ACE_SSL  6.1.6
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ACE_SSL_Context Class Reference

A wrapper for the OpenSSL SSL_CTX related functions. More...

#include <SSL_Context.h>

Collaboration diagram for ACE_SSL_Context:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  {
  INVALID_METHOD = -1, SSLv2_client = 1, SSLv2_server, SSLv2,
  SSLv3_client = 4, SSLv3_server, SSLv3, SSLv23_client,
  SSLv23_server, SSLv23, TLSv1_client, TLSv1_server,

Public Member Functions

 ACE_SSL_Context (void)
 ~ACE_SSL_Context (void)
int set_mode (int mode=ACE_SSL_Context::SSLv23)
int get_mode (void) const
SSL_CTX * context (void)
 Get the SSL context.
int private_key_type (void) const
 Get the file name and file format used for the private key.
const char * private_key_file_name (void) const
int private_key (const char *file_name, int type=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Set the private key file.
int verify_private_key (void)
 Verify that the private key is valid.
int certificate_type (void) const
 Get the file name and file format used for the certificate file.
const char * certificate_file_name (void) const
int certificate (const char *file_name, int type=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Set the certificate file.
int certificate (X509 *cert)
 Load certificate from memory rather than a file.
int load_trusted_ca (const char *ca_file=0, const char *ca_dir=0, bool use_env_defaults=true)
int have_trusted_ca (void) const
void set_verify_peer (int strict=0, int once=1, int depth=0)
void default_verify_mode (int mode)
int default_verify_mode (void) const
void default_verify_callback (extern_C_CallBackVerify_t)
extern_C_CallBackVerify_t default_verify_callback (void) const
Diffie-Hellman (DH) Parameters

When using DSS-based certificates, Diffie-Hellman keys need to be exchanged. These must be provided in the form of DH key generation parameters loaded in, or as fixed keys hardcoded into the code itself. ACE_SSL supports loaded parameters.

int dh_params (const char *file_name, int type=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
const char * dh_params_file_name () const
int dh_params_file_type () const

Static Public Member Functions

static ACE_SSL_Contextinstance (void)
static void report_error (unsigned long error_code)
 Print SSL error corresponding to the given error code.
static void report_error (void)
 Print the last SSL error for the current thread.
OpenSSL Random Number Generator Seed Related Methods

These are methods that can be used to seed OpenSSL's pseudo-random number generator. These methods can be called more than once.

static int random_seed (const char *seed)
static int egd_file (const char *socket_file)
static int seed_file (const char *seed_file, long bytes=-1)

Private Member Functions

void check_context (void)
 Verify if the context has been initialized or not.
void ssl_library_init ()
 @ More to document
void ssl_library_fini ()
 ACE_SSL_Context (const ACE_SSL_Context &)
ACE_SSL_Contextoperator= (const ACE_SSL_Context &)

Private Attributes

SSL_CTX * context_
 The SSL_CTX structure.
int mode_
 Cache the mode so we can answer fast.
ACE_SSL_Data_File private_key_
 The private key, certificate, and Diffie-Hellman parameters files.
ACE_SSL_Data_File certificate_
ACE_SSL_Data_File dh_params_
int default_verify_mode_
 The default verify mode.
extern_C_CallBackVerify_t default_verify_callback_
 The default verify callback.
int have_ca_
 count of successful CA load attempts

Detailed Description

A wrapper for the OpenSSL SSL_CTX related functions.

This class provides a wrapper for the SSL_CTX data structure. Since most applications have a single SSL_CTX structure, this class can be used as a singleton.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



ACE_SSL_Context::~ACE_SSL_Context ( void  )


ACE_SSL_Context::ACE_SSL_Context ( const ACE_SSL_Context )

Member Function Documentation

int ACE_SSL_Context::certificate ( const char *  file_name,
int  type = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM 

Set the certificate file.

int ACE_SSL_Context::certificate ( X509 *  cert)

Load certificate from memory rather than a file.

ACE_INLINE const char * ACE_SSL_Context::certificate_file_name ( void  ) const
ACE_INLINE int ACE_SSL_Context::certificate_type ( void  ) const

Get the file name and file format used for the certificate file.

ACE_INLINE void ACE_SSL_Context::check_context ( void  )

Verify if the context has been initialized or not.

ACE_INLINE SSL_CTX * ACE_SSL_Context::context ( void  )

Get the SSL context.

ACE_INLINE void ACE_SSL_Context::default_verify_callback ( extern_C_CallBackVerify_t  callback)

Set and query the default verify callback for this context, it is inherited by all the ACE_SSL objects created using the context. It can be overriden on a per-ACE_SSL object.

ACE_INLINE extern_C_CallBackVerify_t ACE_SSL_Context::default_verify_callback ( void  ) const
ACE_INLINE void ACE_SSL_Context::default_verify_mode ( int  mode)

TODO: a implementation that will lookup the CTX table for the list of files and paths etc. Query the location of trusted certification authority certificates. Set and query the default verify mode for this context, it is inherited by all the ACE_SSL objects created using the context. It can be overriden on a per-ACE_SSL object.

ACE_INLINE int ACE_SSL_Context::default_verify_mode ( void  ) const
int ACE_SSL_Context::dh_params ( const char *  file_name,
int  type = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM 

Load Diffie-Hellman parameters from file_name. The specified file can be a standalone file containing only DH parameters (e.g., as created by openssl dhparam), or it can be a certificate which has a PEM-encoded set of DH params concatenated on to i.

ACE_INLINE const char * ACE_SSL_Context::dh_params_file_name ( void  ) const

Load Diffie-Hellman parameters from file_name. The specified file can be a standalone file containing only DH parameters (e.g., as created by openssl dhparam), or it can be a certificate which has a PEM-encoded set of DH params concatenated on to i.

ACE_INLINE int ACE_SSL_Context::dh_params_file_type ( void  ) const

Load Diffie-Hellman parameters from file_name. The specified file can be a standalone file containing only DH parameters (e.g., as created by openssl dhparam), or it can be a certificate which has a PEM-encoded set of DH params concatenated on to i.

int ACE_SSL_Context::egd_file ( const char *  socket_file)

Set the Entropy Gathering Daemon (EGD) UNIX domain socket file to read random seed values from.

ACE_INLINE int ACE_SSL_Context::get_mode ( void  ) const
ACE_INLINE int ACE_SSL_Context::have_trusted_ca ( void  ) const

Test whether any CA locations have been successfully loaded and return the number of successful attempts.

Return values:
>0The number of successful CA load attempts.
0If all CA load attempts have failed.
ACE_SSL_Context * ACE_SSL_Context::instance ( void  )

The Singleton context, the SSL components use the singleton if nothing else is available.

int ACE_SSL_Context::load_trusted_ca ( const char *  ca_file = 0,
const char *  ca_dir = 0,
bool  use_env_defaults = true 

Load the location of the trusted certification authority certificates. Note that CA certificates are stored in PEM format as a sequence of certificates in ca_file or as a set of individual certificates in ca_dir (or both).

Note this method is called by set_mode() to load the default environment settings for ca_file and ca_dir, if any. This allows for automatic service configuration (and backward compatibility with previous versions).

Note that the underlying SSL function will add valid file and directory names to the load location lists maintained as part of the SSL_CTX table. It therefore doesn't make sense to keep a copy of the file and path name of the most recently added ca_file or ca_path.

[in]ca_fileCA file pathname. Passed to SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations() if not 0. If 0, behavior depends on the value of use_env_defaults.
[in]ca_dirCA directory pathname. Passed to SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations() if not 0. If 0, behavior depends on the value of use_env_defaults.
[in]use_env_defaultsIf false, the specified ca_file argument is passed to SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(), regardless of its value. If true (the default), additional defaults can be applied to either ca_file, ca_dir, or both. The following additional defaults are applied when the ca_file argument is 0:
  • The SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable will be queried for a file name to use as the ca_file argument. The environment variable name to query can be changed by supplying a ACE_SSL_CERT_FILE_ENV configuration item when building ACE.
  • If there is no SSL_CERT_FILE in the current environment, the file specified by the ACE_DEFAULT_SSL_CERT_FILE ACE configuration item will be used. The default value is "cert.pem" on Windows and "/etc/ssl/cert.pem" on all other platforms. The following additional defaults are applied when the ca_dir argument is 0:
  • The SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable will be queried for a file name to use as the ca_dir argument. The environment variable name to query can be changed by supplying a ACE_SSL_CERT_DIR_ENV configuration item when building ACE.
  • If there is no SSL_CERT_DIR in the current environment, the directory specified by the ACE_DEFAULT_SSL_CERT_DIR ACE configuration item will be used. The default value is "certs" on Windows and "/etc/ssl/certs" on all other platforms.
0 for success or -1 on error.
See also:
OpenSSL manual SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(3) for a detailed description of the CA file and directory requirements and processing.
ACE_SSL_Context& ACE_SSL_Context::operator= ( const ACE_SSL_Context )
int ACE_SSL_Context::private_key ( const char *  file_name,
int  type = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM 

Set the private key file.

This method should only be called after a certificate has been set since key verification is performed against the certificate, among other things.
ACE_INLINE const char * ACE_SSL_Context::private_key_file_name ( void  ) const
ACE_INLINE int ACE_SSL_Context::private_key_type ( void  ) const

Get the file name and file format used for the private key.

int ACE_SSL_Context::random_seed ( const char *  seed)

Seed the underlying random number generator. This value should have at least 128 bits of entropy.

void ACE_SSL_Context::report_error ( unsigned long  error_code)

Print SSL error corresponding to the given error code.

void ACE_SSL_Context::report_error ( void  )

Print the last SSL error for the current thread.

int ACE_SSL_Context::seed_file ( const char *  seed_file,
long  bytes = -1 

Set the file that contains the random seed value state, and the amount of bytes to read. "-1" bytes causes the entire file to be read.

int ACE_SSL_Context::set_mode ( int  mode = ACE_SSL_Context::SSLv23)

Set the CTX mode. The mode can be set only once, afterwards the function has no effect and returns -1. Once the mode is set the underlying SSL_CTX is initialized and the class can be used. If the mode is not set, then the class automatically initializes itself to the default mode.

void ACE_SSL_Context::set_verify_peer ( int  strict = 0,
int  once = 1,
int  depth = 0 
Complete this documentation where elipses(...) are used

Use this method when certificate chain verification is required. The default server behaviour is SSL_VERIFY_NONE i.e. client certicates are requested for verified. This method can be used to configure server to request client certificates and perform the certificate verification. If <strict> is set true the client connection is rejected when certificate verification fails. Otherwise the session is accepted with a warning, which is the default behaviour. If <once> is set true (default), certificates are requested only once per session. The last parameter <depth> can be used to set the verification depth.

Note for verification to work correctly there should be a valid CA name list set using load_trusted_ca().

See also:
OpenSSL documentation of SSL_CTX_set_verify(3) for details of the verification process.
OpenSSL documentation ... set_verify_depth(3) ...

Note that this method overrides the use of the default_verify_mode() method.

void ACE_SSL_Context::ssl_library_fini ( void  )
void ACE_SSL_Context::ssl_library_init ( void  )

@ More to document

int ACE_SSL_Context::verify_private_key ( void  )

Verify that the private key is valid.

This method should only be called after a certificate has been set since key verification is performed against the certificate, among other things.

Member Data Documentation

ACE_SSL_Data_File ACE_SSL_Context::certificate_
SSL_CTX* ACE_SSL_Context::context_

The SSL_CTX structure.

extern_C_CallBackVerify_t ACE_SSL_Context::default_verify_callback_

The default verify callback.

int ACE_SSL_Context::default_verify_mode_

The default verify mode.

ACE_SSL_Data_File ACE_SSL_Context::dh_params_
int ACE_SSL_Context::have_ca_

count of successful CA load attempts

int ACE_SSL_Context::mode_

Cache the mode so we can answer fast.

ACE_SSL_Data_File ACE_SSL_Context::private_key_

The private key, certificate, and Diffie-Hellman parameters files.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: