <iostream> base class;

Member Function Documentation

template<class STREAM >
int ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::close ( void   ) [virtual]

The only ambituity in the multiple inheritance is the <close> function.

template<class STREAM >
int ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::eof ( void   ) const [inline]

Returns 1 if we're at the end of the <STREAM>, i.e., if the connection has closed down or an error has occurred, else 0. Under the covers, <eof> calls the streambuf's timeout function which will reset the timeout flag. As as result, you should save the return of <eof> and check it instead of calling <eof> successively.

template<class STREAM >
virtual int ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::ipfx ( int  need = 0 ) [inline, virtual]
template<class STREAM >
virtual int ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::ipfx0 ( void   ) [inline, virtual]
template<class STREAM >
virtual int ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::ipfx1 ( void   ) [inline, virtual]
template<class STREAM >
virtual void ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::isfx ( void   ) [inline, virtual]
template<class STREAM >
ACE_IOStream< STREAM > & ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::operator>> ( ACE_Time_Value *&  tv )

Allow the programmer to provide a timeout for read operations. Give it a pointer to NULL to block forever.

template<class STREAM >
virtual int ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::opfx ( void   ) [inline, virtual]
template<class STREAM >
virtual void ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::osfx ( void   ) [inline, virtual]
template<class STREAM >
ssize_t ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::recv (   ... ) [private]
template<class STREAM >
ssize_t ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::recv_n (   ... ) [private]
template<class STREAM >
ssize_t ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::send (   ... ) [private]
template<class STREAM >
ssize_t ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::send_n (   ... ) [private]

Member Data Documentation

template<class STREAM >
ACE_Streambuf_T<STREAM>* ACE_IOStream< STREAM >::streambuf_ [protected]

This is where all of the action takes place. The streambuf_ is the interface to the underlying STREAM.

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