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AVStreams::FlowProducer Interface Reference

import "AVStreams.idl";

Inheritance diagram for AVStreams::FlowProducer:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for AVStreams::FlowProducer:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

string connect_mcast (inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos, out boolean is_met, in string address, in string use_flow_protocol) raises (failedToConnect, AVStreams::notSupported, AVStreams::FPError, AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed)
string get_rev_channel (in string pcol_name)
void set_key (in AVStreams::key the_key)
void set_source_id (in long source_id)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AVStreams::FlowEndPoint
boolean lock ()
void unlock ()
void stop ()
void start ()
void destroy ()
FlowEndPoint get_connected_fep () raises (notConnected,AVStreams::notSupported)
boolean use_flow_protocol (in string fp_name, in any fp_settings) raises (AVStreams::FPError, AVStreams::notSupported)
 syntax of fp_name is <flowProtocol> More...
void set_format (in string format) raises (AVStreams::notSupported)
void set_dev_params (in CosPropertyService::Properties new_settings) raises (PropertyException, AVStreams::streamOpFailed)
void set_protocol_restriction (in AVStreams::protocolSpec the_spec) raises (AVStreams::notSupported)
boolean is_fep_compatible (in FlowEndPoint fep) raises (formatMismatch, deviceQosMismatch)
boolean set_peer (in FlowConnection the_fc, in FlowEndPoint the_peer_fep, inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos) raises (AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed, AVStreams::streamOpFailed)
boolean set_Mcast_peer (in FlowConnection the_fc, in AVStreams::MCastConfigIf a_mcastconfigif, inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos) raises (AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed)
boolean connect_to_peer (inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos, in string address, in string use_flow_protocol) raises (failedToConnect,AVStreams::FPError, AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed)
string go_to_listen (inout AVStreams::QoS the_qos, in boolean is_mcast, in FlowEndPoint peer, inout string flowProtocol) raises (failedToListen, AVStreams::FPError, AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from AVStreams::FlowEndPoint
attribute AVStreams::StreamEndPoint related_sep
 Default is a nil object reference. More...
attribute FlowConnection related_flow_connection

Member Function Documentation

string AVStreams::FlowProducer::connect_mcast ( inout AVStreams::QoS  the_qos,
out boolean  is_met,
in string  address,
in string  use_flow_protocol 
) raises (failedToConnect, AVStreams::notSupported, AVStreams::FPError, AVStreams::QoSRequestFailed)
string AVStreams::FlowProducer::get_rev_channel ( in string  pcol_name)
void AVStreams::FlowProducer::set_key ( in AVStreams::key  the_key)
void AVStreams::FlowProducer::set_source_id ( in long  source_id)

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