ACEXML  6.4.0
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ACEXML_ContentHandler Class Referenceabstract

ACEXML_ContentHandler. More...

#include <ContentHandler.h>

Inheritance diagram for ACEXML_ContentHandler:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

virtual ~ACEXML_ContentHandler (void)
virtual void characters (const ACEXML_Char *ch, size_t start, size_t length)=0
virtual void endDocument (void)=0
virtual void endElement (const ACEXML_Char *namespaceURI, const ACEXML_Char *localName, const ACEXML_Char *qName)=0
virtual void endPrefixMapping (const ACEXML_Char *prefix)=0
virtual void ignorableWhitespace (const ACEXML_Char *ch, int start, int length)=0
virtual void processingInstruction (const ACEXML_Char *target, const ACEXML_Char *data)=0
virtual void setDocumentLocator (ACEXML_Locator *locator)=0
virtual void skippedEntity (const ACEXML_Char *name)=0
virtual void startDocument (void)=0
virtual void startElement (const ACEXML_Char *namespaceURI, const ACEXML_Char *localName, const ACEXML_Char *qName, ACEXML_Attributes *atts)=0
virtual void startPrefixMapping (const ACEXML_Char *prefix, const ACEXML_Char *uri)=0

Detailed Description


This is the main interface that most SAX applications implement: if the application needs to be informed of basic parsing events, it implements this interface and registers an instance with the SAX parser using the setContentHandler method. The parser uses the instance to report basic document-related events like the start and end of elements and character data.

The order of events in this interface is very important, and mirrors the order of information in the document itself. For example, all of an element's content (character data, processing instructions, and/or subelements) will appear, in order, between the startElement event and the corresponding endElement event.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ACEXML_ContentHandler::~ACEXML_ContentHandler ( void  )

Member Function Documentation

virtual void ACEXML_ContentHandler::characters ( const ACEXML_Char ch,
size_t  start,
size_t  length 
pure virtual

Receive notification of character data.

Implemented in ACEXML_XMLFilterImpl, ACEXML_DefaultHandler, ACEXML_Print_Handler, ACEXML_SAXPrint_Handler, and Basic_Content_Tester.

virtual void ACEXML_ContentHandler::endDocument ( void  )
pure virtual

Receive notification of the end of a document.

Implemented in ACEXML_XMLFilterImpl, ACEXML_DefaultHandler, ACEXML_SAXPrint_Handler, and ACEXML_Print_Handler.

virtual void ACEXML_ContentHandler::endElement ( const ACEXML_Char namespaceURI,
const ACEXML_Char localName,
const ACEXML_Char qName 
pure virtual

Receive notification of the end of an element.

Implemented in ACEXML_XMLFilterImpl, ACEXML_DefaultHandler, ACEXML_SAXPrint_Handler, and ACEXML_Print_Handler.

virtual void ACEXML_ContentHandler::endPrefixMapping ( const ACEXML_Char prefix)
pure virtual

End the scope of a prefix-URI mapping.

Implemented in ACEXML_XMLFilterImpl, ACEXML_DefaultHandler, ACEXML_SAXPrint_Handler, and ACEXML_Print_Handler.

virtual void ACEXML_ContentHandler::ignorableWhitespace ( const ACEXML_Char ch,
int  start,
int  length 
pure virtual

Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content.

Implemented in ACEXML_XMLFilterImpl, ACEXML_DefaultHandler, ACEXML_SAXPrint_Handler, and ACEXML_Print_Handler.

virtual void ACEXML_ContentHandler::processingInstruction ( const ACEXML_Char target,
const ACEXML_Char data 
pure virtual

Receive notification of a processing instruction.

Implemented in ACEXML_XMLFilterImpl, ACEXML_DefaultHandler, ACEXML_SAXPrint_Handler, and ACEXML_Print_Handler.

virtual void ACEXML_ContentHandler::setDocumentLocator ( ACEXML_Locator locator)
pure virtual

Receive an object for locating the origin of SAX document events.

Implemented in ACEXML_XMLFilterImpl, ACEXML_DefaultHandler, ACEXML_SAXPrint_Handler, and ACEXML_Print_Handler.

virtual void ACEXML_ContentHandler::skippedEntity ( const ACEXML_Char name)
pure virtual

Receive notification of a skipped entity.

Implemented in ACEXML_XMLFilterImpl, ACEXML_DefaultHandler, ACEXML_SAXPrint_Handler, and ACEXML_Print_Handler.

virtual void ACEXML_ContentHandler::startDocument ( void  )
pure virtual

Receive notification of the beginning of a document.

Implemented in ACEXML_XMLFilterImpl, ACEXML_DefaultHandler, ACEXML_SAXPrint_Handler, and ACEXML_Print_Handler.

virtual void ACEXML_ContentHandler::startElement ( const ACEXML_Char namespaceURI,
const ACEXML_Char localName,
const ACEXML_Char qName,
ACEXML_Attributes atts 
pure virtual

Receive notification of the beginning of an element.

Implemented in ACEXML_XMLFilterImpl, ACEXML_DefaultHandler, ACEXML_SAXPrint_Handler, and ACEXML_Print_Handler.

virtual void ACEXML_ContentHandler::startPrefixMapping ( const ACEXML_Char prefix,
const ACEXML_Char uri 
pure virtual

Begin the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping.

Implemented in ACEXML_XMLFilterImpl, ACEXML_DefaultHandler, ACEXML_SAXPrint_Handler, and ACEXML_Print_Handler.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: