Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Attributes

PC_Updater Class Reference

#include <PC_Updater.h>

Collaboration diagram for PC_Updater:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PC_Updater (const char *server_path, const char *package)
 PC_Updater (ACE_CString &server_path, ACE_CString &package)
 ~PC_Updater ()
bool update (::Deployment::PackageConfiguration &pc)
void update (::Deployment::Property &property)
void update (::Deployment::AssemblyConnectionDescription &acd)
void update (::Deployment::AssemblyPropertyMapping &apm)
void update (::Deployment::ComponentPackageDescription &comppkgdesc)
void update (::Deployment::MonolithicImplementationDescription &mid)
void update (::Deployment::PackagedComponentImplementation &pci)
void update (::Deployment::SubcomponentPortEndpoint &spe)
void update (::Deployment::Requirement &requirement)
void update (::Deployment::ComponentExternalPortEndpoint &cepe)
void update (::Deployment::ComponentPackageReference &cpr)
void update (::Deployment::ComponentImplementationDescription &cid)
void update (::Deployment::SubcomponentInstantiationDescription &sid)
void update (::Deployment::NamedImplementationArtifact &named_implementation)
void update (::Deployment::ComponentInterfaceDescription &cid)
void update (::Deployment::Capability &capability)
void update (::Deployment::ImplementationArtifactDescription &iad)
void update (::Deployment::ImplementationRequirement &ir)
void update (::Deployment::ImplementationDependency &id)
void update (::Deployment::ComponentAssemblyDescription &cad)

Protected Member Functions

void clear_list ()

Private Attributes

ACE_CString server_path_
< ZIP_File_Info
 Create a doubly link list.
ACE_CString package_
bool success_

Detailed Description

file PC_Updater.h

PC_Updater.h 91982 2010-09-23 20:43:54Z wotte

This class is used to update the location field of the implementation artifacts in the PackageConfiguration, so that they point to the physical libraries on the collocated HTTP server

author Stoyan Paunov <[email protected]>

This class defines a set of overloaded methods used to update the contents of a PackageConfiguration. More specifically the class goes through the PackageConfiguration and updates the locations of the artifacts, wrt to their location on the HTTP server.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PC_Updater::PC_Updater ( const char *  server_path,
const char *  package 


PC_Updater::PC_Updater ( ACE_CString server_path,
ACE_CString package 
PC_Updater::~PC_Updater (  )

Member Function Documentation

void PC_Updater::clear_list (  ) [protected]
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::ComponentExternalPortEndpoint cepe )


void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::ComponentAssemblyDescription cad )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::ImplementationDependency id )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::ImplementationRequirement ir )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::ImplementationArtifactDescription iad )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::Capability capability )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::ComponentInterfaceDescription cid )


void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::NamedImplementationArtifact named_implementation )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::SubcomponentInstantiationDescription sid )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::ComponentImplementationDescription cid )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::ComponentPackageReference cpr )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::ComponentPackageDescription comppkgdesc )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::Requirement requirement )


void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::SubcomponentPortEndpoint spe )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::PackagedComponentImplementation pci )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::MonolithicImplementationDescription mid )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::Property property )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::AssemblyPropertyMapping apm )
void PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::AssemblyConnectionDescription acd )
bool PC_Updater::update ( ::Deployment::PackageConfiguration pc )


A whole slew of overloaded routines for different IDL data types part of the PackageConfiguration.

Member Data Documentation

Create a doubly link list.

bool PC_Updater::success_ [private]

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 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines