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OS_NS_stropts.h File Reference
#include "ace/config-all.h"
#include "ace/os_include/os_stropts.h"
#include "ace/os_include/os_stdio.h"


struct  ACE_Protocol_Info
class  ACE_Str_Buf
 Simple wrapper for STREAM pipes strbuf. More...


namespace  ACE_OS
 This namespace defines an OS independent programming API that shields developers from nonportable aspects of writing efficient system programs on Win32, POSIX and other versions of UNIX, and various real-time operating systems.


#define ACE_IOCTL_TYPE_ARG2   int
#define ACE_EXPORT_MACRO   ACE_Export


typedef void(* ACE_OVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_FUNC )(unsigned long error, unsigned long bytes_transferred, ACE_OVERLAPPED *overlapped, unsigned long flags)
typedef unsigned long ACE_SOCK_GROUP


int ACE_OS::getmsg (ACE_HANDLE handle, struct strbuf *ctl, struct strbuf *data, int *flags)
int ACE_OS::getpmsg (ACE_HANDLE handle, struct strbuf *ctl, struct strbuf *data, int *band, int *flags)
int ACE_OS::fattach (int handle, const char *path)
int ACE_OS::fdetach (const char *file)
int ACE_OS::ioctl (ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_IOCTL_TYPE_ARG2 cmd, void *=0)
 UNIX-style ioctl.
int ACE_OS::ioctl (ACE_HANDLE socket, unsigned long io_control_code, void *in_buffer_p, unsigned long in_buffer, void *out_buffer_p, unsigned long out_buffer, unsigned long *bytes_returned, ACE_OVERLAPPED *overlapped, ACE_OVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_FUNC func)
 QoS-enabled ioctl.
int ACE_OS::ioctl (ACE_HANDLE socket, unsigned long io_control_code, ACE_QoS &ace_qos, unsigned long *bytes_returned, void *buffer_p=0, unsigned long buffer=0, ACE_OVERLAPPED *overlapped=0, ACE_OVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_FUNC func=0)
int ACE_OS::isastream (ACE_HANDLE handle)
int ACE_OS::putmsg (ACE_HANDLE handle, const struct strbuf *ctl, const struct strbuf *data, int flags)
int ACE_OS::putpmsg (ACE_HANDLE handle, const struct strbuf *ctl, const struct strbuf *data, int band, int flags)

Detailed Description

OS_NS_stropts.h 85110 2009-04-20 09:18:43Z msmit
Douglas C. Schmidt
Jesper S. M|
and a cast of thousands...

Originally in OS.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ACE_EXPORT_MACRO   ACE_Export
#define ACE_IOCTL_TYPE_ARG2   int

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* ACE_OVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_FUNC)(unsigned long error, unsigned long bytes_transferred, ACE_OVERLAPPED *overlapped, unsigned long flags)
typedef unsigned long ACE_SOCK_GROUP