clang API Documentation

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00001 //===--- Module.cpp - Module description ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
00002 //
00003 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
00004 //
00005 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
00006 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
00007 //
00008 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
00009 //
00010 //  This file implements the Module class, which describes a module that has
00011 //  been loaded from an AST file.
00012 //
00013 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
00014 #include "clang/Serialization/Module.h"
00015 #include "ASTReaderInternals.h"
00016 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
00017 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
00019 using namespace clang;
00020 using namespace serialization;
00021 using namespace reader;
00023 ModuleFile::ModuleFile(ModuleKind Kind, unsigned Generation)
00024   : Kind(Kind), File(nullptr), Signature(0), DirectlyImported(false),
00025     Generation(Generation), SizeInBits(0),
00026     LocalNumSLocEntries(0), SLocEntryBaseID(0),
00027     SLocEntryBaseOffset(0), SLocEntryOffsets(nullptr),
00028     LocalNumIdentifiers(0),
00029     IdentifierOffsets(nullptr), BaseIdentifierID(0),
00030     IdentifierTableData(nullptr), IdentifierLookupTable(nullptr),
00031     LocalNumMacros(0), MacroOffsets(nullptr),
00032     BasePreprocessedEntityID(0),
00033     PreprocessedEntityOffsets(nullptr), NumPreprocessedEntities(0),
00034     LocalNumHeaderFileInfos(0), 
00035     HeaderFileInfoTableData(nullptr), HeaderFileInfoTable(nullptr),
00036     LocalNumSubmodules(0), BaseSubmoduleID(0),
00037     LocalNumSelectors(0), SelectorOffsets(nullptr), BaseSelectorID(0),
00038     SelectorLookupTableData(nullptr), SelectorLookupTable(nullptr),
00039     LocalNumDecls(0), DeclOffsets(nullptr), BaseDeclID(0),
00040     LocalNumCXXBaseSpecifiers(0), CXXBaseSpecifiersOffsets(nullptr),
00041     FileSortedDecls(nullptr), NumFileSortedDecls(0),
00042     RedeclarationsMap(nullptr), LocalNumRedeclarationsInMap(0),
00043     ObjCCategoriesMap(nullptr), LocalNumObjCCategoriesInMap(0),
00044     LocalNumTypes(0), TypeOffsets(nullptr), BaseTypeIndex(0)
00045 {}
00047 ModuleFile::~ModuleFile() {
00048   for (DeclContextInfosMap::iterator I = DeclContextInfos.begin(),
00049        E = DeclContextInfos.end();
00050        I != E; ++I) {
00051     if (I->second.NameLookupTableData)
00052       delete I->second.NameLookupTableData;
00053   }
00055   delete static_cast<ASTIdentifierLookupTable *>(IdentifierLookupTable);
00056   delete static_cast<HeaderFileInfoLookupTable *>(HeaderFileInfoTable);
00057   delete static_cast<ASTSelectorLookupTable *>(SelectorLookupTable);
00058 }
00060 template<typename Key, typename Offset, unsigned InitialCapacity>
00061 static void 
00062 dumpLocalRemap(StringRef Name,
00063                const ContinuousRangeMap<Key, Offset, InitialCapacity> &Map) {
00064   if (Map.begin() == Map.end())
00065     return;
00067   typedef ContinuousRangeMap<Key, Offset, InitialCapacity> MapType;
00068   llvm::errs() << "  " << Name << ":\n";
00069   for (typename MapType::const_iterator I = Map.begin(), IEnd = Map.end(); 
00070        I != IEnd; ++I) {
00071     llvm::errs() << "    " << I->first << " -> " << I->second << "\n";
00072   }
00073 }
00075 void ModuleFile::dump() {
00076   llvm::errs() << "\nModule: " << FileName << "\n";
00077   if (!Imports.empty()) {
00078     llvm::errs() << "  Imports: ";
00079     for (unsigned I = 0, N = Imports.size(); I != N; ++I) {
00080       if (I)
00081         llvm::errs() << ", ";
00082       llvm::errs() << Imports[I]->FileName;
00083     }
00084     llvm::errs() << "\n";
00085   }
00087   // Remapping tables.
00088   llvm::errs() << "  Base source location offset: " << SLocEntryBaseOffset 
00089                << '\n';
00090   dumpLocalRemap("Source location offset local -> global map", SLocRemap);
00092   llvm::errs() << "  Base identifier ID: " << BaseIdentifierID << '\n'
00093                << "  Number of identifiers: " << LocalNumIdentifiers << '\n';
00094   dumpLocalRemap("Identifier ID local -> global map", IdentifierRemap);
00096   llvm::errs() << "  Base macro ID: " << BaseMacroID << '\n'
00097                << "  Number of macros: " << LocalNumMacros << '\n';
00098   dumpLocalRemap("Macro ID local -> global map", MacroRemap);
00100   llvm::errs() << "  Base submodule ID: " << BaseSubmoduleID << '\n'
00101                << "  Number of submodules: " << LocalNumSubmodules << '\n';
00102   dumpLocalRemap("Submodule ID local -> global map", SubmoduleRemap);
00104   llvm::errs() << "  Base selector ID: " << BaseSelectorID << '\n'
00105                << "  Number of selectors: " << LocalNumSelectors << '\n';
00106   dumpLocalRemap("Selector ID local -> global map", SelectorRemap);
00108   llvm::errs() << "  Base preprocessed entity ID: " << BasePreprocessedEntityID
00109                << '\n'  
00110                << "  Number of preprocessed entities: " 
00111                << NumPreprocessedEntities << '\n';
00112   dumpLocalRemap("Preprocessed entity ID local -> global map", 
00113                  PreprocessedEntityRemap);
00115   llvm::errs() << "  Base type index: " << BaseTypeIndex << '\n'
00116                << "  Number of types: " << LocalNumTypes << '\n';
00117   dumpLocalRemap("Type index local -> global map", TypeRemap);
00119   llvm::errs() << "  Base decl ID: " << BaseDeclID << '\n'
00120                << "  Number of decls: " << LocalNumDecls << '\n';
00121   dumpLocalRemap("Decl ID local -> global map", DeclRemap);
00122 }