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OS_NS_stropts.h File Reference

#include "ace/config-all.h"
#include "ace/os_include/os_stropts.h"
#include "ace/os_include/os_stdio.h"


struct  ACE_Protocol_Info
class  ACE_Str_Buf
 Simple wrapper for STREAM pipes strbuf. More...


namespace  ACE_OS

This class is a wrapper for the XTI/TLI operations.


#define ACE_IOCTL_TYPE_ARG2   int
#define ACE_EXPORT_MACRO   ACE_Export


typedef void(* ACE_OVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_FUNC )(unsigned long error, unsigned long bytes_transferred, ACE_OVERLAPPED *overlapped, unsigned long flags)
typedef unsigned long ACE_SOCK_GROUP


int ACE_OS::getmsg (ACE_HANDLE handle, struct strbuf *ctl, struct strbuf *data, int *flags)
int ACE_OS::getpmsg (ACE_HANDLE handle, struct strbuf *ctl, struct strbuf *data, int *band, int *flags)
int ACE_OS::fattach (int handle, const char *path)
int ACE_OS::fdetach (const char *file)
int ACE_OS::ioctl (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_IOCTL_TYPE_ARG2 cmd, void *=0)
 UNIX-style ioctl.
ACE_Export int ACE_OS::ioctl (ACE_HANDLE socket, unsigned long io_control_code, void *in_buffer_p, unsigned long in_buffer, void *out_buffer_p, unsigned long out_buffer, unsigned long *bytes_returned, ACE_OVERLAPPED *overlapped, ACE_OVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_FUNC func)
 QoS-enabled ioctl.
ACE_Export int ACE_OS::ioctl (ACE_HANDLE socket, unsigned long io_control_code, ACE_QoS &ace_qos, unsigned long *bytes_returned, void *buffer_p=0, unsigned long buffer=0, ACE_OVERLAPPED *overlapped=0, ACE_OVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_FUNC func=0)
int ACE_OS::isastream (ACE_HANDLE handle)
int ACE_OS::putmsg (ACE_HANDLE handle, const struct strbuf *ctl, const struct strbuf *data, int flags)
int ACE_OS::putpmsg (ACE_HANDLE handle, const struct strbuf *ctl, const struct strbuf *data, int band, int flags)

Detailed Description

OS_NS_stropts.h 85110 2009-04-20 09:18:43Z msmit
Douglas C. Schmidt <[email protected]>
Jesper S. M|ller<[email protected]>
and a cast of thousands...

Originally in OS.h.

Define Documentation

#define ACE_EXPORT_MACRO   ACE_Export
#define ACE_IOCTL_TYPE_ARG2   int

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* ACE_OVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_FUNC)(unsigned long error, unsigned long bytes_transferred, ACE_OVERLAPPED *overlapped, unsigned long flags)
typedef unsigned long ACE_SOCK_GROUP
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