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00001 //===--- Diagnostic.cpp - C Language Family Diagnostic Handling -----------===//
00002 //
00003 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
00004 //
00005 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
00006 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
00007 //
00008 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
00009 //
00010 //  This file implements the Diagnostic-related interfaces.
00011 //
00012 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
00014 #include "clang/Basic/CharInfo.h"
00015 #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
00016 #include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
00017 #include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h"
00018 #include "clang/Basic/PartialDiagnostic.h"
00019 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
00020 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
00021 #include "llvm/Support/CrashRecoveryContext.h"
00022 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
00024 using namespace clang;
00026 static void DummyArgToStringFn(DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentKind AK, intptr_t QT,
00027                             StringRef Modifier, StringRef Argument,
00028                             ArrayRef<DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentValue> PrevArgs,
00029                             SmallVectorImpl<char> &Output,
00030                             void *Cookie,
00031                             ArrayRef<intptr_t> QualTypeVals) {
00032   StringRef Str = "<can't format argument>";
00033   Output.append(Str.begin(), Str.end());
00034 }
00036 DiagnosticsEngine::DiagnosticsEngine(
00037     const IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs> &diags, DiagnosticOptions *DiagOpts,
00038     DiagnosticConsumer *client, bool ShouldOwnClient)
00039     : Diags(diags), DiagOpts(DiagOpts), Client(nullptr), SourceMgr(nullptr) {
00040   setClient(client, ShouldOwnClient);
00041   ArgToStringFn = DummyArgToStringFn;
00042   ArgToStringCookie = nullptr;
00044   AllExtensionsSilenced = 0;
00045   IgnoreAllWarnings = false;
00046   WarningsAsErrors = false;
00047   EnableAllWarnings = false;
00048   ErrorsAsFatal = false;
00049   SuppressSystemWarnings = false;
00050   SuppressAllDiagnostics = false;
00051   ElideType = true;
00052   PrintTemplateTree = false;
00053   ShowColors = false;
00054   ShowOverloads = Ovl_All;
00055   ExtBehavior = diag::Severity::Ignored;
00057   ErrorLimit = 0;
00058   TemplateBacktraceLimit = 0;
00059   ConstexprBacktraceLimit = 0;
00061   Reset();
00062 }
00064 void DiagnosticsEngine::setClient(DiagnosticConsumer *client,
00065                                   bool ShouldOwnClient) {
00066   Owner.reset(ShouldOwnClient ? client : nullptr);
00067   Client = client;
00068 }
00070 void DiagnosticsEngine::pushMappings(SourceLocation Loc) {
00071   DiagStateOnPushStack.push_back(GetCurDiagState());
00072 }
00074 bool DiagnosticsEngine::popMappings(SourceLocation Loc) {
00075   if (DiagStateOnPushStack.empty())
00076     return false;
00078   if (DiagStateOnPushStack.back() != GetCurDiagState()) {
00079     // State changed at some point between push/pop.
00080     PushDiagStatePoint(DiagStateOnPushStack.back(), Loc);
00081   }
00082   DiagStateOnPushStack.pop_back();
00083   return true;
00084 }
00086 void DiagnosticsEngine::Reset() {
00087   ErrorOccurred = false;
00088   UncompilableErrorOccurred = false;
00089   FatalErrorOccurred = false;
00090   UnrecoverableErrorOccurred = false;
00092   NumWarnings = 0;
00093   NumErrors = 0;
00094   TrapNumErrorsOccurred = 0;
00095   TrapNumUnrecoverableErrorsOccurred = 0;
00097   CurDiagID = ~0U;
00098   LastDiagLevel = DiagnosticIDs::Ignored;
00099   DelayedDiagID = 0;
00101   // Clear state related to #pragma diagnostic.
00102   DiagStates.clear();
00103   DiagStatePoints.clear();
00104   DiagStateOnPushStack.clear();
00106   // Create a DiagState and DiagStatePoint representing diagnostic changes
00107   // through command-line.
00108   DiagStates.push_back(DiagState());
00109   DiagStatePoints.push_back(DiagStatePoint(&DiagStates.back(), FullSourceLoc()));
00110 }
00112 void DiagnosticsEngine::SetDelayedDiagnostic(unsigned DiagID, StringRef Arg1,
00113                                              StringRef Arg2) {
00114   if (DelayedDiagID)
00115     return;
00117   DelayedDiagID = DiagID;
00118   DelayedDiagArg1 = Arg1.str();
00119   DelayedDiagArg2 = Arg2.str();
00120 }
00122 void DiagnosticsEngine::ReportDelayed() {
00123   Report(DelayedDiagID) << DelayedDiagArg1 << DelayedDiagArg2;
00124   DelayedDiagID = 0;
00125   DelayedDiagArg1.clear();
00126   DelayedDiagArg2.clear();
00127 }
00129 DiagnosticsEngine::DiagStatePointsTy::iterator
00130 DiagnosticsEngine::GetDiagStatePointForLoc(SourceLocation L) const {
00131   assert(!DiagStatePoints.empty());
00132   assert(DiagStatePoints.front().Loc.isInvalid() &&
00133          "Should have created a DiagStatePoint for command-line");
00135   if (!SourceMgr)
00136     return DiagStatePoints.end() - 1;
00138   FullSourceLoc Loc(L, *SourceMgr);
00139   if (Loc.isInvalid())
00140     return DiagStatePoints.end() - 1;
00142   DiagStatePointsTy::iterator Pos = DiagStatePoints.end();
00143   FullSourceLoc LastStateChangePos = DiagStatePoints.back().Loc;
00144   if (LastStateChangePos.isValid() &&
00145       Loc.isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(LastStateChangePos))
00146     Pos = std::upper_bound(DiagStatePoints.begin(), DiagStatePoints.end(),
00147                            DiagStatePoint(nullptr, Loc));
00148   --Pos;
00149   return Pos;
00150 }
00152 void DiagnosticsEngine::setSeverity(diag::kind Diag, diag::Severity Map,
00153                                     SourceLocation L) {
00154   assert(Diag < diag::DIAG_UPPER_LIMIT &&
00155          "Can only map builtin diagnostics");
00156   assert((Diags->isBuiltinWarningOrExtension(Diag) ||
00157           (Map == diag::Severity::Fatal || Map == diag::Severity::Error)) &&
00158          "Cannot map errors into warnings!");
00159   assert(!DiagStatePoints.empty());
00160   assert((L.isInvalid() || SourceMgr) && "No SourceMgr for valid location");
00162   FullSourceLoc Loc = SourceMgr? FullSourceLoc(L, *SourceMgr) : FullSourceLoc();
00163   FullSourceLoc LastStateChangePos = DiagStatePoints.back().Loc;
00164   // Don't allow a mapping to a warning override an error/fatal mapping.
00165   if (Map == diag::Severity::Warning) {
00166     DiagnosticMapping &Info = GetCurDiagState()->getOrAddMapping(Diag);
00167     if (Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Error ||
00168         Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Fatal)
00169       Map = Info.getSeverity();
00170   }
00171   DiagnosticMapping Mapping = makeUserMapping(Map, L);
00173   // Common case; setting all the diagnostics of a group in one place.
00174   if (Loc.isInvalid() || Loc == LastStateChangePos) {
00175     GetCurDiagState()->setMapping(Diag, Mapping);
00176     return;
00177   }
00179   // Another common case; modifying diagnostic state in a source location
00180   // after the previous one.
00181   if ((Loc.isValid() && LastStateChangePos.isInvalid()) ||
00182       LastStateChangePos.isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(Loc)) {
00183     // A diagnostic pragma occurred, create a new DiagState initialized with
00184     // the current one and a new DiagStatePoint to record at which location
00185     // the new state became active.
00186     DiagStates.push_back(*GetCurDiagState());
00187     PushDiagStatePoint(&DiagStates.back(), Loc);
00188     GetCurDiagState()->setMapping(Diag, Mapping);
00189     return;
00190   }
00192   // We allow setting the diagnostic state in random source order for
00193   // completeness but it should not be actually happening in normal practice.
00195   DiagStatePointsTy::iterator Pos = GetDiagStatePointForLoc(Loc);
00196   assert(Pos != DiagStatePoints.end());
00198   // Update all diagnostic states that are active after the given location.
00199   for (DiagStatePointsTy::iterator
00200          I = Pos+1, E = DiagStatePoints.end(); I != E; ++I) {
00201     GetCurDiagState()->setMapping(Diag, Mapping);
00202   }
00204   // If the location corresponds to an existing point, just update its state.
00205   if (Pos->Loc == Loc) {
00206     GetCurDiagState()->setMapping(Diag, Mapping);
00207     return;
00208   }
00210   // Create a new state/point and fit it into the vector of DiagStatePoints
00211   // so that the vector is always ordered according to location.
00212   assert(Pos->Loc.isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(Loc));
00213   DiagStates.push_back(*Pos->State);
00214   DiagState *NewState = &DiagStates.back();
00215   GetCurDiagState()->setMapping(Diag, Mapping);
00216   DiagStatePoints.insert(Pos+1, DiagStatePoint(NewState,
00217                                                FullSourceLoc(Loc, *SourceMgr)));
00218 }
00220 bool DiagnosticsEngine::setSeverityForGroup(diag::Flavor Flavor,
00221                                             StringRef Group, diag::Severity Map,
00222                                             SourceLocation Loc) {
00223   // Get the diagnostics in this group.
00224   SmallVector<diag::kind, 256> GroupDiags;
00225   if (Diags->getDiagnosticsInGroup(Flavor, Group, GroupDiags))
00226     return true;
00228   // Set the mapping.
00229   for (diag::kind Diag : GroupDiags)
00230     setSeverity(Diag, Map, Loc);
00232   return false;
00233 }
00235 bool DiagnosticsEngine::setDiagnosticGroupWarningAsError(StringRef Group,
00236                                                          bool Enabled) {
00237   // If we are enabling this feature, just set the diagnostic mappings to map to
00238   // errors.
00239   if (Enabled)
00240     return setSeverityForGroup(diag::Flavor::WarningOrError, Group,
00241                                diag::Severity::Error);
00243   // Otherwise, we want to set the diagnostic mapping's "no Werror" bit, and
00244   // potentially downgrade anything already mapped to be a warning.
00246   // Get the diagnostics in this group.
00247   SmallVector<diag::kind, 8> GroupDiags;
00248   if (Diags->getDiagnosticsInGroup(diag::Flavor::WarningOrError, Group,
00249                                    GroupDiags))
00250     return true;
00252   // Perform the mapping change.
00253   for (unsigned i = 0, e = GroupDiags.size(); i != e; ++i) {
00254     DiagnosticMapping &Info = GetCurDiagState()->getOrAddMapping(GroupDiags[i]);
00256     if (Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Error ||
00257         Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Fatal)
00258       Info.setSeverity(diag::Severity::Warning);
00260     Info.setNoWarningAsError(true);
00261   }
00263   return false;
00264 }
00266 bool DiagnosticsEngine::setDiagnosticGroupErrorAsFatal(StringRef Group,
00267                                                        bool Enabled) {
00268   // If we are enabling this feature, just set the diagnostic mappings to map to
00269   // fatal errors.
00270   if (Enabled)
00271     return setSeverityForGroup(diag::Flavor::WarningOrError, Group,
00272                                diag::Severity::Fatal);
00274   // Otherwise, we want to set the diagnostic mapping's "no Werror" bit, and
00275   // potentially downgrade anything already mapped to be an error.
00277   // Get the diagnostics in this group.
00278   SmallVector<diag::kind, 8> GroupDiags;
00279   if (Diags->getDiagnosticsInGroup(diag::Flavor::WarningOrError, Group,
00280                                    GroupDiags))
00281     return true;
00283   // Perform the mapping change.
00284   for (unsigned i = 0, e = GroupDiags.size(); i != e; ++i) {
00285     DiagnosticMapping &Info = GetCurDiagState()->getOrAddMapping(GroupDiags[i]);
00287     if (Info.getSeverity() == diag::Severity::Fatal)
00288       Info.setSeverity(diag::Severity::Error);
00290     Info.setNoErrorAsFatal(true);
00291   }
00293   return false;
00294 }
00296 void DiagnosticsEngine::setSeverityForAll(diag::Flavor Flavor,
00297                                           diag::Severity Map,
00298                                           SourceLocation Loc) {
00299   // Get all the diagnostics.
00300   SmallVector<diag::kind, 64> AllDiags;
00301   Diags->getAllDiagnostics(Flavor, AllDiags);
00303   // Set the mapping.
00304   for (unsigned i = 0, e = AllDiags.size(); i != e; ++i)
00305     if (Diags->isBuiltinWarningOrExtension(AllDiags[i]))
00306       setSeverity(AllDiags[i], Map, Loc);
00307 }
00309 void DiagnosticsEngine::Report(const StoredDiagnostic &storedDiag) {
00310   assert(CurDiagID == ~0U && "Multiple diagnostics in flight at once!");
00312   CurDiagLoc = storedDiag.getLocation();
00313   CurDiagID = storedDiag.getID();
00314   NumDiagArgs = 0;
00316   DiagRanges.clear();
00317   DiagRanges.reserve(storedDiag.range_size());
00318   for (StoredDiagnostic::range_iterator
00319          RI = storedDiag.range_begin(),
00320          RE = storedDiag.range_end(); RI != RE; ++RI)
00321     DiagRanges.push_back(*RI);
00323   DiagFixItHints.clear();
00324   DiagFixItHints.reserve(storedDiag.fixit_size());
00325   for (StoredDiagnostic::fixit_iterator
00326          FI = storedDiag.fixit_begin(),
00327          FE = storedDiag.fixit_end(); FI != FE; ++FI)
00328     DiagFixItHints.push_back(*FI);
00330   assert(Client && "DiagnosticConsumer not set!");
00331   Level DiagLevel = storedDiag.getLevel();
00332   Diagnostic Info(this, storedDiag.getMessage());
00333   Client->HandleDiagnostic(DiagLevel, Info);
00334   if (Client->IncludeInDiagnosticCounts()) {
00335     if (DiagLevel == DiagnosticsEngine::Warning)
00336       ++NumWarnings;
00337   }
00339   CurDiagID = ~0U;
00340 }
00342 bool DiagnosticsEngine::EmitCurrentDiagnostic(bool Force) {
00343   assert(getClient() && "DiagnosticClient not set!");
00345   bool Emitted;
00346   if (Force) {
00347     Diagnostic Info(this);
00349     // Figure out the diagnostic level of this message.
00350     DiagnosticIDs::Level DiagLevel
00351       = Diags->getDiagnosticLevel(Info.getID(), Info.getLocation(), *this);
00353     Emitted = (DiagLevel != DiagnosticIDs::Ignored);
00354     if (Emitted) {
00355       // Emit the diagnostic regardless of suppression level.
00356       Diags->EmitDiag(*this, DiagLevel);
00357     }
00358   } else {
00359     // Process the diagnostic, sending the accumulated information to the
00360     // DiagnosticConsumer.
00361     Emitted = ProcessDiag();
00362   }
00364   // Clear out the current diagnostic object.
00365   unsigned DiagID = CurDiagID;
00366   Clear();
00368   // If there was a delayed diagnostic, emit it now.
00369   if (!Force && DelayedDiagID && DelayedDiagID != DiagID)
00370     ReportDelayed();
00372   return Emitted;
00373 }
00376 DiagnosticConsumer::~DiagnosticConsumer() {}
00378 void DiagnosticConsumer::HandleDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel,
00379                                         const Diagnostic &Info) {
00380   if (!IncludeInDiagnosticCounts())
00381     return;
00383   if (DiagLevel == DiagnosticsEngine::Warning)
00384     ++NumWarnings;
00385   else if (DiagLevel >= DiagnosticsEngine::Error)
00386     ++NumErrors;
00387 }
00389 /// ModifierIs - Return true if the specified modifier matches specified string.
00390 template <std::size_t StrLen>
00391 static bool ModifierIs(const char *Modifier, unsigned ModifierLen,
00392                        const char (&Str)[StrLen]) {
00393   return StrLen-1 == ModifierLen && !memcmp(Modifier, Str, StrLen-1);
00394 }
00396 /// ScanForward - Scans forward, looking for the given character, skipping
00397 /// nested clauses and escaped characters.
00398 static const char *ScanFormat(const char *I, const char *E, char Target) {
00399   unsigned Depth = 0;
00401   for ( ; I != E; ++I) {
00402     if (Depth == 0 && *I == Target) return I;
00403     if (Depth != 0 && *I == '}') Depth--;
00405     if (*I == '%') {
00406       I++;
00407       if (I == E) break;
00409       // Escaped characters get implicitly skipped here.
00411       // Format specifier.
00412       if (!isDigit(*I) && !isPunctuation(*I)) {
00413         for (I++; I != E && !isDigit(*I) && *I != '{'; I++) ;
00414         if (I == E) break;
00415         if (*I == '{')
00416           Depth++;
00417       }
00418     }
00419   }
00420   return E;
00421 }
00423 /// HandleSelectModifier - Handle the integer 'select' modifier.  This is used
00424 /// like this:  %select{foo|bar|baz}2.  This means that the integer argument
00425 /// "%2" has a value from 0-2.  If the value is 0, the diagnostic prints 'foo'.
00426 /// If the value is 1, it prints 'bar'.  If it has the value 2, it prints 'baz'.
00427 /// This is very useful for certain classes of variant diagnostics.
00428 static void HandleSelectModifier(const Diagnostic &DInfo, unsigned ValNo,
00429                                  const char *Argument, unsigned ArgumentLen,
00430                                  SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) {
00431   const char *ArgumentEnd = Argument+ArgumentLen;
00433   // Skip over 'ValNo' |'s.
00434   while (ValNo) {
00435     const char *NextVal = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '|');
00436     assert(NextVal != ArgumentEnd && "Value for integer select modifier was"
00437            " larger than the number of options in the diagnostic string!");
00438     Argument = NextVal+1;  // Skip this string.
00439     --ValNo;
00440   }
00442   // Get the end of the value.  This is either the } or the |.
00443   const char *EndPtr = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '|');
00445   // Recursively format the result of the select clause into the output string.
00446   DInfo.FormatDiagnostic(Argument, EndPtr, OutStr);
00447 }
00449 /// HandleIntegerSModifier - Handle the integer 's' modifier.  This adds the
00450 /// letter 's' to the string if the value is not 1.  This is used in cases like
00451 /// this:  "you idiot, you have %4 parameter%s4!".
00452 static void HandleIntegerSModifier(unsigned ValNo,
00453                                    SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) {
00454   if (ValNo != 1)
00455     OutStr.push_back('s');
00456 }
00458 /// HandleOrdinalModifier - Handle the integer 'ord' modifier.  This
00459 /// prints the ordinal form of the given integer, with 1 corresponding
00460 /// to the first ordinal.  Currently this is hard-coded to use the
00461 /// English form.
00462 static void HandleOrdinalModifier(unsigned ValNo,
00463                                   SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) {
00464   assert(ValNo != 0 && "ValNo must be strictly positive!");
00466   llvm::raw_svector_ostream Out(OutStr);
00468   // We could use text forms for the first N ordinals, but the numeric
00469   // forms are actually nicer in diagnostics because they stand out.
00470   Out << ValNo << llvm::getOrdinalSuffix(ValNo);
00471 }
00474 /// PluralNumber - Parse an unsigned integer and advance Start.
00475 static unsigned PluralNumber(const char *&Start, const char *End) {
00476   // Programming 101: Parse a decimal number :-)
00477   unsigned Val = 0;
00478   while (Start != End && *Start >= '0' && *Start <= '9') {
00479     Val *= 10;
00480     Val += *Start - '0';
00481     ++Start;
00482   }
00483   return Val;
00484 }
00486 /// TestPluralRange - Test if Val is in the parsed range. Modifies Start.
00487 static bool TestPluralRange(unsigned Val, const char *&Start, const char *End) {
00488   if (*Start != '[') {
00489     unsigned Ref = PluralNumber(Start, End);
00490     return Ref == Val;
00491   }
00493   ++Start;
00494   unsigned Low = PluralNumber(Start, End);
00495   assert(*Start == ',' && "Bad plural expression syntax: expected ,");
00496   ++Start;
00497   unsigned High = PluralNumber(Start, End);
00498   assert(*Start == ']' && "Bad plural expression syntax: expected )");
00499   ++Start;
00500   return Low <= Val && Val <= High;
00501 }
00503 /// EvalPluralExpr - Actual expression evaluator for HandlePluralModifier.
00504 static bool EvalPluralExpr(unsigned ValNo, const char *Start, const char *End) {
00505   // Empty condition?
00506   if (*Start == ':')
00507     return true;
00509   while (1) {
00510     char C = *Start;
00511     if (C == '%') {
00512       // Modulo expression
00513       ++Start;
00514       unsigned Arg = PluralNumber(Start, End);
00515       assert(*Start == '=' && "Bad plural expression syntax: expected =");
00516       ++Start;
00517       unsigned ValMod = ValNo % Arg;
00518       if (TestPluralRange(ValMod, Start, End))
00519         return true;
00520     } else {
00521       assert((C == '[' || (C >= '0' && C <= '9')) &&
00522              "Bad plural expression syntax: unexpected character");
00523       // Range expression
00524       if (TestPluralRange(ValNo, Start, End))
00525         return true;
00526     }
00528     // Scan for next or-expr part.
00529     Start = std::find(Start, End, ',');
00530     if (Start == End)
00531       break;
00532     ++Start;
00533   }
00534   return false;
00535 }
00537 /// HandlePluralModifier - Handle the integer 'plural' modifier. This is used
00538 /// for complex plural forms, or in languages where all plurals are complex.
00539 /// The syntax is: %plural{cond1:form1|cond2:form2|:form3}, where condn are
00540 /// conditions that are tested in order, the form corresponding to the first
00541 /// that applies being emitted. The empty condition is always true, making the
00542 /// last form a default case.
00543 /// Conditions are simple boolean expressions, where n is the number argument.
00544 /// Here are the rules.
00545 /// condition  := expression | empty
00546 /// empty      :=                             -> always true
00547 /// expression := numeric [',' expression]    -> logical or
00548 /// numeric    := range                       -> true if n in range
00549 ///             | '%' number '=' range        -> true if n % number in range
00550 /// range      := number
00551 ///             | '[' number ',' number ']'   -> ranges are inclusive both ends
00552 ///
00553 /// Here are some examples from the GNU gettext manual written in this form:
00554 /// English:
00555 /// {1:form0|:form1}
00556 /// Latvian:
00557 /// {0:form2|%100=11,%10=0,%10=[2,9]:form1|:form0}
00558 /// Gaeilge:
00559 /// {1:form0|2:form1|:form2}
00560 /// Romanian:
00561 /// {1:form0|0,%100=[1,19]:form1|:form2}
00562 /// Lithuanian:
00563 /// {%10=0,%100=[10,19]:form2|%10=1:form0|:form1}
00564 /// Russian (requires repeated form):
00565 /// {%100=[11,14]:form2|%10=1:form0|%10=[2,4]:form1|:form2}
00566 /// Slovak
00567 /// {1:form0|[2,4]:form1|:form2}
00568 /// Polish (requires repeated form):
00569 /// {1:form0|%100=[10,20]:form2|%10=[2,4]:form1|:form2}
00570 static void HandlePluralModifier(const Diagnostic &DInfo, unsigned ValNo,
00571                                  const char *Argument, unsigned ArgumentLen,
00572                                  SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) {
00573   const char *ArgumentEnd = Argument + ArgumentLen;
00574   while (1) {
00575     assert(Argument < ArgumentEnd && "Plural expression didn't match.");
00576     const char *ExprEnd = Argument;
00577     while (*ExprEnd != ':') {
00578       assert(ExprEnd != ArgumentEnd && "Plural missing expression end");
00579       ++ExprEnd;
00580     }
00581     if (EvalPluralExpr(ValNo, Argument, ExprEnd)) {
00582       Argument = ExprEnd + 1;
00583       ExprEnd = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '|');
00585       // Recursively format the result of the plural clause into the
00586       // output string.
00587       DInfo.FormatDiagnostic(Argument, ExprEnd, OutStr);
00588       return;
00589     }
00590     Argument = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd - 1, '|') + 1;
00591   }
00592 }
00594 /// \brief Returns the friendly description for a token kind that will appear
00595 /// without quotes in diagnostic messages. These strings may be translatable in
00596 /// future.
00597 static const char *getTokenDescForDiagnostic(tok::TokenKind Kind) {
00598   switch (Kind) {
00599   case tok::identifier:
00600     return "identifier";
00601   default:
00602     return nullptr;
00603   }
00604 }
00606 /// FormatDiagnostic - Format this diagnostic into a string, substituting the
00607 /// formal arguments into the %0 slots.  The result is appended onto the Str
00608 /// array.
00609 void Diagnostic::
00610 FormatDiagnostic(SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) const {
00611   if (!StoredDiagMessage.empty()) {
00612     OutStr.append(StoredDiagMessage.begin(), StoredDiagMessage.end());
00613     return;
00614   }
00616   StringRef Diag = 
00617     getDiags()->getDiagnosticIDs()->getDescription(getID());
00619   FormatDiagnostic(Diag.begin(), Diag.end(), OutStr);
00620 }
00622 void Diagnostic::
00623 FormatDiagnostic(const char *DiagStr, const char *DiagEnd,
00624                  SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) const {
00626   /// FormattedArgs - Keep track of all of the arguments formatted by
00627   /// ConvertArgToString and pass them into subsequent calls to
00628   /// ConvertArgToString, allowing the implementation to avoid redundancies in
00629   /// obvious cases.
00630   SmallVector<DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentValue, 8> FormattedArgs;
00632   /// QualTypeVals - Pass a vector of arrays so that QualType names can be
00633   /// compared to see if more information is needed to be printed.
00634   SmallVector<intptr_t, 2> QualTypeVals;
00635   SmallVector<char, 64> Tree;
00637   for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumArgs(); i < e; ++i)
00638     if (getArgKind(i) == DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype)
00639       QualTypeVals.push_back(getRawArg(i));
00641   while (DiagStr != DiagEnd) {
00642     if (DiagStr[0] != '%') {
00643       // Append non-%0 substrings to Str if we have one.
00644       const char *StrEnd = std::find(DiagStr, DiagEnd, '%');
00645       OutStr.append(DiagStr, StrEnd);
00646       DiagStr = StrEnd;
00647       continue;
00648     } else if (isPunctuation(DiagStr[1])) {
00649       OutStr.push_back(DiagStr[1]);  // %% -> %.
00650       DiagStr += 2;
00651       continue;
00652     }
00654     // Skip the %.
00655     ++DiagStr;
00657     // This must be a placeholder for a diagnostic argument.  The format for a
00658     // placeholder is one of "%0", "%modifier0", or "%modifier{arguments}0".
00659     // The digit is a number from 0-9 indicating which argument this comes from.
00660     // The modifier is a string of digits from the set [-a-z]+, arguments is a
00661     // brace enclosed string.
00662     const char *Modifier = nullptr, *Argument = nullptr;
00663     unsigned ModifierLen = 0, ArgumentLen = 0;
00665     // Check to see if we have a modifier.  If so eat it.
00666     if (!isDigit(DiagStr[0])) {
00667       Modifier = DiagStr;
00668       while (DiagStr[0] == '-' ||
00669              (DiagStr[0] >= 'a' && DiagStr[0] <= 'z'))
00670         ++DiagStr;
00671       ModifierLen = DiagStr-Modifier;
00673       // If we have an argument, get it next.
00674       if (DiagStr[0] == '{') {
00675         ++DiagStr; // Skip {.
00676         Argument = DiagStr;
00678         DiagStr = ScanFormat(DiagStr, DiagEnd, '}');
00679         assert(DiagStr != DiagEnd && "Mismatched {}'s in diagnostic string!");
00680         ArgumentLen = DiagStr-Argument;
00681         ++DiagStr;  // Skip }.
00682       }
00683     }
00685     assert(isDigit(*DiagStr) && "Invalid format for argument in diagnostic");
00686     unsigned ArgNo = *DiagStr++ - '0';
00688     // Only used for type diffing.
00689     unsigned ArgNo2 = ArgNo;
00691     DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentKind Kind = getArgKind(ArgNo);
00692     if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "diff")) {
00693       assert(*DiagStr == ',' && isDigit(*(DiagStr + 1)) &&
00694              "Invalid format for diff modifier");
00695       ++DiagStr;  // Comma.
00696       ArgNo2 = *DiagStr++ - '0';
00697       DiagnosticsEngine::ArgumentKind Kind2 = getArgKind(ArgNo2);
00698       if (Kind == DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype &&
00699           Kind2 == DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype)
00700         Kind = DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype_pair;
00701       else {
00702         // %diff only supports QualTypes.  For other kinds of arguments,
00703         // use the default printing.  For example, if the modifier is:
00704         //   "%diff{compare $ to $|other text}1,2"
00705         // treat it as:
00706         //   "compare %1 to %2"
00707         const char *Pipe = ScanFormat(Argument, Argument + ArgumentLen, '|');
00708         const char *FirstDollar = ScanFormat(Argument, Pipe, '$');
00709         const char *SecondDollar = ScanFormat(FirstDollar + 1, Pipe, '$');
00710         const char ArgStr1[] = { '%', static_cast<char>('0' + ArgNo) };
00711         const char ArgStr2[] = { '%', static_cast<char>('0' + ArgNo2) };
00712         FormatDiagnostic(Argument, FirstDollar, OutStr);
00713         FormatDiagnostic(ArgStr1, ArgStr1 + 2, OutStr);
00714         FormatDiagnostic(FirstDollar + 1, SecondDollar, OutStr);
00715         FormatDiagnostic(ArgStr2, ArgStr2 + 2, OutStr);
00716         FormatDiagnostic(SecondDollar + 1, Pipe, OutStr);
00717         continue;
00718       }
00719     }
00721     switch (Kind) {
00722     // ---- STRINGS ----
00723     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_std_string: {
00724       const std::string &S = getArgStdStr(ArgNo);
00725       assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for strings yet");
00726       OutStr.append(S.begin(), S.end());
00727       break;
00728     }
00729     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_c_string: {
00730       const char *S = getArgCStr(ArgNo);
00731       assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for strings yet");
00733       // Don't crash if get passed a null pointer by accident.
00734       if (!S)
00735         S = "(null)";
00737       OutStr.append(S, S + strlen(S));
00738       break;
00739     }
00740     // ---- INTEGERS ----
00741     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_sint: {
00742       int Val = getArgSInt(ArgNo);
00744       if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "select")) {
00745         HandleSelectModifier(*this, (unsigned)Val, Argument, ArgumentLen,
00746                              OutStr);
00747       } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "s")) {
00748         HandleIntegerSModifier(Val, OutStr);
00749       } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "plural")) {
00750         HandlePluralModifier(*this, (unsigned)Val, Argument, ArgumentLen,
00751                              OutStr);
00752       } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "ordinal")) {
00753         HandleOrdinalModifier((unsigned)Val, OutStr);
00754       } else {
00755         assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "Unknown integer modifier");
00756         llvm::raw_svector_ostream(OutStr) << Val;
00757       }
00758       break;
00759     }
00760     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_uint: {
00761       unsigned Val = getArgUInt(ArgNo);
00763       if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "select")) {
00764         HandleSelectModifier(*this, Val, Argument, ArgumentLen, OutStr);
00765       } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "s")) {
00766         HandleIntegerSModifier(Val, OutStr);
00767       } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "plural")) {
00768         HandlePluralModifier(*this, (unsigned)Val, Argument, ArgumentLen,
00769                              OutStr);
00770       } else if (ModifierIs(Modifier, ModifierLen, "ordinal")) {
00771         HandleOrdinalModifier(Val, OutStr);
00772       } else {
00773         assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "Unknown integer modifier");
00774         llvm::raw_svector_ostream(OutStr) << Val;
00775       }
00776       break;
00777     }
00778     // ---- TOKEN SPELLINGS ----
00779     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_tokenkind: {
00780       tok::TokenKind Kind = static_cast<tok::TokenKind>(getRawArg(ArgNo));
00781       assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for token kinds yet");
00783       llvm::raw_svector_ostream Out(OutStr);
00784       if (const char *S = tok::getPunctuatorSpelling(Kind))
00785         // Quoted token spelling for punctuators.
00786         Out << '\'' << S << '\'';
00787       else if (const char *S = tok::getKeywordSpelling(Kind))
00788         // Unquoted token spelling for keywords.
00789         Out << S;
00790       else if (const char *S = getTokenDescForDiagnostic(Kind))
00791         // Unquoted translatable token name.
00792         Out << S;
00793       else if (const char *S = tok::getTokenName(Kind))
00794         // Debug name, shouldn't appear in user-facing diagnostics.
00795         Out << '<' << S << '>';
00796       else
00797         Out << "(null)";
00798       break;
00799     }
00800     // ---- NAMES and TYPES ----
00801     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_identifierinfo: {
00802       const IdentifierInfo *II = getArgIdentifier(ArgNo);
00803       assert(ModifierLen == 0 && "No modifiers for strings yet");
00805       // Don't crash if get passed a null pointer by accident.
00806       if (!II) {
00807         const char *S = "(null)";
00808         OutStr.append(S, S + strlen(S));
00809         continue;
00810       }
00812       llvm::raw_svector_ostream(OutStr) << '\'' << II->getName() << '\'';
00813       break;
00814     }
00815     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype:
00816     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_declarationname:
00817     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_nameddecl:
00818     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_nestednamespec:
00819     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_declcontext:
00820     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_attr:
00821       getDiags()->ConvertArgToString(Kind, getRawArg(ArgNo),
00822                                      StringRef(Modifier, ModifierLen),
00823                                      StringRef(Argument, ArgumentLen),
00824                                      FormattedArgs,
00825                                      OutStr, QualTypeVals);
00826       break;
00827     case DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype_pair:
00828       // Create a struct with all the info needed for printing.
00829       TemplateDiffTypes TDT;
00830       TDT.FromType = getRawArg(ArgNo);
00831       TDT.ToType = getRawArg(ArgNo2);
00832       TDT.ElideType = getDiags()->ElideType;
00833       TDT.ShowColors = getDiags()->ShowColors;
00834       TDT.TemplateDiffUsed = false;
00835       intptr_t val = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&TDT);
00837       const char *ArgumentEnd = Argument + ArgumentLen;
00838       const char *Pipe = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '|');
00840       // Print the tree.  If this diagnostic already has a tree, skip the
00841       // second tree.
00842       if (getDiags()->PrintTemplateTree && Tree.empty()) {
00843         TDT.PrintFromType = true;
00844         TDT.PrintTree = true;
00845         getDiags()->ConvertArgToString(Kind, val,
00846                                        StringRef(Modifier, ModifierLen),
00847                                        StringRef(Argument, ArgumentLen),
00848                                        FormattedArgs,
00849                                        Tree, QualTypeVals);
00850         // If there is no tree information, fall back to regular printing.
00851         if (!Tree.empty()) {
00852           FormatDiagnostic(Pipe + 1, ArgumentEnd, OutStr);
00853           break;
00854         }
00855       }
00857       // Non-tree printing, also the fall-back when tree printing fails.
00858       // The fall-back is triggered when the types compared are not templates.
00859       const char *FirstDollar = ScanFormat(Argument, ArgumentEnd, '$');
00860       const char *SecondDollar = ScanFormat(FirstDollar + 1, ArgumentEnd, '$');
00862       // Append before text
00863       FormatDiagnostic(Argument, FirstDollar, OutStr);
00865       // Append first type
00866       TDT.PrintTree = false;
00867       TDT.PrintFromType = true;
00868       getDiags()->ConvertArgToString(Kind, val,
00869                                      StringRef(Modifier, ModifierLen),
00870                                      StringRef(Argument, ArgumentLen),
00871                                      FormattedArgs,
00872                                      OutStr, QualTypeVals);
00873       if (!TDT.TemplateDiffUsed)
00874         FormattedArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype,
00875                                                TDT.FromType));
00877       // Append middle text
00878       FormatDiagnostic(FirstDollar + 1, SecondDollar, OutStr);
00880       // Append second type
00881       TDT.PrintFromType = false;
00882       getDiags()->ConvertArgToString(Kind, val,
00883                                      StringRef(Modifier, ModifierLen),
00884                                      StringRef(Argument, ArgumentLen),
00885                                      FormattedArgs,
00886                                      OutStr, QualTypeVals);
00887       if (!TDT.TemplateDiffUsed)
00888         FormattedArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype,
00889                                                TDT.ToType));
00891       // Append end text
00892       FormatDiagnostic(SecondDollar + 1, Pipe, OutStr);
00893       break;
00894     }
00896     // Remember this argument info for subsequent formatting operations.  Turn
00897     // std::strings into a null terminated string to make it be the same case as
00898     // all the other ones.
00899     if (Kind == DiagnosticsEngine::ak_qualtype_pair)
00900       continue;
00901     else if (Kind != DiagnosticsEngine::ak_std_string)
00902       FormattedArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(Kind, getRawArg(ArgNo)));
00903     else
00904       FormattedArgs.push_back(std::make_pair(DiagnosticsEngine::ak_c_string,
00905                                         (intptr_t)getArgStdStr(ArgNo).c_str()));
00907   }
00909   // Append the type tree to the end of the diagnostics.
00910   OutStr.append(Tree.begin(), Tree.end());
00911 }
00913 StoredDiagnostic::StoredDiagnostic() { }
00915 StoredDiagnostic::StoredDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level, unsigned ID,
00916                                    StringRef Message)
00917   : ID(ID), Level(Level), Loc(), Message(Message) { }
00919 StoredDiagnostic::StoredDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level, 
00920                                    const Diagnostic &Info)
00921   : ID(Info.getID()), Level(Level) 
00922 {
00923   assert((Info.getLocation().isInvalid() || Info.hasSourceManager()) &&
00924        "Valid source location without setting a source manager for diagnostic");
00925   if (Info.getLocation().isValid())
00926     Loc = FullSourceLoc(Info.getLocation(), Info.getSourceManager());
00927   SmallString<64> Message;
00928   Info.FormatDiagnostic(Message);
00929   this->Message.assign(Message.begin(), Message.end());
00931   Ranges.reserve(Info.getNumRanges());
00932   for (unsigned I = 0, N = Info.getNumRanges(); I != N; ++I)
00933     Ranges.push_back(Info.getRange(I));
00935   FixIts.reserve(Info.getNumFixItHints());
00936   for (unsigned I = 0, N = Info.getNumFixItHints(); I != N; ++I)
00937     FixIts.push_back(Info.getFixItHint(I));
00938 }
00940 StoredDiagnostic::StoredDiagnostic(DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level, unsigned ID,
00941                                    StringRef Message, FullSourceLoc Loc,
00942                                    ArrayRef<CharSourceRange> Ranges,
00943                                    ArrayRef<FixItHint> FixIts)
00944   : ID(ID), Level(Level), Loc(Loc), Message(Message), 
00945     Ranges(Ranges.begin(), Ranges.end()), FixIts(FixIts.begin(), FixIts.end())
00946 {
00947 }
00949 StoredDiagnostic::~StoredDiagnostic() { }
00951 /// IncludeInDiagnosticCounts - This method (whose default implementation
00952 ///  returns true) indicates whether the diagnostics handled by this
00953 ///  DiagnosticConsumer should be included in the number of diagnostics
00954 ///  reported by DiagnosticsEngine.
00955 bool DiagnosticConsumer::IncludeInDiagnosticCounts() const { return true; }
00957 void IgnoringDiagConsumer::anchor() { }
00959 ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer::~ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer() {}
00961 void ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer::HandleDiagnostic(
00962        DiagnosticsEngine::Level DiagLevel,
00963        const Diagnostic &Info) {
00964   Target.HandleDiagnostic(DiagLevel, Info);
00965 }
00967 void ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer::clear() {
00968   DiagnosticConsumer::clear();
00969   Target.clear();
00970 }
00972 bool ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer::IncludeInDiagnosticCounts() const {
00973   return Target.IncludeInDiagnosticCounts();
00974 }
00976 PartialDiagnostic::StorageAllocator::StorageAllocator() {
00977   for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumCached; ++I)
00978     FreeList[I] = Cached + I;
00979   NumFreeListEntries = NumCached;
00980 }
00982 PartialDiagnostic::StorageAllocator::~StorageAllocator() {
00983   // Don't assert if we are in a CrashRecovery context, as this invariant may
00984   // be invalidated during a crash.
00985   assert((NumFreeListEntries == NumCached || 
00986           llvm::CrashRecoveryContext::isRecoveringFromCrash()) && 
00987          "A partial is on the lamb");
00988 }