TAO_AV  2.3.3
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NAVStreamsIDL for Control and Management of Audio/Video Streams Revised Submission
 CRR_BlockThe receiver report block encapsulates the data that represents the reception statistics for a particular stream
 CRTCP_BYE_PacketThe BYE RTCP packet is sent by a party when leaving an RTP session
 CRTCP_Channel_InSingle incoming data channel, or stream. The class has several responsibilities. When the class is instantiated, the incoming RTP traffic must be declared a valid source based on the RTP packets received. Once declared valie, this class is responsible for keeping up with reception statistics and other information. When an SR or RR is created (outside of this class), this class is used to get the Receiver Report block for this particular stream
 CRTCP_Channel_OutSingle outgoing data channel, or stream. It keeps track of statistics such as number of packets sent and number of bytes sent
 CRTCP_Common_HeaderThis is the header data that is common to all RTCP messages
 CRTCP_PacketThis is an abstract class from which all RTCP packet types are derived. It contains code used to validate the RTCP packet
 CRTCP_RR_PacketThe Receiver Report packet is sent by all members of a session that are not sending data. It contains a list of RR_Block to represent each source this party is receiving data from
 CRTCP_SDES_PacketThe Source Description packet is sent by all members of a session. At a minimum, the canonical name (or CNAME) is sent with each RTCP packet. Other items such as name, email, or location are included less frequently
 CRTCP_SR_PacketThe Sender Report packet is sent by all members of a session that are sending data. It contains statistics on the data being sent out. It also contains a list of RR_Block to represent each source this party is receiving data from
 CRTP_PacketThis class encapsulates all the necessary information to break down or build up an RTP data packet as well as operations to access all data items in the packet
 CsdesChunk_sThis is a linked list of structures containing groups of source description items. A group of items for a particular synchronization source id is referred to as a 'chunk'
 CsdesItem_sThis is a linked list of structures containing source description 'items' such as canonical name, email, location etc
 CStreamEndpointThe Stream EndPoint. Used to implement one endpoint of a stream that implements the transport layer
 CTAO_AV_CallbackCallback class that the user will be implementing for receiving frames from the network and also for timer events
 CTAO_AV_Child_ProcessHelper class for the child process created in TAO_AV_Endpoint_Process_Strategy
 CTAO_AV_Child_Process_AHelper class for the child process created in TAO_AV_Child_Process
 CTAO_AV_Child_Process_BHelper class for the child process created in TAO_AV_Child_Process
 CTAO_AV_CoreThis class encapsulates access to the TAO AV Core's resources and its state
 CTAO_AV_Default_Resource_FactoryTAO AV Streams default resource factory The AV Streams resource factory loads the pluggable transport and flow protocol factories in the corresponding factory sets
 CTAO_AV_Endpoint_Process_StrategyProcess-based strategy for creating endpoints. Abstract base class
 CTAO_AV_Endpoint_Process_Strategy_AProcess-based strategy to create "A" type endpoints
 CTAO_AV_Endpoint_Process_Strategy_BProcess-based strategy to create "B" type endpoints
 CTAO_AV_Endpoint_Reactive_StrategyReactive strategy base class
 CTAO_AV_Endpoint_Reactive_Strategy_AReactive strategy
 CTAO_AV_Endpoint_Reactive_Strategy_BReactive strategy
 CTAO_AV_QoSClass for getting and setting the QoS characteristics of an AV Stream
 CTAO_AV_Resource_FactoryTAO AV Streams default resource factory abstract The AV Streams resource factory loads the pluggable transport and flow protocol factories in the corresponding factory sets
 CTAO_AV_RTCPEncapsulate the header format for the Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP)
 CTAO_AV_RTCP_CallbackTAO_AV_Callback for RTCP protocol
 CTAO_AV_RTCP_ObjectTAO_AV_Protocol_Object for RTCP protocol
 CTAO_AV_RTPEncapsulate the Real Time Protocol (RTP) header format
 CTAO_AV_RTP_ObjectTAO_AV_Protocol_object for the RTP protocol
 CTAO_AV_TCP_ObjectTAO_AV_Protocol_Object for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
 CTAO_AV_TCP_TransportA transport abstraction for socket streams. Uses the ACE_SOCK_Stream to send the data
 CTAO_AV_TransportA Base class for the different transport protocols. All the different transports should derive and implement the open,close,send and recv methods
 CTAO_AV_UDP_Connection_SetupThis class is a helper for the TAO_AV_UDP_Acceptor and TAO_AV_UDP_Connector. It basically just reduces duplicate code. It takes the address of the peer in the connection, whether or not it is a multicast connection, and whether it is a connector or acceptor; and creates the local address and flow handler associated with the connection
 CTAO_AV_UDP_Flow_HandlerFlow Handler for UDP flows
 CTAO_AV_UDP_MCast_Flow_HandlerFlow Handler for data sent over multicast sockets
 CTAO_AV_UDP_MCast_TransportA transport abstraction for Multicast dgram sockets. Uses the ACE_SOCK_Dgram_Mcast to send data
 CTAO_AV_UDP_ObjectTAO_AV_Protocol_Object for the User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
 CTAO_AV_UDP_TransportA transport abstraction for udp sockets. Uses the ACE_SOCK_Dgram to send the data
 CTAO_Basic_StreamCtrlBase class for StreamCtrl, implements basic stream start and stop functionality
 CTAO_FDevImplementation of the AV/Streams Flow Device. A FlowConnection is used to bind FDevs for flows, much like how a StreamCtrl is used to bind MMDevices for streams
 CTAO_FlowConnectionThis class currently supports only one producer and one consumer per flow
 CTAO_FlowEndPointThis class is used per flow e.g video flow and an audio flow to encapsulate the transport details
 CTAO_FlowSpec_EntryA helper entry class in the flow spec sequence passed to bind_devs
 CTAO_MediaControlAbstract Mediacontrol class. The following are to be handled by the specialized media control for the specific media like camera, speaker
 CTAO_MMDeviceImplements a factory to create Endpoints and VDevs
 CTAO_StreamCtrlImplementation the A/V StreamCtrl class. this class is used to control the stream. It should be subclassed by applications that want to provide more control features
 CTAO_StreamEndPointThe Stream EndPoint. Used to implement one endpoint of a stream that implements the transport layer
 CTAO_StreamEndPoint_AThe "A" side of a streamendpoint
 CTAO_StreamEndPoint_BThe "B" side of a streamendpoint
 CTAO_VDevImplements the VDev interface. One of these is created per connection, and represents device-specific parameters