Local_Tokens.h File Reference

#include "ace/Local_Tokens.inl"

Detailed Description

Local_Tokens.h 91626 2010-09-07 10:59:20Z johnnyw
Karl-Heinz Dorn <[email protected]>
Douglas C. Schmidt <[email protected]>
Tim Harrison <[email protected]>

This file contains definitions for the following classes:

public: 7. ACE_Token_Proxy 8. ACE_Null_Token : public ACE_Token_Proxy 9. ACE_Local_Mutex : public ACE_Token_Proxy *. ACE_Local_RLock : public ACE_Local_Mutex &. ACE_Local_WLock : public ACE_Local_Mutex private: 1. ACE_TOKEN_CONST 3. ACE_TPQ_Entry b. ACE_TSS_TPQ_Entry c. ACE_TPQ_Iterator 4. ACE_Token_Proxy_Queue 5. ACE_Tokens 6. ACE_Mutex_Token : public ACE_Tokens 12. ACE_RW_Token : public ACE_Tokens a. ACE_Token_Name

Note that the locking classes defined in this file are *not* intended to be used as general-purpose synchronization mechanisms, such as mutexes or semaphores. Instead, you should use the ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ACE_Thread_Mutex, ACE_Thread_Semaphore, etc., that are defined in $ACE_ROOT/ace/Synch.h or the ACE_Token that's defined in $ACE_ROOT/ace/Token.h.

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