_Unwind_Exception | |
clang::ento::check::_VoidCheck | |
clang::CodeGen::ABIArgInfo | |
clang::ABIInfo | |
clang::AbstractConditionalOperator | |
clang::sema::AccessedEntity | |
clang::AccessSpecDecl | Represents an access specifier followed by colon ':' |
clang::driver::Action | |
clang::ActionResult< PtrTy, CompressInvalid > | |
clang::ActionResult< PtrTy, true > | |
clang::Sema::ActiveTemplateInstantiation | A template instantiation that is currently in progress |
clang::Sema::ActOnMemberAccessExtraArgs | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::AdaptativeOverloadCollector< ArgumentAdapterT, FromTypes, ToTypes > | Helper class used to collect all the possible overloads of an argument adaptative matcher function |
clang::AddFlagValue | |
clang::format::AdditionalKeywords | Encapsulates keywords that are context sensitive or for languages not properly supported by Clang's lexer |
clang::TargetInfo::AddlRegName | |
clang::AddrLabelExpr | AddrLabelExpr - The GNU address of label extension, representing &&label |
clang::CFGBlock::AdjacentBlock | |
clang::AdjustedLocInfo | |
clang::AdjustedType | Represents a type which was implicitly adjusted by the semantic engine for arbitrary reasons. For example, array and function types can decay, and function types can have their calling conventions adjusted |
clang::AdjustedTypeLoc | |
clang::ADLResult | A class for storing results from argument-dependent lookup |
clang::CodeGen::AggValueSlot | An aggregate value slot |
clang::DeclContext::all_lookups_iterator | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Alloc | Allocate memory for a new value on the heap or stack |
clang::ento::AllocaRegion | |
AllocationInfo | |
clang::AmbiguousConversionSequence | Represents an ambiguous user-defined conversion sequence |
clang::ento::AnalysisAction | |
clang::ento::AnalysisASTConsumer | |
clang::sema::AnalysisBasedWarnings | |
clang::AnalysisDeclContext | |
clang::AnalysisDeclContextManager | |
clang::ento::AnalysisManager | |
clang::driver::AnalyzeJobAction | |
clang::AnalyzerOptions | |
clang::threadSafety::lexpr::And | |
clang::format::AnnotatedLine | |
clang::ento::AnyFunctionCall | Represents a call to any sort of function that might have a FunctionDecl |
AnyFunctionCall | |
clang::AnyFunctionDecl | Represents any kind of function declaration, whether it is a concrete function or a function template |
clang::APFloatStorage | |
clang::APIntStorage | |
clang::APNumericStorage | Used by IntegerLiteral/FloatingLiteral to store the numeric without leaking memory |
clang::threadSafety::til::Apply | |
clang::ento::APSIntType | A record of the "type" of an APSInt, used for conversions |
clang::APValue | |
clang::CodeGen::ARCEntrypoints | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::ArgKind | Kind identifier |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Diagnostics::ArgStream | Helper stream class |
clang::analyze_format_string::ArgType | |
ArgTypeTraits | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::ArgTypeTraits< ast_matchers::internal::Matcher< T > > | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::ArgTypeTraits< attr::Kind > | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::ArgTypeTraits< const T & > | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::ArgTypeTraits< std::string > | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::ArgTypeTraits< StringRef > | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::ArgTypeTraits< unsigned > | |
clang::comments::InlineCommandComment::Argument | |
clang::comments::BlockCommandComment::Argument | |
clang::Sema::ArgumentPackSubstitutionIndexRAII | RAII object used to change the argument pack substitution index within a Sema object |
clang::tooling::ArgumentsAdjuster | Abstract interface for a command line adjusters |
ArgumentsAdjustingCompilations | |
clang::threadSafety::til::ArrayAdd | |
clang::threadSafety::til::ArrayIndex | |
clang::ArrayLocInfo | |
clang::DesignatedInitExpr::ArrayOrRangeDesignator | An array or GNU array-range designator, e.g., "[9]" or "[10..15]" |
clang::ArraySubscriptExpr | ArraySubscriptExpr - [C99] Array Subscripting |
clang::ArrayType | |
clang::ArrayType_cannot_be_used_with_getAs< T, isArrayType > | |
clang::Type::ArrayTypeBitfields | |
clang::DeclaratorChunk::ArrayTypeInfo | |
clang::ArrayTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for arrays |
clang::ArrayTypeTraitExpr | An Embarcadero array type trait, as used in the implementation of __array_rank and __array_extent |
clang::CodeGen::ArtificialLocation | |
clang::AsmStmt | |
clang::GCCAsmStmt::AsmStringPiece | |
clang::driver::tools::hexagon::Assemble | |
clang::driver::tools::darwin::Assemble | |
clang::driver::tools::openbsd::Assemble | |
clang::driver::tools::bitrig::Assemble | |
clang::driver::tools::freebsd::Assemble | |
clang::driver::tools::netbsd::Assemble | |
clang::driver::tools::minix::Assemble | |
clang::driver::tools::solaris::Assemble | |
clang::driver::tools::dragonfly::Assemble | |
clang::driver::tools::XCore::Assemble | |
clang::driver::tools::CrossWindows::Assemble | |
clang::driver::tools::gnutools::Assemble | |
clang::driver::AssembleJobAction | |
clang::ento::eval::Assume | |
clang::ento::check::ASTCodeBody | |
clang::ASTConsumer | |
clang::ASTContext | Holds long-lived AST nodes (such as types and decls) that can be referred to throughout the semantic analysis of a file |
clang::ento::check::ASTDecl< DECL > | |
clang::serialization::reader::ASTDeclContextNameLookupTrait | Class that performs name lookup into a DeclContext stored in an AST file |
clang::ASTDeclListAction | |
clang::ASTDeclReader | |
clang::ASTDeclWriter | |
clang::ASTDeserializationListener | |
clang::ASTDumpAction | |
clang::ASTFrontendAction | Abstract base class to use for AST consumer-based frontend actions |
clang::ASTIdentifierIterator | An identifier-lookup iterator that enumerates all of the identifiers stored within a set of AST files |
clang::serialization::reader::ASTIdentifierLookupTrait | Class that performs lookup for an identifier stored in an AST file |
clang::serialization::reader::ASTIdentifierLookupTraitBase | Base class for the trait describing the on-disk hash table for the identifiers in an AST file |
clang::ASTImporter | Imports selected nodes from one AST context into another context, merging AST nodes where appropriate |
clang::ASTMergeAction | Frontend action adaptor that merges ASTs together |
clang::ASTMutationListener | An abstract interface that should be implemented by listeners that want to be notified when an AST entity gets modified after its initial creation |
clang::ASTNodeImporter | |
clang::ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind | Kind identifier |
clang::ASTPrintAction | |
clang::ASTReader | Reads an AST files chain containing the contents of a translation unit |
clang::ASTReaderListener | Abstract interface for callback invocations by the ASTReader |
clang::ASTRecordLayout | |
clang::serialization::reader::ASTSelectorLookupTrait | Class that performs lookup for a selector's entries in the global method pool stored in an AST file |
clang::ASTStmtReader | |
clang::ASTStmtWriter | |
clang::ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo | Represents an explicit template argument list in C++, e.g., the "<int>" in "sort<int>". This is safe to be used inside an AST node, in contrast with TemplateArgumentListInfo |
clang::ASTTemplateKWAndArgsInfo | Extends ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo with the source location information for the template keyword; this is used as part of the representation of qualified identifiers, such as S<T>::template apply<T> |
clang::arcmt::trans::ASTTraverser | |
clang::ASTUnit | Utility class for loading a ASTContext from an AST file |
clang::ASTUnresolvedSet | An UnresolvedSet-like class which uses the ASTContext's allocator |
clang::ASTVector< T > | |
clang::ASTViewAction | |
clang::ASTWriter | Writes an AST file containing the contents of a translation unit |
clang::ASTUnit::ASTWriterData | |
clang::AsTypeExpr | |
atomic_flag | |
clang::AtomicExpr | |
clang::AtomicType | |
clang::AtomicTypeLoc | |
clang::AtomicTypeLocInfo | |
clang::Attr | Attr - This represents one attribute |
clang::comments::HTMLStartTagComment::Attribute | |
clang::AttributedLocInfo | |
clang::AttributedStmt | Represents an attribute applied to a statement |
clang::AttributedType | |
clang::Type::AttributedTypeBitfields | |
clang::AttributedTypeLoc | Type source information for an attributed type |
clang::AttributeFactory | |
clang::AttributeList | |
clang::AttributePool | |
clang::Attributes | The set of attributes that can be attached to a module |
clang::ento::ExplodedNode::Auditor | |
clang::AutoType | Represents a C++11 auto or C++1y decltype(auto) type |
clang::Type::AutoTypeBitfields | |
clang::AutoTypeLoc | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::AutoVarEmission | |
clang::AvailabilityChange | Represents information about a change in availability for an entity, which is part of the encoding of the 'availability' attribute |
clang::BackendConsumer | |
clang::dataflow::backward_analysis_tag | |
clang::BadConversionSequence | |
clang::BalancedDelimiterTracker | RAII class that helps handle the parsing of an open/close delimiter pair, such as braces { ... } or parentheses ( ... ) |
clang::declvisitor::Base< Ptr, ImplClass, RetTy > | A simple visitor class that helps create declaration visitors |
clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::BaseConverter< T, EnablerT > | |
clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::BaseConverter< CXXCtorInitializer, void > | |
clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::BaseConverter< NestedNameSpecifier, void > | |
clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::BaseConverter< NestedNameSpecifierLoc, void > | |
clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::BaseConverter< QualType, void > | |
clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::BaseConverter< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< Decl, T >::value >::type > | |
clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::BaseConverter< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< Stmt, T >::value >::type > | |
clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::BaseConverter< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< Type, T >::value >::type > | |
clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::BaseConverter< TemplateArgument, void > | |
clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::BaseConverter< TypeLoc, void > | |
clang::BaseSubobject | |
basic_parser | |
clang::threadSafety::til::BasicBlock | |
clang::ento::BasicValueFactory | |
clang::FullSourceLoc::BeforeThanCompare | Comparison function class, useful for sorting FullSourceLocs |
clang::BeforeThanCompare< RawComment > | Compare comments' source locations |
clang::BeforeThanCompare< SourceLocation > | Compare two source locations |
clang::BeforeThanCompare< SourceRange > | Compare two non-overlapping source ranges |
binary_function | |
clang::BinaryConditionalOperator | |
clang::threadSafety::til::BinaryOp | |
clang::BinaryOperator | A builtin binary operation expression such as "x + y" or "x <= y" |
clang::ento::BinarySymExpr | Represents a symbolic expression involving a binary operator |
clang::ento::check::Bind | |
clang::driver::BindArchAction | |
clang::ento::StoreManager::BindingsHandler | |
clang::threadSafety::lexpr::BinOp | |
clang::driver::toolchains::Bitrig | |
clang::UncommonTemplateNameStorage::BitsTag | |
clang::BlockCall | |
clang::comments::BlockCommandComment | |
clang::comments::Comment::BlockCommandCommentBitfields | |
clang::comments::BlockContentComment | |
clang::ento::BlockCounter | An abstract data type used to count the number of times a given block has been visited along a path analyzed by CoreEngine |
clang::ento::BlockDataRegion | |
clang::BlockDecl | |
clang::BlockEdge | |
clang::BlockEntrance | |
clang::BlockExit | |
clang::BlockExpr | |
clang::CodeGen::BlockFieldFlags | |
clang::CodeGen::BlockFlags | |
clang::BlockInvocationContext | |
clang::arcmt::trans::BlockObjCVariableTraverser | |
clang::PostOrderCFGView::BlockOrderCompare | |
clang::BlockPointerType | |
clang::DeclaratorChunk::BlockPointerTypeInfo | |
clang::BlockPointerTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for block pointers |
clang::sema::BlockScopeInfo | Retains information about a block that is currently being parsed |
clang::ento::BlockTextRegion | |
clang::arcmt::trans::BodyContext | |
clang::BodyFarm | |
clang::arcmt::trans::BodyTransform< BODY_TRANS > | |
clang::ast_matchers::BoundNodes | Maps string IDs to AST nodes matched by parts of a matcher |
clang::Sema::BoundTypeDiagnoser1< T1 > | |
clang::Sema::BoundTypeDiagnoser2< T1, T2 > | |
clang::Sema::BoundTypeDiagnoser3< T1, T2, T3 > | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Branch | |
clang::UninitUse::Branch | |
clang::ento::check::BranchCondition | |
clang::CodeGen::BranchFixup | |
clang::ento::BranchNodeBuilder | BranchNodeBuilder is responsible for constructing the nodes corresponding to the two branches of the if statement - true and false |
clang::format::BreakableBlockComment | |
clang::format::BreakableLineComment | |
clang::format::BreakableSingleLineToken | Base class for single line tokens that can be broken |
clang::format::BreakableStringLiteral | |
clang::format::BreakableToken | Base class for strategies on how to break tokens |
clang::BreakStmt | |
clang::comments::BriefParser | |
clang::ento::BugReport | |
clang::ento::BugReportEquivClass | |
clang::ento::BugReporter | |
clang::ento::BugReporterContext | |
clang::ento::BugReporterData | |
clang::ento::BugReporterVisitor | BugReporterVisitors are used to add custom diagnostics along a path |
clang::ento::BugReporterVisitorImpl< DERIVED > | |
clang::ento::BugType | |
clang::ContinuousRangeMap< Int, V, InitialCapacity >::Builder | An object that helps properly build a continuous range map from a set of values |
clang::threadSafety::BuildLockset | We use this class to visit different types of expressions in CFGBlocks, and build up the lockset. An expression may cause us to add or remove locks from the lockset, or else output error messages related to missing locks. FIXME: In future, we may be able to not inherit from a visitor |
clang::CFG::BuildOptions | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::BuildReturnTypeVector< T > | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::BuildReturnTypeVector< ast_matchers::internal::BindableMatcher< T > > | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::BuildReturnTypeVector< ast_matchers::internal::Matcher< T > > | |
clang::ento::BuiltinBug | |
clang::BuiltinLocInfo | |
clang::BuiltinType | |
clang::Type::BuiltinTypeBitfields | |
clang::BuiltinTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for builtin types |
BumpPtrAllocator | |
clang::BumpVector< T > | |
clang::BumpVectorContext | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::ByrefHelpers | A pair of helper functions for a __block variable |
clang::ASTUnit::CachedCodeCompletionResult | A cached code-completion result, which may be introduced in one of many different contexts |
clang::ento::eval::Call | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Call | Call a function (after all arguments have been applied) |
clang::CodeGen::CallArg | |
clang::CodeGen::CallArgList::CallArgCleanup | |
clang::CodeGen::CallArgList | |
clang::reachable_code::Callback | |
clang::ento::objc_retain::CallEffects | |
clang::CallEnter | |
clang::ento::CallEvent | Represents an abstract call to a function or method along a particular path |
CallEvent | |
clang::CallEventManager | Manages the lifetime of CallEvent objects |
clang::ento::CallEventRef< T > | |
clang::CallExitBegin | |
clang::CallExitEnd | |
clang::CallExpr | |
clang::Stmt::CallExprBitfields | |
clang::CallGraph | The AST-based call graph |
clang::CallGraphNode | |
clang::threadSafety::SExprBuilder::CallingContext | Encapsulates the lexical context of a function call. The lexical context includes the arguments to the call, including the implicit object argument. When an attribute containing a mutex expression is attached to a method, the expression may refer to formal parameters of the method. Actual arguments must be substituted for formal parameters to derive the appropriate mutex expression in the lexical context where the function is called. PrevCtx holds the context in which the arguments themselves should be evaluated; multiple calling contexts can be chained together by the lock_returned attribute |
clang::TypeWithKeyword::CannotCastToThisType | |
clang::CanProxy< T > | Canonical proxy type returned when retrieving the members of a canonical type or as the result of the CanQual<T>::getAs member function |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< T > | Replacable canonical proxy adaptor class that provides the link between a canonical type and the accessors of the type |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< BlockPointerType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< ComplexType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< DecltypeType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< DependentSizedExtVectorType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< EnumType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< ExtVectorType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< FunctionNoProtoType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< FunctionProtoType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< FunctionType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< LValueReferenceType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< MemberPointerType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< ObjCObjectPointerType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< ObjCObjectType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< PointerType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< RecordType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< ReferenceType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< RValueReferenceType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< TagType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< TemplateTypeParmType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< TypeOfType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< UnaryTransformType > | |
clang::CanProxyAdaptor< VectorType > | |
clang::CanProxyBase< T > | Base class of all canonical proxy types, which is responsible for storing the underlying canonical type and providing basic conversions |
clang::CanQual< T > | Represents a canonical, potentially-qualified type |
clang::CanTypeIterator< InputIterator > | Iterator adaptor that turns an iterator over canonical QualTypes into an iterator over CanQualTypes |
clang::threadSafety::CapabilityExpr | |
clang::threadSafety::CapExprSet | A set of CapabilityInfo objects, which are compiled from the requires attributes on a function |
clang::CodeGen::CGBlockInfo::Capture | |
clang::BlockDecl::Capture | |
clang::CapturedStmt::Capture | Describes the capture of either a variable, or 'this', or variable-length array type |
clang::sema::CapturingScopeInfo::Capture | |
clang::CapturedDecl | This represents the body of a CapturedStmt, and serves as its DeclContext |
clang::arcmt::CapturedDiagList | |
clang::sema::CapturedRegionScopeInfo | Retains information about a captured region |
clang::CapturedStmt | This captures a statement into a function. For example, the following pragma annotated compound statement can be represented as a CapturedStmt, and this compound statement is the body of an anonymous outlined function |
clang::sema::CapturingScopeInfo | |
clang::CaseStmt | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Cast | |
clang::cast_convert_decl_context< ToTy, IsKnownSubtype > | |
clang::cast_convert_decl_context< ToTy, true > | |
llvm::cast_convert_val< ::clang::DeclContext, FromTy *, FromTy * > | |
llvm::cast_convert_val< ::clang::DeclContext, FromTy, FromTy > | Implement cast_convert_val for Decl -> DeclContext conversions |
llvm::cast_convert_val< const ::clang::DeclContext, FromTy *, FromTy * > | |
llvm::cast_convert_val< const ::clang::DeclContext, FromTy, FromTy > | |
llvm::cast_convert_val< ToTy, const ::clang::DeclContext *, const ::clang::DeclContext * > | |
llvm::cast_convert_val< ToTy, const ::clang::DeclContext, const ::clang::DeclContext > | Cast<T>(DeclContext*) |
llvm::cast_convert_val< ToTy,::clang::DeclContext *,::clang::DeclContext * > | |
llvm::cast_convert_val< ToTy,::clang::DeclContext,::clang::DeclContext > | |
clang::CastExpr | |
clang::Stmt::CastExprBitfields | |
clang::CodeGen::EHScope::CatchBitFields | |
clang::CFG | |
clang::CFGAutomaticObjDtor | |
clang::CFGBaseDtor | |
clang::CFGBlock | |
clang::threadSafety::CFGBlockInfo | |
clang::PostOrderCFGView::CFGBlockSet | Implements a set of CFGBlocks using a BitVector |
clang::CFGCallback | CFGCallback defines methods that should be called when a logical operator error is found when building the CFG |
clang::CFGDeleteDtor | |
clang::CFGElement | CFGElement - Represents a top-level expression in a basic block |
clang::CFGImplicitDtor | |
clang::CFGInitializer | |
clang::CFGMemberDtor | |
clang::CFGNewAllocator | CFGNewAllocator - Represents C++ allocator call |
clang::CFGReverseBlockReachabilityAnalysis | |
clang::CFGStmt | |
clang::CFGStmtMap | |
clang::CFGTemporaryDtor | |
clang::CFGTerminator | |
clang::threadSafety::CFGVisitor | |
clang::threadSafety::CFGWalker | |
clang::CodeGen::CGBitFieldInfo | Structure with information about how a bitfield should be accessed |
clang::CodeGen::CGBlockInfo | CGBlockInfo - Information to generate a block literal |
clang::CodeGen::CGBuilderInserter< PreserveNames > | This is an IRBuilder insertion helper that forwards to CodeGenFunction::InsertHelper, which adds necessary metadata to instructions |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::CGCapturedStmtInfo | API for captured statement code generation |
clang::CodeGen::CGCUDARuntime | |
clang::CodeGen::CGCXXABI | Implements C++ ABI-specific code generation functions |
clang::CodeGen::CGDebugInfo | |
clang::CodeGen::CGFunctionInfo | |
clang::CodeGen::CGObjCRuntime | Implements runtime-specific code generation functions |
clang::CodeGen::CGOpenCLRuntime | |
clang::CodeGen::CGOpenMPRuntime | |
clang::CodeGen::CGRecordLayout | |
clang::ChainedASTReaderListener | Simple wrapper class for chaining listeners |
clang::ChainedDiagnosticConsumer | |
clang::CharacterLiteral | |
clang::Stmt::CharacterLiteralBitfields | |
clang::CharLiteralParser | |
clang::CharSourceRange | Represents a character-granular source range |
clang::CharUnits | |
clang::arcmt::CheckAction | |
clang::ento::Checker< check::_VoidCheck > | |
clang::ento::CheckerBase | |
clang::ento::CheckerContext | |
clang::ento::CheckerDocumentation | |
clang::ento::CheckerFn< RET()> | |
clang::ento::CheckerFn< RET(P1)> | |
clang::ento::CheckerFn< RET(P1, P2)> | |
clang::ento::CheckerFn< RET(P1, P2, P3)> | |
clang::ento::CheckerFn< RET(P1, P2, P3, P4)> | |
clang::ento::CheckerFn< RET(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5)> | |
clang::ento::CheckerRegistry::CheckerInfo | |
clang::ento::CheckerManager | |
clang::ento::CheckerOptInfo | |
clang::ento::CheckerProgramPointTag | |
clang::ento::CheckerRegistry | |
clang::ento::CheckName | |
clang::ChooseExpr | |
clang::CodeCompletionString::Chunk | One piece of the code completion string |
clang::driver::tools::Clang | Clang compiler tool |
clang::driver::tools::ClangAs | Clang integrated assembler tool |
clang::tooling::ClangStripOutputAdjuster | An argument adjuster which removes output-related command line arguments |
clang::tooling::ClangSyntaxOnlyAdjuster | Syntax check only command line adjuster |
clang::tooling::ClangTool | Utility to run a FrontendAction over a set of files |
clang::Expr::Classification | The return type of classify(). Represents the C++11 expression taxonomy |
clang::ClassScopeFunctionSpecializationDecl | Declaration of a function specialization at template class scope |
clang::ClassTemplateDecl | Declaration of a class template |
clang::ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl | |
clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl | Represents a class template specialization, which refers to a class template with a given set of template arguments |
clang::CodeGen::EHScopeStack::Cleanup | |
clang::CodeGen::EHScope::CleanupBitFields | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Code | A block of code -- e.g. the body of a function |
clang::CodeCompleteConsumer | Abstract interface for a consumer of code-completion information |
clang::Sema::CodeCompleteExpressionData | |
CodeCompleteOptions | Options controlling the behavior of code completion |
clang::CodeCompletionAllocator | An allocator used specifically for the purpose of code completion |
clang::CodeCompletionBuilder | A builder class used to construct new code-completion strings |
clang::CodeCompletionContext | The context in which code completion occurred, so that the code-completion consumer can process the results accordingly |
clang::CodeCompletionHandler | Callback handler that receives notifications when performing code completion within the preprocessor |
clang::CodeCompletionResult | Captures a result of code completion |
clang::CodeCompletionString | A "string" used to describe how code completion can be performed for an entity |
clang::CodeCompletionTUInfo | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenABITypes | |
clang::CodeGenAction | |
clang::CodeGenerator | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule | |
clang::CodeGenOptions | |
clang::CodeGenOptionsBase | Bitfields of CodeGenOptions, split out from CodeGenOptions to ensure that this large collection of bitfields is a trivial class type |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenPGO | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenTBAA | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenTypeCache | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenTypes | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenVTables | |
clang::CodeInjector | CodeInjector is an interface which is responsible for injecting AST of function definitions that may not be available in the original source |
clang::ento::CodeTextRegion | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Parser::CodeTokenizer | Simple tokenizer for the parser |
clang::ast_matchers::internal::CollectMatchesCallback | |
clang::ColonProtectionRAIIObject | |
clang::driver::Command | |
clang::comments::CommandInfo | Information about a single command |
clang::comments::CommandTraits | |
clang::format::CommaSeparatedList | |
clang::comments::Comment | |
clang::comments::Comment::CommentBitfields | |
clang::CommentHandler | Abstract base class that describes a handler that will receive source ranges for each of the comments encountered in the source file |
clang::CommentOptions | Options for controlling comment parsing |
clang::index::CommentToXMLConverter | |
clang::comments::CommentVisitor< ImplClass, RetTy > | |
clang::comments::CommentVisitorBase< Ptr, ImplClass, RetTy > | |
clang::edit::Commit | |
clang::driver::tools::gcc::Common | |
clang::FunctionTemplateDecl::Common | Data that is common to all of the declarations of a given function template |
clang::ClassTemplateDecl::Common | Data that is common to all of the declarations of a given class template |
clang::VarTemplateDecl::Common | Data that is common to all of the declarations of a given variable template |
clang::RedeclarableTemplateDecl::CommonBase | |
CommonBase | |
clang::tooling::CommonOptionsParser | A parser for options common to all command-line Clang tools |
clang::PPConditionalDirectiveRecord::CondDirectiveLoc::Comp | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Comparator< Self > | |
clang::driver::Compilation | |
clang::tooling::CompilationDatabase | Interface for compilation databases |
clang::tooling::CompilationDatabasePlugin | Interface for compilation database plugins |
clang::driver::tools::gcc::Compile | |
clang::driver::tools::visualstudio::Compile | |
clang::tooling::CompileCommand | Specifies the working directory and command of a compilation |
clang::driver::CompileJobAction | |
clang::tooling::CompileJobAnalyzer | |
clang::CompilerInstance | |
clang::CompilerInvocation | Helper class for holding the data necessary to invoke the compiler |
clang::CompilerInvocationBase | |
CompleteObject | |
clang::ComplexType | |
clang::ComplexTypeLoc | |
clang::CompoundAssignOperator | |
clang::CompoundLiteralExpr | |
clang::ento::CompoundLiteralRegion | |
clang::sema::CompoundScopeInfo | Contains information about the compound statement currently being parsed |
clang::Sema::CompoundScopeRAII | A RAII object to enter scope of a compound statement |
clang::format::CompoundStatementIndenter | |
clang::CompoundStmt | |
clang::Stmt::CompoundStmtBitfields | |
clang::ento::nonloc::CompoundVal | |
clang::ento::CompoundValData | |
clang::ento::nonloc::ConcreteInt | Value representing integer constant |
clang::ento::loc::ConcreteInt | |
clang::ConcreteTypeLoc< Base, Derived, TypeClass, LocalData > | |
clang::ASTUnit::ConcurrencyCheck | |
clang::CodeGen::EHScopeStack::ConditionalCleanup1< T, A0 > | |
clang::CodeGen::EHScopeStack::ConditionalCleanup2< T, A0, A1 > | |
clang::CodeGen::EHScopeStack::ConditionalCleanup3< T, A0, A1, A2 > | |
clang::CodeGen::EHScopeStack::ConditionalCleanup4< T, A0, A1, A2, A3 > | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::ConditionalEvaluation | An object to manage conditionally-evaluated expressions |
clang::ConditionalOperator | |
clang::ento::ConditionBRVisitor | Visitor that tries to report interesting diagnostics from conditions |
clang::ento::ConditionTruthVal | |
clang::Module::Conflict | A conflict between two modules |
clang::CFG::const_graph_iterator | |
clang::ConstantArrayType | |
clang::ConstantArrayTypeLoc | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::ConstantEmission | |
clang::comments::ConstCommentVisitor< ImplClass, RetTy > | |
clang::ConstDeclVisitor< ImplClass, RetTy > | A simple visitor class that helps create declaration visitors |
clang::ConstExprIterator | |
clang::ConstOMPClauseVisitor< ImplClass, RetTy > | |
clang::ento::check::ConstPointerEscape | |
clang::TargetInfo::ConstraintInfo | |
clang::ento::ConstraintManager | |
clang::ConstStmtIterator | |
clang::ConstStmtRange | |
clang::ConstStmtVisitor< ImplClass, RetTy > | |
clang::consumed::ConsumedAnalyzer | A class that handles the analysis of uniqueness violations |
clang::consumed::ConsumedBlockInfo | |
clang::consumed::ConsumedStateMap | |
clang::consumed::ConsumedStmtVisitor | |
clang::consumed::ConsumedWarningsHandlerBase | |
clang::threadSafety::til::CopyReducerBase::Container< T > | |
clang::threadSafety::til::VisitReducerBase::Container< T > | |
clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache | One instance of this struct is kept for every file loaded or used |
clang::Builtin::Context | Holds information about both target-independent and target-specific builtins, allowing easy queries by clients |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Diagnostics::Context | Class defining a parser context |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Diagnostics::ContextFrame | Information stored for one frame of the context |
clang::Sema::ContextRAII | A RAII object to temporarily push a declaration context |
clang::Sema::ContextualImplicitConverter | Abstract base class used to perform a contextual implicit conversion from an expression to any type passing a filter |
clang::format::ContinuationIndenter | |
clang::ContinueStmt | |
clang::ContinuousRangeMap< Int, V, InitialCapacity > | A map from continuous integer ranges to some value, with a very specialized interface |
clang::ConversionFixItGenerator | |
clang::analyze_format_string::ConversionSpecifier | |
clang::ConvertVectorExpr | |
clang::threadSafety::CopyOnWriteVector< T > | |
clang::threadSafety::til::CopyReducerBase | |
clang::ento::CoreEngine | |
clang::CorrectionCandidateCallback | Base class for callback objects used by Sema::CorrectTypo to check the validity of a potential typo correction |
clang::CodeGen::CoverageMappingGen | Organizes the per-function state that is used while generating code coverage mapping data |
clang::CodeGen::CoverageMappingModuleGen | Organizes the cross-function state that is used while generating code coverage mapping data |
clang::CoverageSourceInfo | Stores additional source code information like skipped ranges which is required by the coverage mapping generator and is obtained from the preprocessor |
clang::driver::CrashReportInfo | |
clang::driver::toolchains::CrossWindowsToolChain | |
clang::CStyleCastExpr | |
clang::CUDAKernelCallExpr | Represents a call to a CUDA kernel function |
clang::diag::CustomDiagInfo | |
CXCodeCompleteResults | Contains the results of code-completion |
CXComment | A parsed comment |
CXCompletionResult | A single result of code completion |
CXCursor | A cursor representing some element in the abstract syntax tree for a translation unit |
CXCursorAndRangeVisitor | |
CXFileUniqueID | Uniquely identifies a CXFile, that refers to the same underlying file, across an indexing session |
CXIdxAttrInfo | |
CXIdxBaseClassInfo | |
CXIdxContainerInfo | |
CXIdxCXXClassDeclInfo | |
CXIdxDeclInfo | |
CXIdxEntityInfo | |
CXIdxEntityRefInfo | Data for IndexerCallbacks::indexEntityReference |
CXIdxIBOutletCollectionAttrInfo | |
CXIdxImportedASTFileInfo | Data for IndexerCallbacks::importedASTFile |
CXIdxIncludedFileInfo | Data for ppIncludedFile callback |
CXIdxLoc | Source location passed to index callbacks |
CXIdxObjCCategoryDeclInfo | |
CXIdxObjCContainerDeclInfo | |
CXIdxObjCInterfaceDeclInfo | |
CXIdxObjCPropertyDeclInfo | |
CXIdxObjCProtocolRefInfo | |
CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo | |
CXPlatformAvailability | |
CXSourceLocation | Identifies a specific source location within a translation unit |
CXSourceRange | Identifies a half-open character range in the source code |
CXSourceRangeList | Identifies an array of ranges |
CXString | A character string |
CXToken | Describes a single preprocessing token |
CXTUResourceUsage | The memory usage of a CXTranslationUnit, broken into categories |
CXTUResourceUsageEntry | |
CXType | The type of an element in the abstract syntax tree |
CXUnsavedFile | Provides the contents of a file that has not yet been saved to disk |
CXVersion | Describes a version number of the form major.minor.subminor |
clang::CXXABI | Implements C++ ABI-specific semantic analysis functions |
clang::CXXAllocatorCall | Represents the memory allocation call in a C++ new-expression |
clang::ento::CXXBaseObjectRegion | |
clang::CXXBasePath | Represents a path from a specific derived class (which is not represented as part of the path) to a particular (direct or indirect) base class subobject |
clang::CXXBasePathElement | Represents an element in a path from a derived class to a base class |
clang::CXXBasePaths | |
clang::CXXBaseSpecifier | Represents a base class of a C++ class |
clang::CXXBindTemporaryExpr | Represents binding an expression to a temporary |
clang::CXXBoolLiteralExpr | A boolean literal, per ([C++ lex.bool] Boolean literals) |
clang::CXXCatchStmt | |
clang::CXXConstCastExpr | A C++ const_cast expression (C++ [expr.const.cast]) |
clang::CXXConstructExpr | Represents a call to a C++ constructor |
clang::CXXConstructorCall | Represents a call to a C++ constructor |
clang::CXXConstructorDecl | Represents a C++ constructor within a class |
clang::CXXConversionDecl | Represents a C++ conversion function within a class |
clang::CXXCtorInitializer | Represents a C++ base or member initializer |
clang::CXXDefaultArgExpr | A default argument (C++ [dcl.fct.default]) |
clang::CXXDefaultInitExpr | A use of a default initializer in a constructor or in aggregate initialization |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::CXXDefaultInitExprScope | |
clang::CXXDeleteExpr | Represents a delete expression for memory deallocation and destructor calls, e.g. "delete[] pArray" |
clang::CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr | Represents a C++ member access expression where the actual member referenced could not be resolved because the base expression or the member name was dependent |
clang::CXXDestructorCall | Represents an implicit call to a C++ destructor |
clang::CXXDestructorDecl | Represents a C++ destructor within a class |
clang::CXXDynamicCastExpr | A C++ dynamic_cast expression (C++ [expr.dynamic.cast]) |
clang::CXXFieldCollector | |
clang::CXXFinalOverriderMap | A mapping from each virtual member function to its set of final overriders |
clang::CXXFoldExpr | Represents a folding of a pack over an operator |
clang::CXXForRangeStmt | |
clang::CXXFunctionalCastExpr | Represents an explicit C++ type conversion that uses "functional" notation (C++ [expr.type.conv]) |
clang::CXXIndirectPrimaryBaseSet | A set of all the primary bases for a class |
clang::CXXInstanceCall | Represents a non-static C++ member function call, no matter how it is written |
clang::CXXLiteralOperatorIdName | |
clang::DeclarationNameLoc::CXXLitOpName | |
clang::CXXMemberCall | Represents a non-static C++ member function call |
clang::CXXMemberCallExpr | |
clang::CXXMemberOperatorCall | Represents a C++ overloaded operator call where the operator is implemented as a non-static member function |
clang::CXXMethodDecl | Represents a static or instance method of a struct/union/class |
clang::CXXNamedCastExpr | Abstract class common to all of the C++ "named"/"keyword" casts |
clang::CXXNewExpr | Represents a new-expression for memory allocation and constructor calls, e.g: "new CXXNewExpr(foo)" |
clang::CXXNoexceptExpr | Represents a C++11 noexcept expression (C++ [expr.unary.noexcept]) |
clang::CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr | The null pointer literal (C++11 [lex.nullptr]) |
clang::CXXOperatorCallExpr | A call to an overloaded operator written using operator syntax |
clang::CXXOperatorIdName | |
clang::DeclarationNameLoc::CXXOpName | |
clang::CXXPseudoDestructorExpr | Represents a C++ pseudo-destructor (C++ [expr.pseudo]) |
clang::CXXRecordDecl | Represents a C++ struct/union/class |
clang::CXXReinterpretCastExpr | A C++ reinterpret_cast expression (C++ [expr.reinterpret.cast]) |
clang::CXXScalarValueInitExpr | |
clang::CXXScopeSpec | Represents a C++ nested-name-specifier or a global scope specifier |
clang::CXXSpecialName | |
clang::CXXStaticCastExpr | A C++ static_cast expression (C++ [expr.static.cast]) |
clang::CXXStdInitializerListExpr | Implicit construction of a std::initializer_list<T> object from an array temporary within list-initialization (C++11 [dcl.init.list]p5) |
clang::ento::CXXTempObjectRegion | |
clang::CXXTemporary | Represents a C++ temporary |
clang::CXXTemporaryObjectExpr | Represents a C++ functional cast expression that builds a temporary object |
clang::CXXThisExpr | Represents the this expression in C++ |
clang::ento::CXXThisRegion | |
clang::Sema::CXXThisScopeRAII | RAII object used to temporarily allow the C++ 'this' expression to be used, with the given qualifiers on the current class type |
clang::CXXThrowExpr | A C++ throw-expression (C++ [except.throw]) |
clang::CXXTryStmt | |
clang::CXXTypeidExpr | |
clang::CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr | Describes an explicit type conversion that uses functional notion but could not be resolved because one or more arguments are type-dependent |
clang::CXXUuidofExpr | |
clang::driver::toolchains::Darwin | Darwin - The base Darwin tool chain |
clang::driver::toolchains::DarwinClang | DarwinClang - The Darwin toolchain used by Clang |
clang::serialization::reader::ASTSelectorLookupTrait::data_type | |
clang::DataflowValues< ValueTypes, _AnalysisDirTag > | DataflowValues. Container class to store dataflow values for a CFG |
clang::DeclContext::ddiag_iterator | |
clang::ento::check::DeadSymbols | |
clang::CodeGen::DebugLocThreadIdTy | Stores debug location and ThreadID for the function |
clang::DecayedType | Represents a pointer type decayed from an array or function type |
clang::DecayedTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for pointers decayed from arrays and functions |
clang::Decl | |
clang::DeclContext::decl_iterator | |
clang::DeclAccessPair | |
clang::DeclarationName | |
clang::DeclarationNameExtra | |
clang::DeclarationNameInfo | |
clang::DeclarationNameLoc | |
clang::DeclarationNameTable | |
clang::Declarator | Information about one declarator, including the parsed type information and the identifier |
clang::DeclaratorChunk | One instance of this struct is used for each type in a declarator that is parsed |
clang::DeclaratorDecl | Represents a ValueDecl that came out of a declarator. Contains type source information through TypeSourceInfo |
clang::DeclContext | |
clang::serialization::DeclContextInfo | Information about the contents of a DeclContext |
clang::DeclContextPrintAction | |
clang::DeclFilterCCC< C > | Simple template class for restricting typo correction candidates to ones having a single Decl* of the given type |
clang::DeclGroup | |
clang::DeclGroupRef | |
clang::comments::DeclInfo | Information about the declaration, useful to clients of FullComment |
clang::Redeclarable< decl_type >::DeclLink | |
clang::serialization::reader::ASTDeclContextNameLookupTrait::DeclNameKey | Special internal key for declaration names. The hash table creates keys for comparison; we do not create a DeclarationName for the internal key to avoid deserializing types |
clang::serialization::DeclOffset | Source range/offset of a preprocessed entity |
clang::DeclRefExpr | A reference to a declared variable, function, enum, etc. [C99 6.5.1p2] |
clang::Stmt::DeclRefExprBitfields | |
clang::ento::DeclRegion | |
clang::DeclSpec | Captures information about "declaration specifiers" |
clang::DeclStmt | |
clang::DecltypeType | DecltypeType (C++0x) |
clang::DecltypeTypeLoc | |
clang::DeclVisitor< ImplClass, RetTy > | A simple visitor class that helps create declaration visitors |
clang::DeducedPack | A pack that we're currently deducing |
clang::DeducedTemplateArgument | Captures a template argument whose value has been deduced via c++ template argument deduction |
clang::DeductionFailureInfo | |
clang::ento::DefaultBool | A helper class which wraps a boolean value set to false by default |
DefaultDOTGraphTraits | |
clang::tooling::DefaultPathComparator | Default PathComparator using llvm::sys::fs::equivalent() |
clang::DefaultStmt | |
clang::ento::DefinedOrUnknownSVal | |
clang::ento::DefinedSVal | |
DefinedTracker | |
clang::MacroDirective::DefInfo | |
clang::DefMacroDirective | A directive for a defined macro or a macro imported from a module |
clang::sema::DelayedDiagnostic | |
clang::sema::DelayedDiagnosticPool | A collection of diagnostics which were delayed |
clang::Sema::DelayedDiagnostics | |
clang::Sema::DelayedDiagnosticsState | |
clang::DeltaTree | |
clang::sema::FunctionScopeInfo::WeakObjectProfileTy::DenseMapInfo | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::BaseSubobject > | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::CanQualType > | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::CharUnits > | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::CodeGen::TBAAPathTag > | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::DeclarationName > | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::FileID > | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::GlobalDecl > | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::ProgramPoint > | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::QualType > | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< clang::Selector > | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< EditEntry > | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< ObjCSummaryKey > | |
llvm::DenseMapInfo< StringRef > | |
DenseMapInfoDupKey | |
clang::DependencyCollector | |
clang::DependencyFileGenerator | |
clang::DependencyOutputOptions | |
clang::DependentDecltypeType | Internal representation of canonical, dependent decltype(expr) types |
clang::DependentDiagnostic | A dependently-generated diagnostic |
clang::DependentFunctionTemplateSpecializationInfo | Provides information about a dependent function-template specialization declaration |
clang::DependentNameLocInfo | |
clang::DependentNameType | Represents a qualified type name for which the type name is dependent |
clang::DependentNameTypeLoc | |
clang::DependentScopeDeclRefExpr | A qualified reference to a name whose declaration cannot yet be resolved |
clang::DependentSizedArrayType | |
clang::DependentSizedArrayTypeLoc | |
clang::DependentSizedExtVectorType | |
clang::DependentSizedExtVectorTypeLoc | |
clang::DependentStoredDeclsMap | |
clang::DependentTemplateName | Represents a dependent template name that cannot be resolved prior to template instantiation |
clang::DependentTemplateSpecializationLocInfo | |
clang::DependentTemplateSpecializationType | |
clang::DependentTemplateSpecializationTypeLoc | |
clang::DependentTypeOfExprType | Internal representation of canonical, dependent typeof(expr) types |
clang::ExternalASTSource::Deserializing | RAII class for safely pairing a StartedDeserializing call with FinishedDeserializing |
clang::DesignatedInitExpr | Represents a C99 designated initializer expression |
clang::Designation | |
clang::DesignatedInitExpr::Designator | Represents a single C99 designator |
clang::Designator | |
DetectedMultilibs | |
clang::Diagnostic | |
clang::DiagnosticBuilder | A little helper class used to produce diagnostics |
clang::DiagnosticConsumer | Abstract interface, implemented by clients of the front-end, which formats and prints fully processed diagnostics |
clang::DiagnosticErrorTrap | RAII class that determines when any errors have occurred between the time the instance was created and the time it was queried |
clang::DiagnosticIDs | Used for handling and querying diagnostic IDs |
clang::DiagnosticMapping | |
clang::DiagnosticNoteRenderer | |
clang::DiagnosticOptions | Options for controlling the compiler diagnostics engine |
clang::DiagnosticRenderer | Class to encapsulate the logic for formatting a diagnostic message |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Diagnostics | Helper class to manage error messages |
clang::DiagnosticsEngine | Concrete class used by the front-end to report problems and issues |
clang::VerifyDiagnosticConsumer::Directive | |
clang::vfs::directory_iterator | An input iterator over the entries in a virtual path, similar to llvm::sys::fs::directory_iterator |
clang::DirectoryEntry | Cached information about one directory (either on disk or in the virtual file system) |
clang::DirectoryLookup | |
clang::vfs::detail::DirIterImpl | An interface for virtual file systems to provide an iterator over the (non-recursive) contents of a directory |
llvm::yaml::DocumentListTraits< std::vector< FormatStyle > > | |
clang::CodeGen::DominatingLLVMValue | |
DominatingPointer | |
clang::CodeGen::DominatingPointer< T, false > | |
clang::CodeGen::DominatingPointer< T, true > | |
clang::CodeGen::DominatingValue< T > | |
clang::CodeGen::DominatingValue< RValue > | A specialization of DominatingValue for RValue |
clang::CodeGen::DominatingValue< T * > | |
clang::DominatorTree | Concrete subclass of DominatorTreeBase for Clang This class implements the dominators tree functionality given a Clang CFG |
clang::DoStmt | |
llvm::DOTGraphTraits< const CallGraph * > | |
llvm::DOTGraphTraits< const CFG * > | |
llvm::DOTGraphTraits< const Stmt * > | |
llvm::DOTGraphTraits< ExplodedNode * > | |
llvm::DOTGraphTraits< ModuleManager > | |
clang::driver::toolchains::DragonFly | |
clang::driver::Driver | |
clang::driver::tools::darwin::Dsymutil | |
clang::driver::DsymutilJobAction | |
clang::SubobjectAdjustment::DTB | |
clang::DumpModuleInfoAction | Dump information about the given module file, to be used for basic debugging and discovery |
clang::DumpRawTokensAction | |
clang::DumpTokensAction | |
DupKey | |
clang::ento::DynamicTypeInfo | Stores the currently inferred strictest bound on the runtime type of a region in a given state along the analysis path |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::DynCastAllOfMatcherDescriptor | Return CK_Trivial when appropriate for VariadicDynCastAllOfMatchers |
clang::ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode | A dynamically typed AST node container |
clang::edit::Commit::Edit | |
clang::edit::EditedSource | |
clang::edit::EditsReceiver | |
clang::CodeGen::EHCatchScope | |
clang::CodeGen::EHCleanupScope | A cleanup scope which generates the cleanup blocks lazily |
clang::CodeGen::EHFilterScope | |
EHFlags | |
clang::CodeGen::EHScope | A protected scope for zero-cost EH handling |
clang::CodeGen::EHScopeStack | |
clang::CodeGen::EHTerminateScope | |
clang::ElaboratedLocInfo | |
clang::ElaboratedType | Represents a type that was referred to using an elaborated type keyword, e.g., struct S, or via a qualified name, e.g., N::M::type, or both |
clang::ElaboratedTypeLoc | |
clang::ento::ElementRegion | ElementRegin is used to represent both array elements and casts |
clang::EmitAssemblyAction | |
clang::EmitBCAction | |
clang::EmitCodeGenOnlyAction | |
clang::EmitLLVMAction | |
clang::EmitLLVMOnlyAction | |
clang::EmitObjAction | |
clang::EmptyDecl | Represents an empty-declaration |
clang::EmptyPragmaHandler | |
clang::Stmt::EmptyShell | A placeholder type used to construct an empty shell of a type, that will be filled in later (e.g., by some de-serialization) |
clang::Decl::EmptyShell | A placeholder type used to construct an empty shell of a decl-derived type that will be filled in later (e.g., by some deserialization method) |
clang::ento::check::EndAnalysis | |
clang::ento::check::EndFunction | |
clang::ento::check::EndOfTranslationUnit | |
clang::EnterExpressionEvaluationContext | RAII object that enters a new expression evaluation context |
clang::HeaderSearchOptions::Entry | |
clang::EnumConstantDecl | |
clang::EnumDecl | |
clang::EnumType | |
clang::EnumTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for enum types |
clang::ento::Environment | An immutable map from EnvironemntEntries to SVals |
clang::ento::EnvironmentEntry | |
clang::ento::EnvironmentManager | |
clang::EpsilonPoint | |
clang::threadSafety::til::EqualsComparator | |
error_category | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Diagnostics::ErrorContent | Information stored for each error found |
clang::Expr::EvalResult | EvalResult is a struct with detailed info about an evaluated expression |
clang::Expr::EvalStatus | EvalStatus is a struct with detailed info about an evaluation in progress |
clang::EvaluatedExprVisitor< ImplClass > | Given a potentially-evaluated expression, this visitor visits all of its potentially-evaluated subexpressions, recursively |
clang::EvaluatedStmt | Structure used to store a statement, the constant value to which it was evaluated (if any), and whether or not the statement is an integral constant expression (if known) |
clang::ento::check::Event< EVENT > | |
clang::ento::EventDispatcher< EVENT > | |
clang::Sema::InstantiatingTemplate::ExceptionSpecification | |
clang::FunctionProtoType::ExceptionSpecInfo | |
clang::SrcMgr::ExpansionInfo | Each ExpansionInfo encodes the expansion location - where the token was ultimately expanded, and the SpellingLoc - where the actual character data for the token came from |
clang::VerifyDiagnosticConsumer::ExpectedData | |
clang::ExplicitCastExpr | |
clang::ento::ExplodedGraph | |
clang::ento::ExplodedNode | |
clang::ento::ExplodedNodeSet | |
clang::Expr | |
clang::Stmt::ExprBitfields | |
clang::ento::ExprEngine | |
clang::Sema::ExpressionEvaluationContextRecord | Data structure used to record current or nested expression evaluation contexts |
clang::ExpressionTraitExpr | An expression trait intrinsic |
clang::ExprIterator | |
clang::ExprWithCleanups | |
clang::Stmt::ExprWithCleanupsBitfields | |
clang::ExtensionRAIIObject | |
clang::ExternalASTSource | Abstract interface for external sources of AST nodes |
clang::ExternalHeaderFileInfoSource | An external source of header file information, which may supply information about header files already included |
clang::ExternalIdentifierLookup | An abstract class used to resolve numerical identifier references (meaningful only to some external source) into IdentifierInfo pointers |
clang::ExternalPreprocessingRecordSource | An abstract class that should be subclassed by any external source of preprocessing record entries |
clang::ExternalPreprocessorSource | Abstract interface for external sources of preprocessor information |
clang::ExternalSemaSource | An abstract interface that should be implemented by external AST sources that also provide information for semantic analysis |
clang::ExternalSLocEntrySource | External source of source location entries |
clang::ExternalVTableUse | A simple structure that captures a vtable use for the purposes of the ExternalSemaSource |
clang::FunctionType::ExtInfo | |
clang::FunctionProtoType::ExtProtoInfo | ExtProtoInfo - Extra information about a function prototype |
clang::ExtQuals | |
clang::ExtQualsTypeCommonBase | Base class that is common to both the ExtQuals and Type classes, which allows QualType to access the common fields between the two |
clang::ExtVectorElementExpr | |
clang::ExtVectorType | |
clang::ExtVectorTypeLoc | |
clang::InitializationSequence::Step::F | |
clang::threadSafety::FactEntry | This is a helper class that stores a fact that is known at a particular point in program execution. Currently, a fact is a capability, along with additional information, such as where it was acquired, whether it is exclusive or shared, etc |
clang::threadSafety::FactManager | FactManager manages the memory for all facts that are created during the analysis of a single routine |
clang::ento::BlockCounter::Factory | |
clang::threadSafety::FactSet | A FactSet is the set of facts that are known to be true at a particular program point. FactSets must be small, because they are frequently copied, and are thus implemented as a set of indices into a table maintained by a FactManager. A typical FactSet only holds 1 or 2 locks, so we can get away with doing a linear search for lookup. Note that a hashtable or map is inappropriate in this case, because lookups may involve partial pattern matches, rather than exact matches |
clang::PreprocessorOptions::FailedModulesSet | Records the set of modules |
clang::driver::FallbackCommand | |
FastFoldingSetNode | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Field | A typed, writable location in memory |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::FieldConstructionScope | |
clang::FieldDecl | |
clang::FieldDeclarator | This little struct is used to capture information about structure field declarators, which is basically just a bitfield size |
clang::DesignatedInitExpr::FieldDesignator | A field designator, e.g., ".x" |
clang::ento::FieldRegion | |
clang::vfs::File | Represents an open file |
clang::FileData | |
clang::FileEntry | Cached information about one file (either on disk or in the virtual file system) |
clang::FileID | An opaque identifier used by SourceManager which refers to a source file (MemoryBuffer) along with its #include path and #line data |
clang::SrcMgr::FileInfo | Information about a FileID, basically just the logical file that it represents and include stack information |
clang::FileManager | Implements support for file system lookup, file system caching, and directory search management |
clang::tooling::FileMatchTrie | A trie to efficiently match against the entries of the compilation database in order of matching suffix length |
clang::tooling::FileMatchTrieNode | A node of the FileMatchTrie |
clang::edit::FileOffset | |
clang::arcmt::FileRemapper | |
clang::FileScopeAsmDecl | |
clang::ento::PathDiagnosticConsumer::FilesMade | |
clang::vfs::FileSystem | The virtual file system interface |
clang::FileSystemOptions | Keeps track of options that affect how file operations are performed |
clang::FileSystemStatCache | Abstract interface for introducing a FileManager cache for 'stat' system calls, which is used by precompiled and pretokenized headers to improve performance |
clang::LookupResult::Filter | |
clang::CodeGen::EHScope::FilterBitFields | |
clang::driver::MultilibSet::FilterCallback | |
clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl::filtered_category_iterator< Filter > | Iterator that walks over the list of categories, filtering out those that do not meet specific criteria |
clang::OMPExecutableDirective::filtered_clause_iterator< FilterPredicate > | Iterates over a filtered subrange of clauses applied to a directive |
clang::DeclContext::filtered_decl_iterator< SpecificDecl, Acceptable > | Iterates over a filtered subrange of declarations stored in a DeclContext |
clang::CFGBlock::FilteredCFGBlockIterator< IMPL, IsPred > | |
clang::CFGBlock::FilterOptions | |
clang::format::final | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::final< T > | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::FinallyInfo | A class controlling the emission of a finally block |
clang::ento::FindLastStoreBRVisitor | |
FindOverriddenMethodData | Data used with FindOverriddenMethod |
clang::OverloadExpr::FindResult | |
FindSuperCallVisitor | |
clang::ento::StoreManager::FindUniqueBinding | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::FixedArgCountMatcherDescriptor | Simple callback implementation. Marshaller and function are provided |
clang::tooling::FixedCompilationDatabase | A compilation database that returns a single compile command line |
clang::FixedSizeTemplateParameterList< N > | Stores a list of template parameters for a TemplateDecl and its derived classes. Suitable for creating on the stack |
clang::FixItAction | |
clang::FixItHint | Annotates a diagnostic with some code that should be inserted, removed, or replaced to fix the problem |
clang::FixItOptions | |
clang::FixItRecompile | Emits changes to temporary files and uses them for the original frontend action |
clang::FixItRewriter | |
clang::CodeGen::EHScopeStack::Cleanup::Flags | Generation flags |
clang::FloatingLiteral | |
clang::Stmt::FloatingLiteralBitfields | |
FoldingSet | |
FoldingSetNode | |
llvm::FoldingSetTrait< ArgEffect > | |
llvm::FoldingSetTrait< RetEffect > | |
llvm::FoldingSetTrait< SValData > | |
llvm::FoldingSetTrait< SValPair > | |
clang::analyze_format_string::FormatSpecifier | |
clang::analyze_format_string::FormatStringHandler | |
clang::format::FormatStyle | The FormatStyle is used to configure the formatting to follow specific guidelines |
clang::format::FormatToken | A wrapper around a Token storing information about the whitespace characters preceding it |
clang::format::FormatTokenSource | |
clang::ForStmt | |
clang::dataflow::forward_analysis_tag | |
clang::ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer | Diagnostic consumer that forwards diagnostics along to an existing, already-initialized diagnostic consumer |
clang::Sema::FPContractStateRAII | |
clang::FPOptions | Floating point control options |
clang::driver::toolchains::FreeBSD | |
clang::CXXRecordDecl::friend_iterator | An iterator over the friend declarations of a class |
clang::FriendDecl | |
clang::FriendTemplateDecl | Declaration of a friend template |
clang::FrontendAction | Abstract base class for actions which can be performed by the frontend |
clang::tooling::FrontendActionFactory | Interface to generate clang::FrontendActions |
clang::FrontendInputFile | An input file for the front end |
clang::FrontendOptions | FrontendOptions - Options for controlling the behavior of the frontend |
clang::comments::FullComment | A full comment attached to a declaration, contains block content |
clang::Sema::FullExprArg | |
clang::FullSourceLoc | A SourceLocation and its associated SourceManager |
clang::threadSafety::til::Function | |
clang::CodeGen::FunctionArgList | |
clang::FunctionCallFilterCCC | |
clang::FunctionDecl | |
clang::FunctionLocInfo | |
clang::FunctionNoProtoType | |
clang::FunctionNoProtoTypeLoc | |
clang::FunctionParmPackExpr | Represents a reference to a function parameter pack that has been substituted but not yet expanded |
clang::FunctionProtoType | |
clang::FunctionProtoTypeLoc | |
clang::sema::FunctionScopeInfo | Retains information about a function, method, or block that is currently being parsed |
clang::ento::FunctionSummariesTy | |
clang::FunctionTemplateDecl | Declaration of a template function |
clang::FunctionTemplateSpecializationInfo | Provides information about a function template specialization, which is a FunctionDecl that has been explicitly specialization or instantiated from a function template |
clang::ento::FunctionTextRegion | FunctionTextRegion - A region that represents code texts of function |
clang::FunctionType | |
clang::Type::FunctionTypeBitfields | |
clang::DeclaratorChunk::FunctionTypeInfo | |
clang::FunctionTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for functions |
clang::threadSafety::til::Future | |
clang::arcmt::trans::MigrationContext::GCAttrOccurrence | |
clang::arcmt::trans::GCAttrsTraverser | |
clang::GCCAsmStmt | |
clang::driver::toolchains::Generic_GCC::GCCInstallationDetector | This is a class to find a viable GCC installation for Clang to use |
clang::arcmt::trans::GCCollectableCallsTraverser | |
clang::TargetInfo::GCCRegAlias | |
clang::driver::toolchains::Generic_GCC::GCCVersion | Struct to store and manipulate GCC versions |
clang::GenerateModuleAction | |
clang::GeneratePCHAction | |
clang::GeneratePTHAction | |
clang::driver::toolchains::Generic_ELF | |
clang::driver::toolchains::Generic_GCC | |
clang::GenericSelectionExpr | Represents a C11 generic selection |
clang::GlobalCodeCompletionAllocator | Allocator for a cached set of global code completions |
clang::GlobalDecl | |
clang::ento::GlobalImmutableSpaceRegion | The region containing globals which are considered not to be modified or point to data which could be modified as a result of a function call (system or internal). Ex: Const global scalars would be modeled as part of this region. This region also includes most system globals since they have low chance of being modified |
clang::ento::GlobalInternalSpaceRegion | The region containing globals which can be modified by calls to "internally" defined functions - (for now just) functions other then system calls |
clang::GlobalModuleIndex | A global index for a set of module files, providing information about the identifiers within those module files |
clang::ento::GlobalsSpaceRegion | |
clang::ento::GlobalSystemSpaceRegion | The region containing globals which are defined in system/external headers and are considered modifiable by system calls (ex: errno) |
clang::GNUNullExpr | |
clang::driver::tools::GnuTool | Base class for all GNU tools that provide the same behavior when it comes to response files support |
clang::threadSafety::til::Goto | |
clang::ento::loc::GotoLabel | |
clang::GotoStmt | |
clang::CFG::graph_iterator | Provides a custom implementation of the iterator class to have the same interface as Function::iterator - iterator returns CFGBlock (not a pointer to CFGBlock) |
llvm::GraphTraits< ::clang::CFG * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< ::clang::CFGBlock * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< ::clang::DominatorTree * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< ::clang::DomTreeNode * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< clang::CallGraph * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< clang::CallGraphNode * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< clang::ento::ExplodedNode * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< clang::Stmt * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< const ::clang::CFG * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< const ::clang::CFGBlock * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< const clang::CallGraph * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< const clang::CallGraphNode * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< const clang::ento::ExplodedNode * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< const clang::Stmt * > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< Inverse< ::clang::CFG * > > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< Inverse< ::clang::CFGBlock * > > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< Inverse< const ::clang::CFG * > > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< Inverse< const ::clang::CFGBlock * > > | |
llvm::GraphTraits< ModuleManager > | |
clang::ento::GRBugReporter | |
clang::GreaterThanIsOperatorScope | RAII object that makes '>' behave either as an operator or as the closing angle bracket for a template argument list |
clang::CodeGen::EHCatchScope::Handler | |
clang::threadSafety::has_arg_iterator_range< Ty > | |
clang::ConcreteTypeLoc< Base, Derived, TypeClass, LocalData >::HasNoInnerType | |
clang::Module::HeaderDirective | Information about a header directive as found in the module map file |
clang::HeaderFileInfo | The preprocessor keeps track of this information for each file that is #included |
clang::serialization::reader::HeaderFileInfoTrait | Trait class used to search the on-disk hash table containing all of the header search information |
clang::HeaderMap | |
clang::HeaderSearch | Encapsulates the information needed to find the file referenced by a #include or #include_next, (sub-)framework lookup, etc |
clang::HeaderSearchOptions | |
clang::ento::HeapSpaceRegion | |
clang::driver::toolchains::Hexagon_TC | |
clang::HMapBucket | |
clang::HMapHeader | |
clang::comments::HTMLEndTagComment | A closing HTML tag |
clang::HTMLPrintAction | |
clang::comments::HTMLStartTagComment | An opening HTML tag with attributes |
clang::comments::Comment::HTMLStartTagCommentBitfields | |
clang::comments::HTMLTagComment | |
clang::comments::Comment::HTMLTagCommentBitfields | |
clang::Sema::ICEConvertDiagnoser | |
clang::IdentifierResolver::IdDeclInfoMap | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Identifier | |
clang::IdentifierInfo | |
clang::IdentifierInfoLookup | Provides lookups to, and iteration over, IdentiferInfo objects |
clang::IdentifierIterator | An iterator that walks over all of the known identifiers in the lookup table |
clang::IdentifierLoc | Wraps an identifier and optional source location for the identifier |
clang::IdentifierResolver | |
clang::IdentifierTable | Implements an efficient mapping from strings to IdentifierInfo nodes |
clang::IfStmt | |
clang::threadSafety::til::IfThenElse | |
clang::IgnoringDiagConsumer | A diagnostic client that ignores all diagnostics |
ilist_default_traits | |
ilist_node | |
llvm::ilist_traits< clang::ento::BugReport > | |
clang::ImaginaryLiteral | |
clang::ImplicitCallPoint | |
clang::ImplicitCastExpr | |
clang::ImplicitConversionSequence | |
clang::Sema::ImplicitExceptionSpecification | Helper class that collects exception specifications for implicitly-declared special member functions |
clang::ento::ImplicitNullDerefEvent | We dereferenced a location that may be null |
clang::ImplicitParamDecl | |
clang::ImplicitValueInitExpr | Represents an implicitly-generated value initialization of an object of a given type |
clang::ImportDecl | Describes a module import declaration, which makes the contents of the named module visible in the current translation unit |
clang::InBeforeInTUCacheEntry | Holds the cache used by isBeforeInTranslationUnit |
clang::InclusionDirective | Record the location of an inclusion directive, such as an #include or #import statement |
clang::IncompleteArrayType | |
clang::IncompleteArrayTypeLoc | |
IndexerCallbacks | A group of callbacks used by clang_indexSourceFile and clang_indexTranslationUnit |
clang::IndirectFieldDecl | |
clang::ento::IndirectGotoNodeBuilder | |
clang::IndirectGotoStmt | |
clang::Builtin::Info | |
clang::InheritableAttr | |
clang::InheritableParamAttr | |
clang::InheritanceHierarchyWriter | |
clang::InheritingConcreteTypeLoc< Base, Derived, TypeClass > | |
clang::InitializationKind | Describes the kind of initialization being performed, along with location information for tokens related to the initialization (equal sign, parentheses) |
clang::InitializationSequence | Describes the sequence of initializations required to initialize a given object or reference with a set of arguments |
clang::InitializedEntity | Describes an entity that is being initialized |
InitialOverriddenDefinitionCollector | |
clang::InitListExpr | Describes an C or C++ initializer list |
clang::Stmt::InitListExprBitfields | |
clang::InitOnlyAction | |
clang::InjectedClassNameType | The injected class name of a C++ class template or class template partial specialization. Used to record that a type was spelled with a bare identifier rather than as a template-id; the equivalent for non-templated classes is just RecordType |
clang::InjectedClassNameTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for injected class names of class templates |
clang::comments::InlineCommandComment | A command with word-like arguments that is considered inline content |
clang::comments::Comment::InlineCommandCommentBitfields | |
clang::comments::InlineContentComment | |
clang::comments::Comment::InlineContentCommentBitfields | |
clang::InMessageExpressionRAIIObject | |
clang::driver::InputAction | |
clang::serialization::InputFile | The input file that has been loaded from this AST file, along with bools indicating whether this was an overridden buffer or if it was out-of-date or not-found |
clang::driver::InputInfo | InputInfo - Wrapper for information about an input source |
clang::tooling::InsertArgumentAdjuster | |
clang::Sema::InstantiatingTemplate | A stack object to be created when performing template instantiation |
clang::CodeGen::InstrProfStats | This class records statistics on instrumentation based profiling |
clang::IntegerLiteral | |
clang::serialization::reader::HeaderFileInfoTrait::internal_key_type | |
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtrInfo< const clang::ento::ProgramState > | |
clang::ento::IntSymExpr | Represents a symbolic expression like 3 - 'x' |
clang::CodeGen::InvariantValue< T > | |
IRBuilderDefaultInserter | |
std::is_error_code_enum< clang::format::ParseError > | |
std::is_error_code_enum< clang::serialized_diags::SDError > | |
llvm::isa_impl< To,::clang::DeclContext > | Isa<T>(DeclContext*) |
clang::format::WhitespaceManager::Change::IsBeforeInFile | Functor to sort changes in original source order |
llvm::isPodLike< BindingKey > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::BaseSubobject > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::CharUnits > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::CodeCompletionString::Chunk > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::DeclAccessPair > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::DeclarationName > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::ento::SVal > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::FileID > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::GlobalDecl > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::ObjCDictionaryElement > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::OpaquePtr< T > > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::ProgramPoint > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::QualType > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::Selector > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::SourceLocation > | |
llvm::isPodLike< clang::Token > | |
clang::IsResultPtrLowBitFree< Ptr > | |
clang::IsResultPtrLowBitFree< CXXBaseSpecifier * > | |
clang::IsResultPtrLowBitFree< CXXCtorInitializer * > | |
clang::IsResultPtrLowBitFree< Expr * > | |
clang::IsResultPtrLowBitFree< Stmt * > | |
clang::ItaniumMangleContext | |
clang::ItaniumVTableContext | |
clang::CodeGen::EHScopeStack::iterator | A non-stable pointer into the scope stack |
clang::IdentifierResolver::iterator | |
clang::LazyVector< T, Source, Loader, LoadedStorage, LocalStorage >::iterator | |
clang::PreprocessingRecord::iterator | |
clang::ento::IndirectGotoNodeBuilder::iterator | |
clang::threadSafety::til::SimpleArray< T >::ReverseAdaptor::Iterator | |
ResultBuilder::ShadowMapEntry::iterator | |
clang::ADLResult::iterator | |
clang::ento::SwitchNodeBuilder::iterator | |
clang::PostOrderCFGView::CFGBlockSet::iterator | |
iterator | |
clang::driver::Job | |
clang::driver::JobAction | |
clang::driver::JobList | JobList - A sequence of jobs to perform |
clang::tooling::JSONCompilationDatabase | A JSON based compilation database |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::JumpDest | |
clang::ModuleMap::KnownHeader | A header that is known to reside within a given module, whether it was included or excluded |
clang::ento::KnownSVal | Represents an SVal that is guaranteed to not be UnknownVal |
clang::LabelDecl | |
clang::LabelStmt | |
clang::LambdaCapture | Describes the capture of a variable or of this , or of a C++1y init-capture |
clang::LambdaIntroducer::LambdaCapture | An individual capture in a lambda introducer |
clang::LambdaExpr | A C++ lambda expression, which produces a function object (of unspecified type) that can be invoked later |
clang::LambdaIntroducer | Represents a complete lambda introducer |
clang::sema::LambdaScopeInfo | |
clang::LangOptions | Keeps track of the various options that can be enabled, which controls the dialect of C or C++ that is accepted |
clang::LangOptionsBase | |
clang::LangStandard | |
clang::Sema::LateInstantiatedAttribute | |
clang::LateParsedTemplate | Contains a late templated function. Will be parsed at the end of the translation unit, used by Sema & Parser |
clang::LayoutOverrideSource | An external AST source that overrides the layout of a specified set of record types |
clang::LazyASTUnresolvedSet | An UnresolvedSet-like class that might not have been loaded from the external AST source yet |
clang::ento::nonloc::LazyCompoundVal | |
clang::ento::LazyCompoundValData | |
clang::LazyGenerationalUpdatePtr< Owner, T, Update >::LazyData | |
clang::LazyDefinitionDataPtr< Decl, T > | A lazy pointer to the definition data for a declaration. FIXME: This is a little CXXRecordDecl-specific that the moment |
clang::LazyGenerationalUpdatePtr< Owner, T, Update > | A lazy value (of type T) that is within an AST node of type Owner, where the value might change in later generations of the external AST source |
clang::LazyOffsetPtr< T, OffsT, Get > | A lazy pointer to an AST node (of base type T) that resides within an external AST source |
clang::LazyVector< T, Source, Loader, LoadedStorage, LocalStorage > | Represents a lazily-loaded vector of data |
clang::analyze_format_string::LengthModifier | Represents the length modifier in a format string in scanf/printf |
clang::threadSafety::til::Let | |
clang::comments::Lexer | Comment lexer |
clang::Lexer | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::LexicalScope | |
clang::threadSafety::lexpr::LExpr | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::LifetimeExtendedCleanupHeader | Header for data within LifetimeExtendedCleanupStack |
clang::ento::LikelyFalsePositiveSuppressionBRVisitor | Suppress reports that might lead to known false positives |
clang::LineEntry | |
clang::format::LineState | The current state when indenting a unwrapped line |
clang::LineTableInfo | Used to hold and unique data used to represent #line information |
clang::driver::tools::gcc::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::hexagon::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::darwin::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::openbsd::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::bitrig::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::freebsd::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::netbsd::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::gnutools::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::minix::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::solaris::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::visualstudio::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::dragonfly::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::XCore::Link | |
clang::driver::tools::CrossWindows::Link | |
clang::LinkageComputer | |
clang::LinkageInfo | |
clang::LinkageSpecDecl | Represents a linkage specification |
clang::driver::LinkJobAction | |
clang::Module::LinkLibrary | A library or framework to link against when an entity from this module is used |
clang::driver::toolchains::Linux | |
clang::driver::tools::darwin::Lipo | |
clang::driver::LipoJobAction | |
list | |
clang::ASTReader::ListenerScope | RAII object to temporarily add an AST callback listener |
clang::threadSafety::til::Literal | |
clang::threadSafety::til::LiteralPtr | |
clang::threadSafety::til::LiteralT< T > | |
clang::LiveVariables::LivenessValues | |
clang::ento::check::LiveSymbols | |
clang::LiveVariables | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Load | Load a value from memory |
clang::ento::Loc | |
clang::LocalInstantiationScope | A stack-allocated class that identifies which local variable declaration instantiations are present in this scope |
clang::serialization::LocalRedeclarationsInfo | Describes the redeclarations of a declaration |
clang::threadSafety::LocalVariableMap | |
clang::ento::nonloc::LocAsInteger | |
clang::serialized_diags::Location | A location that is represented in the serialized diagnostics |
clang::ento::check::Location | |
clang::LocationCheck | |
clang::LocationContext | |
clang::LocationContextManager | |
clang::LocInfoType | Holds a QualType and a TypeSourceInfo* that came out of a declarator parsing |
clang::threadSafety::LockableFactEntry | |
clang::LogDiagnosticPrinter | |
LogicalErrorHandler | Warn on logical operator errors in CFGBuilder |
clang::LookupResult | Represents the results of name lookup |
clang::CodeGen::LoopAttributes | Attributes that may be specified on loops |
clang::LoopHint | Loop optimization hint for loop and unroll pragmas |
clang::CodeGen::LoopInfo | Information used when generating a structured loop |
clang::CodeGen::LoopInfoStack | A stack of loop information corresponding to loop nesting levels. This stack can be used to prepare attributes which are applied when a loop is emitted |
clang::APValue::LV | |
clang::CodeGen::LValue | |
clang::APValue::LValuePathEntry | |
clang::LValueReferenceType | |
clang::LValueReferenceTypeLoc | |
clang::driver::toolchains::MachO | |
clang::driver::tools::darwin::MachOTool | |
clang::MacroArgs | |
clang::MacroBuilder | |
clang::MacroDefinition | Record the location of a macro definition |
clang::MacroDirective | Encapsulates changes to the "macros namespace" (the location where the macro name became active, the location where it was undefined, etc.) |
clang::MacroExpansion | Records the location of a macro expansion |
clang::MacroInfo | Encapsulates the data about a macro definition (e.g. its tokens) |
clang::comments::make_const_ptr< T > | |
clang::make_const_ptr< T > | |
clang::declvisitor::make_const_ptr< T > | |
clang::comments::make_ptr< T > | |
clang::make_ptr< T > | |
clang::declvisitor::make_ptr< T > | |
clang::ManagedAnalysis | |
clang::MangleContext | |
clang::MangleNumberingContext | Keeps track of the mangled names of lambda expressions and block literals within a particular context |
llvm::yaml::MappingTraits< clang::tooling::Replacement > | Specialized MappingTraits to describe how a Replacement is (de)serialized |
llvm::yaml::MappingTraits< clang::tooling::TranslationUnitReplacements > | Specialized MappingTraits to describe how a TranslationUnitReplacements is (de)serialized |
llvm::yaml::MappingTraits< FormatStyle > | |
MapVector | |
clang::ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchCallback | Called when the Match registered for it was successfully found in the AST |
clang::threadSafety::til::MatchComparator | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::MatcherCompletion | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::MatcherDescriptor | Matcher descriptor interface |
clang::ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchersByType | For each Matcher<> a MatchCallback that will be called when it matches |
clang::tooling::MatchesAny | |
clang::ast_matchers::MatchFinder | A class to allow finding matches over the Clang AST |
clang::ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchFinderOptions | |
clang::ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult | Contains all information for a given match |
clang::MaterializeTemporaryExpr | Represents a prvalue temporary that is written into memory so that a reference can bind to it |
max_align_t | |
clang::MemberExpr | |
clang::APValue::MemberPointerData | |
clang::MemberPointerLocInfo | |
clang::MemberPointerType | |
clang::DeclaratorChunk::MemberPointerTypeInfo | |
clang::MemberPointerTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for member pointers |
clang::MemberSpecializationInfo | Provides information a specialization of a member of a class template, which may be a member function, static data member, member class or member enumeration |
clang::MemorizeStatCalls | A stat "cache" that can be used by FileManager to keep track of the results of stat() calls that occur throughout the execution of the front end |
clang::SourceManager::MemoryBufferSizes | |
clang::ExternalASTSource::MemoryBufferSizes | |
clang::ento::MemRegion | MemRegion - The root abstract class for all memory regions |
clang::ento::MemRegionManager | |
clang::threadSafety::til::MemRegionRef | |
clang::ento::loc::MemRegionVal | |
clang::ento::MemSpaceRegion | |
clang::Mergeable< decl_type > | Provides common interface for the Decls that cannot be redeclared, but can be merged if the same declaration is brought in from multiple modules |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Diagnostics::ErrorContent::Message | |
clang::CodeGen::CGObjCRuntime::MessageSendInfo | |
clang::MicrosoftVTableContext::MethodVFTableLocation | |
clang::MicrosoftMangleContext | |
clang::MicrosoftVTableContext | |
clang::arcmt::MigrateAction | |
clang::driver::MigrateJobAction | |
clang::arcmt::MigrateSourceAction | |
clang::arcmt::trans::MigrationContext | |
clang::arcmt::MigrationPass | |
clang::arcmt::MigrationProcess | |
clang::MigratorOptions | |
clang::driver::toolchains::Minix | |
clang::MMToken | A token in a module map file |
clang::ento::ModelConsumer | ASTConsumer to consume model files' AST |
clang::ento::ModelInjector | |
clang::arcmt::ModifyAction | |
clang::Module | Describes a module or submodule |
clang::ModuleDependencyCollector | |
clang::serialization::ModuleFile | Information about a module that has been loaded by the ASTReader |
clang::ModuleLoader | Abstract interface for a module loader |
clang::ModuleLoadResult | Describes the result of attempting to load a module |
clang::ASTReader::PendingMacroInfo::ModuleMacroDataTy | |
clang::ASTReader::ModuleMacroInfo | |
clang::serialization::ModuleManager | Manages the set of modules loaded by an AST reader |
clang::ModuleMap | |
clang::ModuleMapParser | |
clang::MSAsmStmt | |
clang::MSDependentExistsStmt | Representation of a Microsoft __if_exists or __if_not_exists statement with a dependent name |
clang::MSPropertyDecl | |
clang::MSPropertyRefExpr | A member reference to an MSPropertyDecl |
clang::driver::toolchains::MSVCToolChain | |
clang::MultiKeywordSelector | |
clang::MultiLevelTemplateArgumentList | Data structure that captures multiple levels of template argument lists for use in template instantiation |
clang::driver::Multilib | |
clang::driver::MultilibSet | |
clang::MultipleIncludeOpt | Implements the simple state machine that the Lexer class uses to detect files subject to the 'multiple-include' optimization |
clang::MultiplexASTDeserializationListener | |
clang::MultiplexASTMutationListener | |
clang::MultiplexConsumer | |
clang::MultiplexExternalSemaSource | An abstract interface that should be implemented by external AST sources that also provide information for semantic analysis |
clang::Sema::NameClassification | |
clang::NamedDecl | |
clang::NamespaceAliasDecl | Represents a C++ namespace alias |
clang::NamespaceDecl | NamespaceDecl - Represent a C++ namespace |
NeonIntrinsicInfo | |
clang::NeonTypeFlags | Flags to identify the types for overloaded Neon builtins |
clang::NestedNameSpecifier | Represents a C++ nested name specifier, such as "\::std::vector<int>::" |
clang::NestedNameSpecifierLoc | A C++ nested-name-specifier augmented with source location information |
clang::NestedNameSpecifierLocBuilder | Class that aids in the construction of nested-name-specifiers along with source-location information for all of the components of the nested-name-specifier |
clang::driver::toolchains::NetBSD | |
clang::ento::NilReceiverBRVisitor | Prints path notes when a message is sent to a nil receiver |
clang::ento::NodeBuilder | This is the simplest builder which generates nodes in the ExplodedGraph |
clang::ento::NodeBuilderContext | |
clang::ento::NodeBuilderWithSinks | This node builder keeps track of the generated sink nodes |
clang::ento::BugReport::NodeResolver | |
clang::CodeGen::NoLocation | |
clang::APValue::NoLValuePath | |
clang::ento::NonLoc | |
clang::ento::NonStaticGlobalSpaceRegion | The region for all the non-static global variables |
clang::NonTypeTemplateParmDecl | |
llvm::yaml::MappingTraits< clang::tooling::Replacement >::NormalizedReplacement | Helper to (de)serialize a Replacement since we don't have direct access to its data members |
clang::threadSafety::lexpr::Not | |
clang::NoTypoCorrectionCCC | |
clang::NSAPI | |
clang::DeclarationNameLoc::NT | |
clang::PartialDiagnostic::NullDiagnostic | |
clang::NullStmt | |
clang::NumericLiteralParser | |
clang::Sema::ObjCArgInfo | |
clang::ObjCArrayLiteral | |
clang::ObjCAtCatchStmt | Represents Objective-C's @catch statement |
clang::ObjCAtDefsFieldDecl | Represents a field declaration created by an @defs(...) |
clang::ObjCAtFinallyStmt | Represents Objective-C's @finally statement |
clang::ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt | Represents Objective-C's @synchronized statement |
clang::ObjCAtThrowStmt | Represents Objective-C's @throw statement |
clang::ObjCAtTryStmt | Represents Objective-C's @try ... @catch ... @finally statement |
clang::ObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt | Represents Objective-C's @autoreleasepool Statement |
clang::ObjCBoolLiteralExpr | |
clang::ObjCBoxedExpr | |
clang::ObjCBridgedCastExpr | An Objective-C "bridged" cast expression, which casts between Objective-C pointers and C pointers, transferring ownership in the process |
clang::serialization::ObjCCategoriesInfo | Describes the categories of an Objective-C class |
clang::ObjCCategoryDecl | |
clang::ObjCCategoryImplDecl | |
clang::ObjCCompatibleAliasDecl | |
clang::ObjCContainerDecl | |
clang::ObjCDeclSpec | Captures information about "declaration specifiers" specific to Objective-C |
clang::ObjCDictionaryElement | An element in an Objective-C dictionary literal |
clang::ObjCDictionaryLiteral | |
clang::ObjCEncodeExpr | |
clang::ObjCForCollectionStmt | Represents Objective-C's collection statement |
clang::ObjCImplDecl | |
clang::arcmt::trans::ObjCImplementationContext | |
clang::ObjCImplementationDecl | |
clang::ObjCIndirectCopyRestoreExpr | |
clang::Stmt::ObjCIndirectCopyRestoreExprBitfields | |
clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl | Represents an ObjC class declaration |
clang::ObjCInterfaceLocInfo | |
clang::ObjCInterfaceType | |
clang::ObjCInterfaceTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for ObjC interfaces |
clang::ObjCIsaExpr | |
clang::ObjCIvarDecl | |
clang::ObjCIvarRefExpr | ObjCIvarRefExpr - A reference to an ObjC instance variable |
clang::ento::ObjCIvarRegion | |
clang::ObjCList< T > | |
clang::ObjCListBase | |
clang::ObjCMessageExpr | An expression that sends a message to the given Objective-C object or class |
clang::ObjCMethodCall | Represents any expression that calls an Objective-C method |
clang::ObjCMethodDecl | |
clang::ObjCMethodList | ObjCMethodList - a linked list of methods with different signatures |
clang::arcmt::ObjCMigrateAction | Migrates to modern ObjC syntax |
clang::ObjCNoReturn | |
clang::ObjCObjectPointerType | |
clang::ObjCObjectPointerTypeLoc | Wraps an ObjCPointerType with source location information |
clang::ObjCObjectType | |
clang::Type::ObjCObjectTypeBitfields | |
clang::ObjCObjectTypeImpl | |
clang::ObjCObjectTypeLoc | |
clang::ObjCPropertyDecl | Represents one property declaration in an Objective-C interface |
clang::ObjCPropertyImplDecl | |
clang::ObjCPropertyRefExpr | |
clang::ObjCProtocolDecl | Represents an Objective-C protocol declaration |
clang::ObjCProtocolExpr | |
clang::ObjCProtocolList | A list of Objective-C protocols, along with the source locations at which they were referenced |
clang::ObjCProtocolListLocInfo | |
clang::ObjCRuntime | The basic abstraction for the target Objective-C runtime |
clang::ObjCSelectorExpr | ObjCSelectorExpr used for @selector in Objective-C |
clang::ObjCStringLiteral | |
clang::ento::ObjCStringRegion | The region associated with an ObjCStringLiteral |
clang::ObjCSubscriptRefExpr | |
clang::LiveVariables::Observer | |
clang::Sema::OffsetOfComponent | |
clang::OffsetOfExpr | |
clang::OffsetOfExpr::OffsetOfNode | |
clang::UnqualifiedId::OFI | |
clang::OMPAlignedClause | This represents clause 'aligned' in the '#pragma omp ...' directives |
clang::OMPAtomicDirective | This represents '#pragma omp atomic' directive |
clang::OMPBarrierDirective | This represents '#pragma omp barrier' directive |
clang::OMPCaptureClause | This represents 'capture' clause in the '#pragma omp atomic' directive |
clang::OMPClause | This is a basic class for representing single OpenMP clause |
clang::OMPClauseReader | |
clang::OMPClauseVisitor< ImplClass, RetTy > | |
clang::OMPClauseVisitorBase< ImplClass, Ptr, RetTy > | This class implements a simple visitor for OMPClause subclasses |
clang::OMPClauseWriter | |
clang::OMPCollapseClause | This represents 'collapse' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive |
clang::OMPCopyinClause | This represents clause 'copyin' in the '#pragma omp ...' directives |
clang::OMPCopyprivateClause | This represents clause 'copyprivate' in the '#pragma omp ...' directives |
clang::OMPCriticalDirective | This represents '#pragma omp critical' directive |
clang::OMPDefaultClause | This represents 'default' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive |
clang::OMPExecutableDirective | This is a basic class for representing single OpenMP executable directive |
clang::OMPFinalClause | This represents 'final' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive |
clang::OMPFirstprivateClause | This represents clause 'firstprivate' in the '#pragma omp ...' directives |
clang::OMPFlushClause | This represents implicit clause 'flush' for the '#pragma omp flush' directive. This clause does not exist by itself, it can be only as a part of 'omp flush' directive. This clause is introduced to keep the original structure of OMPExecutableDirective class and its derivatives and to use the existing infrastructure of clauses with the list of variables |
clang::OMPFlushDirective | This represents '#pragma omp flush' directive |
clang::OMPForDirective | This represents '#pragma omp for' directive |
clang::OMPForSimdDirective | This represents '#pragma omp for simd' directive |
clang::OMPIfClause | This represents 'if' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive |
clang::OMPLastprivateClause | This represents clause 'lastprivate' in the '#pragma omp ...' directives |
clang::OMPLinearClause | This represents clause 'linear' in the '#pragma omp ...' directives |
clang::OMPLoopDirective | This is a common base class for loop directives ('omp simd', 'omp for', 'omp for simd' etc.). It is responsible for the loop code generation |
clang::OMPMasterDirective | This represents '#pragma omp master' directive |
clang::OMPMergeableClause | This represents 'mergeable' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive |
clang::OMPNowaitClause | This represents 'nowait' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive |
clang::OMPNumThreadsClause | This represents 'num_threads' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive |
clang::OMPOrderedClause | This represents 'ordered' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive |
clang::OMPOrderedDirective | This represents '#pragma omp ordered' directive |
clang::OMPParallelDirective | This represents '#pragma omp parallel' directive |
clang::OMPParallelForDirective | This represents '#pragma omp parallel for' directive |
clang::OMPParallelForSimdDirective | This represents '#pragma omp parallel for simd' directive |
clang::OMPParallelSectionsDirective | This represents '#pragma omp parallel sections' directive |
clang::OMPPrivateClause | This represents clause 'private' in the '#pragma omp ...' directives |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::OMPPrivateScope | The scope used to remap some variables as private in the OpenMP loop body (or other captured region emitted without outlining), and to restore old vars back on exit |
clang::OMPProcBindClause | This represents 'proc_bind' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive |
clang::OMPReadClause | This represents 'read' clause in the '#pragma omp atomic' directive |
clang::OMPReductionClause | This represents clause 'reduction' in the '#pragma omp ...' directives |
clang::OMPSafelenClause | This represents 'safelen' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive |
clang::OMPScheduleClause | This represents 'schedule' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive |
clang::OMPSectionDirective | This represents '#pragma omp section' directive |
clang::OMPSectionsDirective | This represents '#pragma omp sections' directive |
clang::OMPSeqCstClause | This represents 'seq_cst' clause in the '#pragma omp atomic' directive |
clang::OMPSharedClause | This represents clause 'shared' in the '#pragma omp ...' directives |
clang::OMPSimdDirective | This represents '#pragma omp simd' directive |
clang::OMPSingleDirective | This represents '#pragma omp single' directive |
clang::OMPTargetDirective | This represents '#pragma omp target' directive |
clang::OMPTaskDirective | This represents '#pragma omp task' directive |
clang::OMPTaskwaitDirective | This represents '#pragma omp taskwait' directive |
clang::OMPTaskyieldDirective | This represents '#pragma omp taskyield' directive |
clang::OMPTeamsDirective | This represents '#pragma omp teams' directive |
clang::OMPThreadPrivateDecl | This represents '#pragma omp threadprivate ...' directive. For example, in the following, both 'a' and 'A::b' are threadprivate: |
clang::OMPUntiedClause | This represents 'untied' clause in the '#pragma omp ...' directive |
clang::OMPUpdateClause | This represents 'update' clause in the '#pragma omp atomic' directive |
clang::OMPVarListClause< T > | This represents clauses with the list of variables like 'private', 'firstprivate', 'copyin', 'shared', or 'reduction' clauses in the '#pragma omp ...' directives |
clang::OMPWriteClause | This represents 'write' clause in the '#pragma omp atomic' directive |
clang::OpaquePtr< PtrTy > | Wrapper for void* pointer |
clang::OpaqueValueExpr | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::OpaqueValueMapping | An RAII object to set (and then clear) a mapping for an OpaqueValueExpr |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::OpaqueValueMappingData | |
clang::driver::toolchains::OpenBSD | |
clang::OpenCLOptions | OpenCL volatile options |
clang::analyze_format_string::OptionalAmount | |
clang::analyze_format_string::OptionalFlag | |
clang::threadSafety::lexpr::Or | |
clang::CodeGen::OrderGlobalInits | |
clang::Sema::OriginalCallArg | Brief A function argument from which we performed template argument |
clang::vfs::OverlayFileSystem | A file system that allows overlaying one AbstractFileSystem on top of another |
clang::CodeCompleteConsumer::OverloadCandidate | |
clang::OverloadCandidate | OverloadCandidate - A single candidate in an overload set (C++ 13.3) |
clang::OverloadCandidateSet | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Diagnostics::OverloadContext | Context for overloaded matcher construction |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::OverloadedMatcherDescriptor | MatcherDescriptor that wraps multiple "overloads" of the same matcher |
clang::OverloadedTemplateStorage | A structure for storing the information associated with an overloaded template name |
clang::OverloadExpr | A reference to an overloaded function set, either an UnresolvedLookupExpr or an UnresolvedMemberExpr |
clang::OverridingMethods | The set of methods that override a given virtual method in each subobject where it occurs |
clang::SubobjectAdjustment::P | |
PackDeductionScope | A scope in which we're performing pack deduction |
clang::PackExpansionExpr | Represents a C++11 pack expansion that produces a sequence of expressions |
clang::PackExpansionType | Represents a pack expansion of types |
clang::PackExpansionTypeLoc | |
clang::PackExpansionTypeLocInfo | |
pair | |
clang::comments::ParagraphComment | A single paragraph that contains inline content |
clang::comments::Comment::ParagraphCommentBitfields | |
clang::comments::ParamCommandComment | Doxygen \param command |
clang::comments::Comment::ParamCommandCommentBitfields | |
clang::DeclaratorChunk::ParamInfo | |
clang::ParenBraceBracketBalancer | RAII object that makes sure paren/bracket/brace count is correct after declaration/statement parsing, even when there's a parsing error |
clang::ParenExpr | |
clang::ParenListExpr | |
clang::ParenLocInfo | |
clang::format::ParenState | |
clang::ParentMap | |
clang::ParenType | |
clang::ParenTypeLoc | |
clang::ParmVarDecl | ParmVarDecl - Represents a parameter to a function |
clang::VarDecl::ParmVarDeclBitfields | |
clang::ParsedAttributes | |
ParsedAttrInfo | |
clang::ParsedSourceLocation | A source location that has been parsed on the command line |
clang::ParsedTemplateArgument | Represents the parsed form of a C++ template argument |
clang::ento::ParseModelFileAction | Frontend action to parse model files |
clang::comments::Parser | Doxygen comment parser |
clang::Parser | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Parser | Matcher expression parser |
llvm::cl::parser< clang::ParsedSourceLocation > | Command-line option parser that parses source locations |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::ParserValue | A VariantValue instance annotated with its parser context |
clang::Parser::ParseScope | |
clang::ParsingDeclarator | A class for parsing a declarator |
clang::ParsingDeclRAIIObject | RAII object used to inform the actions that we're currently parsing a declaration. This is active when parsing a variable's initializer, but not when parsing the body of a class or function definition |
clang::ParsingDeclSpec | A class for parsing a DeclSpec |
clang::ast_matchers::MatchFinder::ParsingDoneTestCallback | Called when parsing is finished. Intended for testing only |
clang::ParsingFieldDeclarator | A class for parsing a field declarator |
clang::PartialDiagnostic | |
clang::tooling::PathComparator | |
clang::ento::PathDiagnostic | |
clang::ento::PathDiagnosticCallPiece | |
clang::ento::PathDiagnosticConsumer | |
clang::ento::PathDiagnosticControlFlowPiece | |
clang::ento::PathDiagnosticEventPiece | |
clang::ento::PathDiagnosticLocation | |
clang::ento::PathDiagnosticLocationPair | |
clang::ento::PathDiagnosticMacroPiece | |
clang::ento::PathDiagnosticPiece | |
clang::ento::PathDiagnosticRange | |
clang::ento::PathDiagnosticSpotPiece | |
clang::ento::PathPieces | |
clang::PCHGenerator | AST and semantic-analysis consumer that generates a precompiled header from the parsed source code |
clang::ASTReader::PendingMacroInfo::PCHMacroDataTy | |
clang::PCHValidator | ASTReaderListener implementation to validate the information of the PCH file against an initialized Preprocessor |
clang::ento::PathDiagnosticConsumer::PDFileEntry | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::PeepholeProtection | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Phi | |
clang::PluginASTAction | |
ResultBuilder::ShadowMapEntry::iterator::pointer | |
clang::TemplateArgumentLocInventIterator< Derived, InputIterator >::pointer | |
clang::TemplateArgumentLocContainerIterator< ArgLocContainer >::pointer | |
clang::ento::check::PointerEscape | |
clang::PointerLikeLocInfo | |
clang::PointerLikeTypeLoc< Derived, TypeClass, LocalData > | A base class for |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< ::clang::AnyFunctionDecl > | |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< ::clang::ExtQuals * > | |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< ::clang::Type * > | |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< clang::CanQual< T > > | |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< clang::DeclGroupRef > | |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< clang::IdentifierInfo * > | |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< clang::LazyGenerationalUpdatePtr< Owner, T, Update > > | |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< clang::OpaquePtr< T > > | |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< clang::QualType > | |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< clang::Selector > | |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< clang::SourceLocation > | |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< clang::TemplateName > | The clang::TemplateName class is effectively a pointer |
llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< const clang::IdentifierInfo * > | |
clang::PointerType | |
clang::DeclaratorChunk::PointerTypeInfo | |
clang::PointerTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for pointers |
clang::PoisonIdentifierRAIIObject | An RAII object for [un]poisoning an identifier within a scope |
clang::PoisonSEHIdentifiersRAIIObject | |
clang::sema::AnalysisBasedWarnings::Policy | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::VariantMatcher::PolymorphicPayload | |
clang::sema::PossiblyUnreachableDiag | |
clang::ento::check::PostCall | |
clang::PostCondition | |
clang::PostImplicitCall | |
clang::PostInitializer | |
clang::PostLoad | |
clang::PostLValue | |
clang::ento::check::PostObjCMessage | |
clang::PostOrderCFGView | |
clang::PostStmt | |
clang::ento::check::PostStmt< STMT > | |
clang::PostStmtPurgeDeadSymbols | |
clang::PostStore | Represents a program point after a store evaluation |
clang::PPCallbacks | This interface provides a way to observe the actions of the preprocessor as it does its thing |
clang::PPChainedCallbacks | Simple wrapper class for chaining callbacks |
clang::PPConditionalDirectiveRecord | Records preprocessor conditional directive regions and allows querying in which region source locations belong to |
clang::PPConditionalInfo | Information about the conditional stack (#if directives) currently active |
clang::serialization::PPEntityOffset | Source range/offset of a preprocessed entity |
clang::PragmaHandler | |
PragmaLoopHintInfo | |
clang::PragmaNamespace | |
PragmaPackInfo | |
clang::Sema::PragmaStack< ValueType > | |
clang::ASTUnit::PreambleData | |
clang::ASTUnit::PreambleFileHash | Data used to determine if a file used in the preamble has been changed |
clang::ento::check::PreCall | |
clang::driver::PrecompileJobAction | |
clang::PredefinedExpr | [C99] - A predefined identifier such as __func__ |
clang::PreImplicitCall | |
clang::PreLoad | |
clang::ento::check::PreObjCMessage | |
clang::driver::tools::gcc::Preprocess | |
clang::PreprocessedEntity | Base class that describes a preprocessed entity, which may be a preprocessor directive or macro expansion |
clang::PreprocessingDirective | Records the presence of a preprocessor directive |
clang::PreprocessingRecord | A record of the steps taken while preprocessing a source file, including the various preprocessing directives processed, macros expanded, etc |
clang::driver::PreprocessJobAction | |
clang::PreprocessOnlyAction | |
clang::Preprocessor | Engages in a tight little dance with the lexer to efficiently preprocess tokens |
clang::PreprocessorFrontendAction | Abstract base class to use for preprocessor-based frontend actions |
clang::PreprocessorLexer | |
clang::PreprocessorOptions | |
clang::PreprocessorOutputOptions | |
clang::PreStmt | |
clang::ento::check::PreStmt< STMT > | |
clang::PreStmtPurgeDeadSymbols | |
clang::PreStore | |
clang::PresumedLoc | Represents an unpacked "presumed" location which can be presented to the user |
clang::PrettyDeclStackTraceEntry | |
clang::threadSafety::til::PrettyPrinter< Self, StreamType > | |
clang::PrettyStackTraceDecl | |
PrettyStackTraceEntry | |
clang::PrettyStackTraceLoc | |
clang::ento::PrettyStackTraceLocationContext | |
clang::PrinterHelper | |
clang::analyze_printf::PrintfConversionSpecifier | |
clang::analyze_printf::PrintfSpecifier | |
clang::PrintingCodeCompleteConsumer | A simple code-completion consumer that prints the results it receives in a simple format |
clang::PrintingPolicy | Describes how types, statements, expressions, and declarations should be printed |
clang::PrintPreambleAction | |
clang::PrintPreprocessedAction | |
clang::ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchFinderOptions::Profiling | |
clang::ProgramPoint | |
clang::ProgramPointTag | |
clang::ento::ProgramState | |
clang::ento::ProgramStateManager | |
ProgramStatePartialTrait | |
clang::ento::ProgramStatePartialTrait< bool > | |
clang::ento::ProgramStatePartialTrait< const void * > | |
clang::ento::ProgramStatePartialTrait< llvm::ImmutableList< T > > | |
clang::ento::ProgramStatePartialTrait< llvm::ImmutableMap< Key, Data, Info > > | |
clang::ento::ProgramStatePartialTrait< llvm::ImmutableSet< Key, Info > > | |
clang::ento::ProgramStatePartialTrait< unsigned > | |
clang::ento::ProgramStatePartialTrait< void * > | |
clang::ento::ProgramStateTrait< T > | |
clang::ento::ProgramStateTrait< ReplayWithoutInlining > | |
clang::ento::ProgramStateTrait< TaintMap > | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Project | Project a named slot from a C++ struct or class |
clang::consumed::PropagationInfo | |
clang::AttributeList::PropertyData | |
clang::arcmt::trans::PropertyRewriteTraverser | |
clang::arcmt::trans::ProtectedScopeTraverser | |
clang::PseudoConstantAnalysis | |
clang::PseudoDestructorTypeStorage | Stores the type being destroyed by a pseudo-destructor expression |
clang::PseudoObjectExpr | |
clang::Stmt::PseudoObjectExprBitfields | |
clang::PTHManager::PTHFileLookupTrait | |
clang::PTHLexer | |
clang::PTHManager | |
clang::PTHStatCache | |
clang::PTHManager::PTHStringLookupTrait | |
clang::QualifiedTemplateName | Represents a template name that was expressed as a qualified name |
clang::QualifiedTypeLoc | Wrapper of type source information for a type with non-trivial direct qualifiers |
clang::QualifierCollector | A qualifier set is used to build a set of qualifiers |
clang::QualifierInfo | |
clang::Qualifiers | |
clang::QualType | |
clang::QualTypeOrdering | Function object that provides a total ordering on QualType values |
clang::tooling::Range | A source range independent of the SourceManager |
clang::RawComment | |
clang::ASTContext::RawCommentAndCacheFlags | |
clang::RawCommentList | This class represents all comments included in the translation unit, sorted in order of appearance in the translation unit |
clang::serialization::ReadMethodPoolVisitor | |
clang::RecordDecl | |
clang::RecordType | |
clang::RecordTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for record types |
clang::vfs::recursive_directory_iterator | An input iterator over the recursive contents of a virtual path, similar to llvm::sys::fs::recursive_directory_iterator |
clang::RecursiveASTVisitor< Derived > | A class that does preorder depth-first traversal on the entire Clang AST and visits each node |
clang::Redeclarable< decl_type >::redecl_iterator | Iterates through all the redeclarations of the same decl |
clang::Decl::redecl_iterator | Iterates through all the redeclarations of the same decl |
clang::Redeclarable< decl_type > | Provides common interface for the Decls that can be redeclared |
clang::RedeclarableTemplateDecl | Declaration of a redeclarable template |
clang::tooling::RefactoringCallback | Base class for RefactoringCallbacks |
clang::tooling::RefactoringTool | A tool to run refactorings |
clang::ento::BlockDataRegion::referenced_vars_iterator | |
clang::ReferenceType | |
clang::Type::ReferenceTypeBitfields | |
clang::DeclaratorChunk::ReferenceTypeInfo | |
clang::ReferenceTypeLoc | |
RefParamPartialOrderingComparison | Stores the result of comparing two reference parameters while performing template argument deduction for partial ordering of function templates |
clang::ento::RegionAndSymbolInvalidationTraits | Information about invalidation for a particular region/symbol |
clang::ento::check::RegionChanges | |
clang::CodeGen::RegionCounter | |
clang::ento::RegionOffset | Represent a region's offset within the top level base region |
clang::ento::RegionRawOffset | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Registry | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Parser::RegistrySema | Sema implementation that uses the matcher registry to process the tokens |
clang::RelaxedLiveVariables | |
clang::tooling::ReplaceIfStmtWithItsBody | Replace an if-statement bound to Id with the outdented text of its body, choosing the consequent or the alternative based on whether PickTrueBranch is true |
clang::tooling::Replacement | A text replacement |
clang::tooling::ReplaceStmtWithStmt | Replace the text of the statement bound to FromId with the text of the statement bound to ToId |
clang::tooling::ReplaceStmtWithText | Replace the text of the statement bound to FromId with the text in ToText |
clang::ento::ReplayWithoutInlining | |
clang::CodeGen::RequiredArgs | |
clang::Preprocessor::ResetMacroExpansionHelper | |
clang::ento::objc_retain::RetEffect | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Return | |
clang::ReturnAdjustment | A return adjustment |
clang::ReturnStmt | |
clang::CodeGen::ReturnValueSlot | |
clang::threadSafety::til::SimpleArray< T >::ReverseAdaptor | |
clang::RewriteBuffer | |
clang::RewriteIncludesAction | |
clang::arcmt::MigrationProcess::RewriteListener | |
clang::RewriteMacrosAction | |
clang::RewriteObjCAction | |
clang::Rewriter::RewriteOptions | |
clang::Rewriter | |
clang::arcmt::TransformActions::RewriteReceiver | |
clang::RewriteRope | |
clang::RewriteTestAction | |
clang::RopePiece | |
clang::RopePieceBTree | |
clang::RopePieceBTreeIterator | |
clang::RopeRefCountString | |
clang::CodeGen::RREntrypoints | |
RTEMSTargetInfo< Target > | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::RunCleanupsScope | Enters a new scope for capturing cleanups, all of which will be executed once the scope is exited |
clang::ento::RuntimeDefinition | Defines the runtime definition of the called function |
clang::CodeGen::RValue | |
clang::RValueReferenceType | |
clang::RValueReferenceTypeLoc | |
clang::driver::SanitizerArgs | |
clang::SanitizerBlacklist | |
clang::CodeGen::SanitizerMetadata | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::SanitizerScope | RAII object to set/unset CodeGenFunction::IsSanitizerScope |
clang::SanitizerSet | |
clang::threadSafety::til::SApply | Apply a self-argument to a self-applicable function |
clang::CodeGen::SaveAndRestoreLocation | |
clang::CodeGen::DominatingValue< RValue >::saved_type | |
clang::SavedStreamPosition | Helper class that saves the current stream position and then restores it when destroyed |
clang::Sema::SavePendingInstantiationsAndVTableUsesRAII | |
clang::Sema::SavePendingLocalImplicitInstantiationsRAII | |
llvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< FormatStyle::BinaryOperatorStyle > | |
llvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< FormatStyle::BraceBreakingStyle > | |
llvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< FormatStyle::LanguageKind > | |
llvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< FormatStyle::LanguageStandard > | |
llvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< FormatStyle::NamespaceIndentationKind > | |
llvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< FormatStyle::PointerAlignmentStyle > | |
llvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< FormatStyle::ShortFunctionStyle > | |
llvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< FormatStyle::SpaceBeforeParensOptions > | |
llvm::yaml::ScalarEnumerationTraits< FormatStyle::UseTabStyle > | |
clang::analyze_scanf::ScanfConversionSpecifier | |
clang::analyze_scanf::ScanfSpecifier | |
clang::ento::ScanReachableSymbols | |
clang::threadSafety::til::SCFG | |
clang::Scope | |
clang::ScopeContext | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Parser::ScopedContextEntry | |
clang::format::ScopedLineState | |
clang::threadSafety::ScopedLockableFactEntry | |
clang::ScratchBuffer | |
clang::ASTContext::SectionInfo | |
clang::SEHExceptStmt | |
clang::SEHFinallyStmt | |
clang::SEHLeaveStmt | |
clang::SEHTryStmt | |
clang::Selector | Smart pointer class that efficiently represents Objective-C method names |
clang::SelectorTable | This table allows us to fully hide how we implement multi-keyword caching |
clang::comments::Sema | |
clang::Sema | Sema - This implements semantic analysis and AST building for C |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Parser::Sema | Interface to connect the parser with the registry and more |
clang::SemaConsumer | An abstract interface that should be implemented by clients that read ASTs and then require further semantic analysis of the entities in those ASTs |
clang::Sema::SemaDiagnosticBuilder | Helper class that creates diagnostics with optional template instantiation stacks |
clang::serialized_diags::SerializedDiagnosticReader | A base class that handles reading serialized diagnostics from a file |
clang::threadSafety::til::SExpr | Base class for AST nodes in the typed intermediate language |
clang::threadSafety::SExprBuilder | |
clang::Sema::SFINAETrap | RAII class used to determine whether SFINAE has trapped any errors that occur during template argument deduction |
clang::threadSafety::til::SFunction | |
clang::UsingDecl::shadow_iterator | Iterates through the using shadow declarations associated with this using declaration |
clang::ShuffleVectorExpr | |
clang::threadSafety::til::SimpleArray< T > | |
clang::ento::SimpleConstraintManager | |
clang::index::SimpleFormatContext | A small class to be used by libclang clients to format a declaration string in memory. This object is instantiated once and used each time a formatting is needed |
clang::ento::SimpleFunctionCall | Represents a C function or static C++ member function call |
clang::SimpleProgramPointTag | |
clang::threadSafety::til::SimpleReducerBase | |
llvm::simplify_type< ::clang::CanQual< T > > | |
llvm::simplify_type< ::clang::CFGTerminator > | |
llvm::simplify_type< ::clang::QualType > | |
llvm::simplify_type< clang::ento::CallEventRef< T > > | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::VariantMatcher::SinglePayload | |
clang::SizeOfPackExpr | Represents an expression that computes the length of a parameter pack |
clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry | This is a discriminated union of FileInfo and ExpansionInfo |
clang::Sema::PragmaStack< ValueType >::Slot | |
SmallDenseMap | |
SmallSet | |
clang::driver::toolchains::Solaris | |
clang::tooling::SourceFileCallbacks | Callbacks called before and after each source file processed by a FrontendAction created by the FrontedActionFactory returned by newFrontendActionFactory |
clang::SourceLocation | Encodes a location in the source. The SourceManager can decode this to get at the full include stack, line and column information |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::SourceLocation | |
clang::SourceManager | This class handles loading and caching of source files into memory |
clang::SourceRange | A trivial tuple used to represent a source range |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::SourceRange | |
clang::RedeclarableTemplateDecl::SpecEntryTraits< EntryType > | |
clang::RedeclarableTemplateDecl::SpecEntryTraits< FunctionTemplateSpecializationInfo > | |
clang::Sema::SpecialMemberOverloadResult | |
clang::specific_attr_iterator< SpecificAttr, Container > | |
clang::DeclContext::specific_decl_iterator< SpecificDecl > | |
clang::analyze_format_string::SpecifierResult< T > | |
clang::RedeclarableTemplateDecl::SpecIterator< EntryType, _SETraits, _DeclType > | |
clang::SplitQualType | |
clang::CodeGen::EHScopeStack::stable_iterator | |
clang::ento::StackArgumentsSpaceRegion | |
clang::StackFrameContext | |
clang::ento::StackHintGenerator | Interface for classes constructing Stack hints |
clang::ento::StackHintGeneratorForSymbol | Constructs a Stack hint for the given symbol |
clang::ento::StackLocalsSpaceRegion | |
clang::ento::StackSpaceRegion | |
clang::ASTUnit::StandaloneDiagnostic | |
clang::ASTUnit::StandaloneFixIt | |
clang::StandardConversionSequence | |
clang::StaticAssertDecl | Represents a C++11 static_assert declaration |
clang::ento::StaticGlobalSpaceRegion | The region of the static variables within the current CodeTextRegion scope |
clang::vfs::Status | The result of a status operation |
clang::threadSafety::til::StdPrinter | |
clang::InitializationSequence::Step | A single step in the initialization sequence |
clang::Stmt | |
clang::Stmt::StmtBitfields | |
StmtClassNameTable | |
clang::StmtExpr | |
clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::StmtExprEvaluation | |
clang::StmtIterator | |
clang::StmtIteratorBase | |
clang::StmtIteratorImpl< DERIVED, REFERENCE > | |
clang::ento::StmtNodeBuilder | This builder class is useful for generating nodes that resulted from visiting a statement. The main difference from its parent NodeBuilder is that it creates a statement specific ProgramPoint |
clang::StmtPoint | |
clang::RecursiveASTVisitor< Derived >::StmtQueueAction | |
clang::StmtRange | |
clang::StmtVisitor< ImplClass, RetTy > | |
clang::StmtVisitorBase< Ptr, ImplClass, RetTy > | |
clang::PartialDiagnostic::Storage | |
clang::PartialDiagnostic::StorageAllocator | An allocator for Storage objects, which uses a small cache to objects, used to reduce malloc()/free() traffic for partial diagnostics |
clang::threadSafety::til::Store | |
clang::StoredDeclsList | An array of decls optimized for the common case of only containing one entry |
clang::StoredDeclsMap | |
clang::StoredDiagnostic | Represents a diagnostic in a form that can be retained until its corresponding source manager is destroyed |
clang::ento::StoreManager | |
clang::ento::StoreRef | |
clang::QualType::StreamedQualTypeHelper | |
clang::StringLiteral | |
clang::StringLiteralParser | |
clang::ento::StringRegion | StringRegion - Region associated with a StringLiteral |
clang::StringSizerHelper< SizeOfStr, FieldType > | |
clang::ento::SubEngine | |
clang::SubobjectAdjustment | An adjustment to be made to the temporary created when emitting a reference binding, which accesses a particular subobject of that temporary |
clang::ento::SubRegion | |
clang::SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr | Represents a reference to a non-type template parameter that has been substituted with a template argument |
clang::SubstNonTypeTemplateParmPackExpr | Represents a reference to a non-type template parameter pack that has been substituted with a non-template argument pack |
clang::SubstTemplateTemplateParmPackStorage | A structure for storing an already-substituted template template parameter pack |
clang::SubstTemplateTemplateParmStorage | A structure for storing the information associated with a substituted template template parameter |
clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmPackType | Represents the result of substituting a set of types for a template type parameter pack |
clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmPackTypeLoc | Wrapper for substituted template type parameters |
clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmType | Represents the result of substituting a type for a template type parameter |
clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmTypeLoc | Wrapper for substituted template type parameters |
clang::ento::summMgr::SummaryKey | |
clang::ento::SummaryManager< T > | |
clang::ento::SummaryManagerImpl | |
clang::SuppressAccessChecks | A RAII object used to temporarily suppress access-like checking. Access-like checks are those associated with controlling the use of a declaration, like C++ access control errors and deprecation warnings. They are contextually dependent, in that they can only be resolved with full information about what's being declared. They are also suppressed in certain contexts, like the template arguments of an explicit instantiation. However, those suppression contexts cannot necessarily be fully determined in advance; for example, something starting like this: template <> class std::vector<A::PrivateType> might be the entirety of an explicit instantiation: template <> class std::vector<A::PrivateType>; or just an elaborated type specifier: template <> class std::vector<A::PrivateType> make_vector<>(); Therefore this class collects all the diagnostics and permits them to be re-delayed in a new context |
clang::CodeGen::SuppressDebugLocation | |
clang::ento::SuppressInlineDefensiveChecksVisitor | |
clang::ento::SVal | |
clang::ento::SValBuilder | |
clang::SwitchCase | |
clang::ento::SwitchNodeBuilder | |
clang::SwitchStmt | |
clang::ento::SymExpr::symbol_iterator | Iterator over symbols that the current symbol depends on |
clang::ento::SymbolCast | Represents a cast expression |
clang::ento::SymbolConjured | |
clang::ento::SymbolData | A symbol representing data which can be stored in a memory location (region) |
clang::ento::SymbolDerived | |
clang::ento::SymbolExtent | |
clang::ento::SymbolicRegion | |
clang::ento::SymbolManager | |
clang::ento::SymbolMetadata | |
clang::ento::SymbolReaper | A class responsible for cleaning up unused symbols |
clang::ento::SymbolRegionValue | A symbol representing the value stored at a MemRegion |
clang::ento::nonloc::SymbolVal | Represents symbolic expression |
clang::ento::SymbolVisitor | |
clang::ento::SymExpr | Symbolic value. These values used to capture symbolic execution of the program |
clang::ento::SymIntExpr | Represents a symbolic expression like 'x' + 3 |
clang::ento::SymSymExpr | Represents a symbolic expression like 'x' + 'y' |
clang::SyntaxOnlyAction | |
clang::Sema::SynthesizedFunctionScope | RAII object to handle the state changes required to synthesize a function body |
clang::HeaderSearchOptions::SystemHeaderPrefix | |
clang::TagDecl | TagDecl - Represents the declaration of a struct/union/class/enum |
clang::TagType | |
clang::TagTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for tag types. Note that this only records source info for the name itself; a type written 'struct foo' should be represented as an ElaboratedTypeLoc. We currently only do that when C++ is enabled because of the expense of creating an ElaboratedType node for so many type references in C |
clang::ento::TaintManager | |
clang::ento::TaintMap | |
clang::TargetCodeGenInfo | |
clang::TargetCXXABI | The basic abstraction for the target C++ ABI |
clang::TargetInfo | Exposes information about the current target |
clang::TargetOptions | Options for controlling the target |
clang::CodeGen::TBAAPathTag | |
clang::driver::toolchains::TCEToolChain | |
clang::TemplateArgument | Represents a template argument |
clang::TemplateArgumentList | A template argument list |
clang::TemplateArgumentListInfo | |
clang::TemplateArgumentLoc | |
clang::TemplateArgumentLocContainerIterator< ArgLocContainer > | Simple iterator that traverses the template arguments in a container that provides a getArgLoc() member function |
clang::TemplateArgumentLocInfo | Location information for a TemplateArgument |
clang::TemplateArgumentLocInventIterator< Derived, InputIterator > | Iterator adaptor that invents template argument location information for each of the template arguments in its underlying iterator |
clang::TemplateDecl | The base class of all kinds of template declarations (e.g., class, function, etc.) |
clang::TemplateDeclInstantiator | |
clang::sema::TemplateDeductionInfo | Provides information about an attempted template argument deduction, whose success or failure was described by a TemplateDeductionResult value |
clang::TemplateDiffTypes | |
clang::TemplateIdAnnotation | Information about a template-id annotation token |
clang::TemplateName | Represents a C++ template name within the type system |
clang::TemplateNameLocInfo | |
clang::TemplateParameterList | Stores a list of template parameters for a TemplateDecl and its derived classes |
clang::TemplateParmPosition | Defines the position of a template parameter within a template parameter list |
clang::TemplatePartialOrderingContext | |
clang::TemplateSpecCandidate | |
clang::TemplateSpecCandidateSet | |
clang::TemplateSpecializationLocInfo | |
clang::TemplateSpecializationType | Represents a type template specialization; the template must be a class template, a type alias template, or a template template parameter. A template which cannot be resolved to one of these, e.g. because it is written with a dependent scope specifier, is instead represented as a DependentTemplateSpecializationType |
clang::TemplateSpecializationTypeLoc | |
clang::TemplateTemplateParmDecl | |
clang::TemplateTypeParmDecl | Declaration of a template type parameter |
clang::TemplateTypeParmType | |
clang::TemplateTypeParmTypeLoc | Wrapper for template type parameters |
clang::TreeTransform< Derived >::TemporaryBase | RAII object that temporarily sets the base location and entity used for reporting diagnostics in types |
clang::Sema::TentativeAnalysisScope | RAII class used to indicate that we are performing provisional semantic analysis to determine the validity of a construct, so typo-correction and diagnostics in the immediate context (not within implicitly-instantiated templates) should be suppressed |
clang::threadSafety::lexpr::Terminal | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Terminator | Base class for basic block terminators: Branch, Goto, and Return |
clang::comments::TextComment | Plain text |
clang::comments::Comment::TextCommentBitfields | |
clang::TextDiagnostic | Class to encapsulate the logic for formatting and printing a textual diagnostic message |
clang::TextDiagnosticBuffer | |
clang::TextDiagnosticPrinter | |
clang::comments::TextTokenRetokenizer | Re-lexes a sequence of tok::text tokens |
clang::ThisAdjustment | A this pointer adjustment |
ThreadSafeRefCountedBase | |
clang::threadSafety::ThreadSafetyAnalyzer | Class which implements the core thread safety analysis routines |
clang::threadSafety::ThreadSafetyHandler | Handler class for thread safety warnings |
clang::threadSafety::ThreadSafetyReporter | |
clang::ThunkInfo | The this pointer adjustment as well as an optional return adjustment for a thunk |
clang::threadSafety::TILPrinter | |
clang::comments::Token | Comment token |
clang::Token | |
clang::format::TokenAnnotator | Determines extra information about the tokens comprising an UnwrappedLine |
clang::TokenConcatenation | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::Parser::TokenInfo | Simple structure to hold information for one token from the parser |
clang::TokenLexer | |
clang::TokenRewriter | |
clang::format::TokenRole | |
clang::TokenValue | Stores token information for comparing actual tokens with predefined values. Only handles simple tokens and identifiers |
clang::driver::Tool | Tool - Information on a specific compilation tool |
clang::tooling::ToolAction | Interface to process a clang::CompilerInvocation |
clang::driver::ToolChain | ToolChain - Access to tools for a single platform |
clang::tooling::ToolInvocation | Utility to run a FrontendAction in a single clang invocation |
clang::threadSafety::til::BasicBlock::TopologyNode | |
clang::comments::TParamCommandComment | Doxygen \tparam command, describes a template parameter |
clang::ento::TrackConstraintBRVisitor | |
clang::arcmt::Transaction | |
clang::arcmt::TransformActions | |
clang::TranslationUnitDecl | TranslationUnitDecl - The top declaration context |
clang::tooling::TranslationUnitReplacements | Collection of Replacements generated from a single translation unit |
clang::threadSafety::til::Traversal< Self, R > | |
clang::TreeTransform< Derived > | A semantic tree transformation that allows one to transform one abstract syntax tree into another |
true_type | |
clang::Type | |
clang::TypeAliasDecl | |
clang::TypeAliasTemplateDecl | Declaration of an alias template |
clang::DeclaratorChunk::TypeAndRange | |
clang::TypeDecl | |
clang::TypedefDecl | |
clang::TypedefNameDecl | Base class for declarations which introduce a typedef-name |
clang::TypedefType | |
clang::TypedefTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for typedefs |
clang::Sema::TypeDiagnoser | Abstract class used to diagnose incomplete types |
clang::ento::TypedRegion | TypedRegion - An abstract class representing regions that are typed |
clang::ento::TypedValueRegion | TypedValueRegion - An abstract class representing regions having a typed value |
clang::serialization::TypeIdx | A type index; the type ID with the qualifier bits removed |
TypeInfo | |
clang::TypeInfo | |
clang::DeclaratorChunk::TypeInfoCommon | |
clang::TypeLoc | Base wrapper for a particular "section" of type source info |
clang::TypeLocBuilder | |
clang::TypeLocReader | |
clang::TypeLocVisitor< ImplClass, RetTy > | |
clang::TypeOfExprType | TypeOfExprType (GCC extension) |
clang::TypeOfExprTypeLoc | |
clang::TypeOfExprTypeLocInfo | |
clang::TypeofLikeTypeLoc< Derived, TypeClass, LocalData > | |
clang::TypeofLocInfo | |
clang::TypeOfType | TypeOfType (GCC extension) |
clang::TypeOfTypeLoc | |
clang::TypeOfTypeLocInfo | |
clang::TypePropertyCache< Private > | |
clang::TypeSourceInfo | A container of type source information |
clang::TypeSpecLocInfo | |
clang::TypeSpecTypeLoc | A reasonable base class for TypeLocs that correspond to types that are written as a type-specifier |
clang::Sema::TypeTagData | |
clang::AttributeList::TypeTagForDatatypeData | |
clang::TypeTraitExpr | A type trait used in the implementation of various C++11 and Library TR1 trait templates |
clang::Stmt::TypeTraitExprBitfields | |
clang::TypeVisitor< ImplClass, RetTy > | An operation on a type |
clang::TypeWithKeyword | |
clang::Type::TypeWithKeywordBitfields | |
clang::TypoCorrection | Simple class containing the result of Sema::CorrectTypo |
clang::TypoCorrectionConsumer | |
clang::TypoExpr | |
clang::Parser::UnannotatedTentativeParsingAction | A tentative parsing action that can also revert token annotations |
clang::UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr | |
clang::Stmt::UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExprBitfields | |
clang::threadSafety::til::UnaryOp | |
clang::UnaryOperator | |
clang::UnaryTransformType | A unary type transform, which is a type constructed from another |
clang::UnaryTransformTypeLoc | |
clang::UnaryTransformTypeLocInfo | |
clang::UncommonTemplateNameStorage | Implementation class used to describe either a set of overloaded template names or an already-substituted template template parameter pack |
clang::threadSafety::til::Undefined | Placeholder for expressions that cannot be represented in the TIL |
clang::ento::UndefinedVal | |
clang::UndefMacroDirective | A directive for an undefined macro |
clang::ento::UndefOrNullArgVisitor | When a region containing undefined value or '0' value is passed as an argument in a call, marks the call as interesting |
clang::APValue::UninitArray | |
clang::APValue::UninitStruct | |
clang::UninitUse | A use of a variable, which might be uninitialized |
clang::UninitVariablesAnalysisStats | |
clang::UninitVariablesHandler | |
clang::UnionOpaquePtr< T > | |
clang::UniqueVirtualMethod | Uniquely identifies a virtual method within a class hierarchy by the method itself and a class subobject number |
clang::ento::UnknownSpaceRegion | |
clang::ento::UnknownVal | |
clang::UnqualifiedId | Represents a C++ unqualified-id that has been parsed |
clang::UnqualTypeLoc | Wrapper of type source information for a type with no direct qualifiers |
clang::Module::UnresolvedConflict | An unresolved conflict with another module |
clang::Module::UnresolvedExportDecl | Describes an exported module that has not yet been resolved (perhaps because the module it refers to has not yet been loaded) |
clang::UnresolvedLookupExpr | A reference to a name which we were able to look up during parsing but could not resolve to a specific declaration |
clang::UnresolvedMemberExpr | Represents a C++ member access expression for which lookup produced a set of overloaded functions |
clang::UnresolvedSet< InlineCapacity > | A set of unresolved declarations |
clang::UnresolvedSetImpl | A set of unresolved declarations |
clang::UnresolvedSetIterator | |
clang::UnresolvedUsingType | Represents the dependent type named by a dependently-scoped typename using declaration, e.g. using typename Base<T>::foo; Template instantiation turns these into the underlying type |
clang::UnresolvedUsingTypeLoc | Wrapper for source info for unresolved typename using decls |
clang::UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl | Represents a dependent using declaration which was marked with typename |
clang::UnresolvedUsingValueDecl | Represents a dependent using declaration which was not marked with typename |
clang::serialization::UnsafeQualTypeDenseMapInfo | |
clang::tooling::UnusedInputDiagConsumer | |
clang::format::UnwrappedLine | An unwrapped line is a sequence of Token , that we would like to put on a single line if there was no column limit |
clang::format::UnwrappedLineConsumer | |
clang::format::UnwrappedLineNode | |
clang::format::UnwrappedLineParser | |
clang::UpdateOnReturn< T > | |
clang::UserDefinedConversionSequence | |
clang::UserDefinedLiteral | A call to a literal operator (C++11 [over.literal]) written as a user-defined literal (C++11 [lit.ext]) |
clang::UsingDecl | Represents a C++ using-declaration |
clang::UsingDirectiveDecl | Represents C++ using-directive |
clang::UsingShadowDecl | Represents a shadow declaration introduced into a scope by a (resolved) using declaration |
clang::VAArgExpr | VAArgExpr, used for the builtin function __builtin_va_arg |
clang::ValueDecl | |
clang::threadSafety::til::ValueType | |
clang::VarDecl | |
clang::threadSafety::LocalVariableMap::VarDefinition | |
clang::threadSafety::til::Variable | |
clang::VariableArrayType | |
clang::VariableArrayTypeLoc | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::VariadicFuncMatcherDescriptor | Matcher descriptor for variadic functions |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::internal::VariadicOperatorMatcherDescriptor | Variadic operator marshaller function |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::VariantMatcher::VariadicOpPayload | |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::VariantMatcher | A variant matcher object |
clang::ast_matchers::dynamic::VariantValue | Variant value class |
clang::threadSafety::VarMapBuilder | Visitor which builds a LocalVariableMap |
clang::ento::VarRegion | |
clang::VarTemplateDecl | Declaration of a variable template |
clang::VarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl | |
clang::VarTemplateSpecializationDecl | Represents a variable template specialization, which refers to a variable template with a given set of template arguments |
clang::ASTRecordLayout::VBaseInfo | |
clang::VectorType | |
clang::Type::VectorTypeBitfields | |
clang::VectorTypeLoc | |
clang::comments::VerbatimBlockComment | |
clang::comments::VerbatimBlockLineComment | A line of text contained in a verbatim block |
clang::comments::VerbatimLineComment | |
clang::driver::tools::darwin::VerifyDebug | |
clang::driver::VerifyDebugInfoJobAction | |
clang::VerifyDiagnosticConsumer | |
clang::Sema::VerifyICEDiagnoser | Abstract base class used for diagnosing integer constant expression violations |
clang::driver::VerifyJobAction | |
clang::VerifyPCHAction | |
clang::driver::VerifyPCHJobAction | |
clang::VersionTuple | Represents a version number in the form major[.minor[.subminor]] |
clang::VirtSpecifiers | Represents a C++11 virt-specifier-seq |
clang::ThisAdjustment::VirtualAdjustment | Holds the ABI-specific information about the virtual this adjustment, if needed |
clang::ReturnAdjustment::VirtualAdjustment | Holds the ABI-specific information about the virtual return adjustment, if needed |
clang::VirtualBaseInfo | |
clang::VisibilityMacroDirective | A directive for setting the module visibility of a macro |
clang::VisibleDeclConsumer | Consumes visible declarations found when searching for all visible names within a given scope or context |
clang::ento::WorkList::Visitor | |
clang::threadSafety::til::VisitReducer< Self > | |
clang::threadSafety::til::VisitReducerBase | |
clang::VPtrInfo | |
clang::VTableComponent | Represents a single component in a vtable |
clang::VTableContextBase | |
clang::VTableLayout | |
clang::VTTBuilder | Class for building VTT layout information |
clang::VTTComponent | |
clang::VTTVTable | |
clang::WeakInfo | Captures information about a #pragma weak directive |
clang::sema::FunctionScopeInfo::WeakObjectProfileTy | |
clang::sema::FunctionScopeInfo::WeakUseTy | |
clang::WhileStmt | |
clang::format::WhitespaceManager | Manages the whitespaces around tokens and their replacements |
clang::threadSafety::til::Wildcard | Placeholder for a wildcard that matches any other expression |
clang::ento::WorkList | |
clang::ento::WorkListUnit | |
clang::WrapperFrontendAction | A frontend action which simply wraps some other runtime-specified frontend action |
clang::CodeGen::CallArgList::Writeback | |
clang::WrittenBuiltinSpecs | Structure that packs information about the type specifiers that were written in a particular type specifier sequence |
clang::driver::toolchains::XCore | |
clang::vfs::YAMLVFSEntry | |
clang::vfs::YAMLVFSWriter | |