TAO_RTEvent  2.1.8
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RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel Class Reference

The main interface for the event service. More...

import "RtecEventChannelAdmin.idl";

Collaboration diagram for RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel:
Collaboration graph


 Exception raised if the Event Channel is unable to add an observer due to some internal limitation. More...
 Exception raised if the Event Channel is unable to remove an observer due to some internal limitation or because the observer cannot be found. More...
 Exception raised if the event cannot be dispatched. More...
exception  QOS_ERROR
 Exception raised if the subscriptions are invalid. More...
 Exception raised if the Event Channel cannot acquire its internal locks. More...

Public Member Functions

ConsumerAdmin for_consumers ()
SupplierAdmin for_suppliers ()
void destroy ()
 Shuts down the Event Channel. More...
Observer_Handle append_observer (in Observer gw) raises (SYNCHRONIZATION_ERROR,CANT_APPEND_OBSERVER)
 Add an observer to the event channel. More...
void remove_observer (in Observer_Handle gw) raises (SYNCHRONIZATION_ERROR,CANT_REMOVE_OBSERVER)
 Remove the observer. More...

Detailed Description

The main interface for the event service.

This class provides the main entry point for the Event Service. The class follows a protocol similar to the COS Events Service as described in the CORBAservices spec.

Member Function Documentation

Observer_Handle RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::append_observer ( in Observer  gw) raises (SYNCHRONIZATION_ERROR,CANT_APPEND_OBSERVER)

Add an observer to the event channel.

Return the handle used in the remove_observer() call.

void RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::destroy ( )

Shuts down the Event Channel.

Calling this methods destroys the event service, all its resource and results in a call to disconnect_push_XXX() on all connected clients.

ConsumerAdmin RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::for_consumers ( )

Consumers call this method to gain access to the ProxyPushSupplier factory.

SupplierAdmin RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::for_suppliers ( )

Suppliers call this method to gain access to the ProxyPushConsumer factory.

void RtecEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel::remove_observer ( in Observer_Handle  gw) raises (SYNCHRONIZATION_ERROR,CANT_REMOVE_OBSERVER)

Remove the observer.

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