Namespaces | Defines

OS_NS_ctype.h File Reference

#include "ace/config-all.h"
#include "ace/os_include/os_ctype.h"


namespace  ACE_OS

This class is a wrapper for the XTI/TLI operations.


#define ACE_EXPORT_MACRO   ACE_Export


Functions from <cctype>

Included are the functions defined in <cctype> and their <cwctype> equivalents.

Since they are often implemented as macros, we don't use the same name here. Instead, we change by prepending "ace_".

int ACE_OS::ace_isalnum (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is an alphanumeric character.
int ACE_OS::ace_isalpha (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is an alphabetic character.
int ACE_OS::ace_isblank (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is a control character.
int ACE_OS::ace_isascii (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is a control character.
int ACE_OS::ace_iscntrl (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is a control character.
int ACE_OS::ace_isdigit (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is a decimal-digit character.
int ACE_OS::ace_isgraph (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is a printable character other than a space.
int ACE_OS::ace_islower (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is a lowercase character.
int ACE_OS::ace_isprint (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is a printable character.
int ACE_OS::ace_ispunct (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is a punctuation character.
int ACE_OS::ace_isspace (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is a space character.
int ACE_OS::ace_isupper (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is an uppercase character.
int ACE_OS::ace_isxdigit (ACE_TCHAR c)
 Returns true if the character is a hexadecimal-digit character.
int ACE_OS::ace_tolower (int c)
 Converts a character to lower case (char version).
int ACE_OS::ace_toupper (int c)
 Converts a character to upper case (char version).
int ACE_OS::ace_isctype (int c, ctype_t desc)
 Tests c for the property specified by the desc argument.

Detailed Description

OS_NS_ctype.h 83891 2008-11-28 11:01:50Z johnnyw
Douglas C. Schmidt <[email protected]>
Jesper S. M|ller<[email protected]>
and a cast of thousands...

Originally in OS.h.

Define Documentation

#define ACE_EXPORT_MACRO   ACE_Export
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