TAO_RTEvent  2.4.0
Classes | Typedefs
RtecEventChannelAdmin Module Reference

Interfaces and data structures provided by TAO's Real-time Event Service implementation. More...


exception  AlreadyConnected
 Exception raised if a consumer or supplier tries to reconnect even though it is connected already. More...
interface  ConsumerAdmin
 Implement an Abstract Factory to create ProxyPushSupplier objects. More...
struct  ConsumerQOS
 Define the complete QoS properties of a consumer. More...
struct  Dependency
 Encapsulate the parameters of a consumer QoS property. More...
class  EventChannel
 The main interface for the event service. More...
class  Observer
 Monitor changes in the consumer subscriptions and/or supplier publciations. More...
interface  ProxyPushConsumer
 Interface used to implement the Abstract Session pattern for the suppliers. More...
interface  ProxyPushSupplier
 Interface used to implement the Abstract Session pattern for the consumers. More...
struct  Publication
 Encapsulate one supplier publication and the QoS properties for that publication. More...
class  SupplierAdmin
 Implement an Abstract Factory to create ProxyPushConsumer objects. More...
struct  SupplierQOS
 Describe the complete QoS and filtering properties for a supplier. More...
exception  TypeError
 Obsolete exception. More...


typedef sequence< DependencyDependencySet
 Define a list of consumer QoS properties. More...
typedef sequence< PublicationPublicationSet
 A list of Publication structures. More...
typedef unsigned long Observer_Handle
 Opaque identifier for a connected Observer. More...

Detailed Description

Interfaces and data structures provided by TAO's Real-time Event Service implementation.

Typedef Documentation

Define a list of consumer QoS properties.

Opaque identifier for a connected Observer.

A list of Publication structures.