TAO_CosEvent  2.4.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NCosEventChannelAdminDefine the interfaces implemented by providers of the CORBA Event Service
 CAlreadyConnectedException raised if the user tries to connect to an already connected proxy
 CConsumerAdminAbstract Factory used to create proxies for pull-style and push-style consumers
 CEventChannelMain interface for the Event Service
 CProxyPullConsumerInterface used by pull-style suppliers
 CProxyPullSupplierInterface used by pull-style consumers
 CProxyPushConsumerInterface used by push-style suppliers
 CProxyPushSupplierInterface used by push-style consumers
 CSupplierAdminAbstract Factory used to create proxies for pull-style and push-style suppliers
 CTypeErrorException raised in Typed Event Services if there is a mismatch between the proxy and its peer (supplier or consumer.)
 NCosEventCommDefine the interfaces implemented by users of the CORBA Event Service
 CDisconnectedException raised when a client tries to communicate with the Event Service after it has disconnected
 CPullConsumerDefine the interface implemented by pull-style consumers
 CPullSupplierDefine the interface implemented by pull-style suppliers
 CPushConsumerDefine the interface implemented by push-style consumers
 CPushSupplierDefine the interface implemented by push-style suppliers
 CTAO_CEC_ConsumerControl_AdapterForwards timeout events to the Reactive ConsumerControl
 CTAO_CEC_Default_FactoryA generic factory for EC experimentation
 CTAO_CEC_DispatchingDefine the interface for the dispatching strategies
 CTAO_CEC_Dispatching_TaskImplement the dispatching queues for FIFO and Priority dispatching
 CTAO_CEC_Event_LoaderDynamically load an instance of the COS Event Service
 CTAO_CEC_EventChannelThe CosEventChannelAdmin::EventChannel implementation
 CTAO_CEC_EventChannel_AttributesDefines the construction time attributes for the Event Channel
 CTAO_CEC_FactoryAbstract factory for the CosEventChannel components
 CTAO_CEC_MT_DispatchingDispatching strategy that minimizes mt inversion
 CTAO_CEC_ProxyPushConsumer_GuardA Guard for the ProxyPushConsumer reference count
 CTAO_CEC_Pulling_StrategyDefine the interface for the pulling strategies
 CTAO_CEC_Pulling_Strategy_AdapterForwards timeout events to the Reactive Pulling Strategy
 CTAO_CEC_Reactive_DispatchingDispatch using the caller thread
 CTAO_CEC_Reactive_Pulling_StrategyDispatch using the caller thread
 CTAO_CEC_SupplierControl_AdapterForwards timeout events to the Reactive SupplierControl
 CTAO_CEC_TypedEventDefines the operation and args list for the TypedEvent
 CTAO_CEC_TypedEventChannel_AttributesDefines the construction time attributes for the Typed Event Channel
 CTAO_CEC_TypedProxyPushConsumer_GuardA Guard for the TypedProxyPushConsumer reference count