TAO_CosNotification  2.3.1
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CosNotifyChannelAdmin.idl File Reference

Define the CosNotifyChannel module. More...

import "CosNotification.idl";
import "CosNotifyFilter.idl";
import "CosNotifyComm.idl";
import "CosEventChannelAdmin.idl";


exception  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ConnectionAlreadyActive
 Exception Raised if an attempt is made to resume a connection that has not been suspended. More...
exception  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ConnectionAlreadyInactive
 Exception raised if an attempt is made to suspend a connection already suspended. More...
exception  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::NotConnected
 Exception raised if an attempt is made to suspend or resume a proxy that has not been connected. More...
interface  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyConsumer
 Defines the interface shared by all consumer proxies. More...
interface  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxySupplier
 Defines the interface shared by all supplier proxies. More...
interface  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyPushConsumer
 Defines the interface provided for push-style suppliers using the 'any' event format. More...
interface  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::StructuredProxyPushConsumer
 Defines the interface provided for push-style suppliers using the 'structured' event format. More...
interface  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::SequenceProxyPushConsumer
 Defines the interface provided for push-style suppliers using the 'batched' event format. More...
interface  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyPushSupplier
 Defines the interface provided for push-style consumers using the 'any' event format. More...
interface  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::StructuredProxyPushSupplier
 Defines the interface provided for push-style consumers using the 'structured' event format. More...
interface  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::SequenceProxyPushSupplier
 Defines the interface provided for push-style consumers using the 'batched' event format. More...
exception  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AdminNotFound
 Exception raised if a lookup for a specific Admin ID fails. More...
exception  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyNotFound
 Exception raised if a lookup for a specific Proxy ID fails. More...
struct  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AdminLimit
 Helper structure to represent a violation of the limits in a proxy admin. More...
exception  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AdminLimitExceeded
 Exception raised if a limit in a proxy admin is breached. More...
interface  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ConsumerAdmin
 Interface used to control and obtain the proxies used by consumers. More...
interface  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::SupplierAdmin
 Interface used to control and obtain the proxies used by suppliers. More...
interface  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannel
 Defines the interface to control an use an event channel. More...
exception  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ChannelNotFound
 Exception raised if an specific ChannelID is not found. More...
interface  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::EventChannelFactory
 Defines the interface used to build event channels. More...


 Defines the interfaces to connect and manipulate the Notification Service.


typedef long CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyID
 Each proxy is assigned a unique ID by its proxy admin. More...
typedef sequence< ProxyID > CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyIDSeq
 Helper type to query or fetch multiple IDs simulatenously. More...
typedef long CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AdminID
 Each proxy admin is assigned a unique number by its EventChannel. More...
typedef sequence< AdminID > CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AdminIDSeq
 List of Admin IDs. More...
typedef long CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ChannelID
 Each event channel is assigned a unique ID by its factory. More...
typedef sequence< ChannelID > CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ChannelIDSeq


enum  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ProxyType {
  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::PUSH_ANY, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::PULL_ANY, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::PUSH_STRUCTURED, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::PULL_STRUCTURED,
  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::PUSH_SEQUENCE, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::PULL_SEQUENCE, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::PUSH_TYPED, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::PULL_TYPED
 Helper typedef to inspect the types of proxies connected to an EventChannel. More...
enum  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ObtainInfoMode { CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ALL_NOW_UPDATES_OFF, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ALL_NOW_UPDATES_ON, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::NONE_NOW_UPDATES_OFF, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::NONE_NOW_UPDATES_ON }
 Define the modes to fetch subscriptions and publication lists from the Notification Service. More...
enum  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ClientType { CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ANY_EVENT, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::STRUCTURED_EVENT, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::SEQUENCE_EVENT }
 Helper type used to fetch proxies. More...
enum  CosNotifyChannelAdmin::InterFilterGroupOperator { CosNotifyChannelAdmin::AND_OP, CosNotifyChannelAdmin::OR_OP }
 Define how multiple Filters are considered in a proxy admin. More...

Detailed Description

Define the CosNotifyChannel module.


This module is taken from the standard CORBA Notification Service 1.0, as described in:


In particular the following two documents were used: formal/2000-06-20 formal/01-03-03

Pradeep Gore prade.nosp@m.ep@c.nosp@m.s.wus.nosp@m.tl.e.nosp@m.du