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VMAC_Base Class Reference


#include <vmac.h>

Inheritance diagram for VMAC_Base:
IteratedHashBase< word64, MessageAuthenticationCode > MessageAuthenticationCode SimpleKeyingInterface HashTransformation Algorithm Clonable SimpleKeyingInterfaceImpl< VMAC_Base, SameKeyLengthAs< T_BlockCipher, SimpleKeyingInterface::UNIQUE_IV, T_BlockCipher::BLOCKSIZE > > VMAC< T_BlockCipher, T_DigestBitSize >

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef word64 HashWordType
enum  IV_Requirement {

Public Member Functions

std::string AlgorithmName () const
 returns name of this algorithm, not universally implemented yet
unsigned int IVSize () const
unsigned int MinIVLength () const
void Resynchronize (const byte *nonce, int length=-1)
void GetNextIV (RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *IV)
unsigned int DigestSize () const
 size of the hash/digest/MAC returned by Final()
void UncheckedSetKey (const byte *userKey, unsigned int keylength, const NameValuePairs &params)
void TruncatedFinal (byte *mac, size_t size)
 truncated version of Final()
unsigned int BlockSize () const
 block size of underlying compression function, or 0 if not block based
ByteOrder GetByteOrder () const
unsigned int OptimalBlockSize () const
 input to Update() should have length a multiple of this for optimal speed
unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment () const
 returns how input should be aligned for optimal performance
void Update (const byte *input, size_t length)
 process more input
byte * CreateUpdateSpace (size_t &size)
 request space to write input into
void Restart ()
 discard the current state, and restart with a new message
virtual size_t MinKeyLength () const =0
 returns smallest valid key length in bytes */
virtual size_t MaxKeyLength () const =0
 returns largest valid key length in bytes */
virtual size_t DefaultKeyLength () const =0
 returns default (recommended) key length in bytes */
virtual size_t GetValidKeyLength (size_t n) const =0
 returns the smallest valid key length in bytes that is >= min(n, GetMaxKeyLength())
virtual bool IsValidKeyLength (size_t n) const
 returns whether n is a valid key length
virtual void SetKey (const byte *key, size_t length, const NameValuePairs &params=g_nullNameValuePairs)
 set or reset the key of this object
void SetKeyWithRounds (const byte *key, size_t length, int rounds)
 calls SetKey() with an NameValuePairs object that just specifies "Rounds"
void SetKeyWithIV (const byte *key, size_t length, const byte *iv, size_t ivLength)
 calls SetKey() with an NameValuePairs object that just specifies "IV"
void SetKeyWithIV (const byte *key, size_t length, const byte *iv)
 calls SetKey() with an NameValuePairs object that just specifies "IV"
virtual IV_Requirement IVRequirement () const =0
 returns the minimal requirement for secure IVs
bool IsResynchronizable () const
 returns whether this object can be resynchronized (i.e. supports initialization vectors)
bool CanUseRandomIVs () const
 returns whether this object can use random IVs (in addition to ones returned by GetNextIV)
bool CanUsePredictableIVs () const
 returns whether this object can use random but possibly predictable IVs (in addition to ones returned by GetNextIV)
bool CanUseStructuredIVs () const
 returns whether this object can use structured IVs, for example a counter (in addition to ones returned by GetNextIV)
virtual unsigned int IVSize () const
unsigned int DefaultIVLength () const
 returns default length of IVs accepted by this object
virtual unsigned int MinIVLength () const
 returns minimal length of IVs accepted by this object
virtual unsigned int MaxIVLength () const
 returns maximal length of IVs accepted by this object
virtual void Resynchronize (const byte *iv, int ivLength=-1)
 resynchronize with an IV. ivLength=-1 means use IVSize()
virtual void GetNextIV (RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *IV)
 get a secure IV for the next message
HashTransformationRef ()
 return a reference to this object, useful for passing a temporary object to a function that takes a non-const reference
virtual void Final (byte *digest)
 compute hash for current message, then restart for a new message
unsigned int TagSize () const
 same as DigestSize()
virtual void CalculateDigest (byte *digest, const byte *input, size_t length)
 use this if your input is in one piece and you don't want to call Update() and Final() separately
virtual bool Verify (const byte *digest)
 verify that digest is a valid digest for the current message, then reinitialize the object
virtual bool VerifyDigest (const byte *digest, const byte *input, size_t length)
 use this if your input is in one piece and you don't want to call Update() and Verify() separately
virtual void CalculateTruncatedDigest (byte *digest, size_t digestSize, const byte *input, size_t length)
 truncated version of CalculateDigest()
virtual bool TruncatedVerify (const byte *digest, size_t digestLength)
 truncated version of Verify()
virtual bool VerifyTruncatedDigest (const byte *digest, size_t digestLength, const byte *input, size_t length)
 truncated version of VerifyDigest()
virtual ClonableClone () const
 this is not implemented by most classes yet

Protected Member Functions

virtual BlockCipherAccessCipher ()=0
virtual int DefaultDigestSize () const =0
const BlockCipherGetCipher () const
void HashEndianCorrectedBlock (const word64 *data)
size_t HashMultipleBlocks (const word64 *input, size_t length)
void Init ()
word64 * StateBuf ()
word64 * DataBuf ()
void VHASH_Update_SSE2 (const word64 *data, size_t blocksRemainingInWord64, int tagPart)
template<bool T_128BitTag>
void VHASH_Update_Template (const word64 *data, size_t blockRemainingInWord128)
void VHASH_Update (const word64 *data, size_t blocksRemainingInWord128)
word64 * m_polyState ()
size_t SS1 ()
size_t m_polyStateSize ()
word64 * m_nhKey ()
size_t SS2 ()
size_t m_nhKeySize ()
byte * m_data ()
size_t SS3 ()
size_t m_dataSize ()
word64 * m_l3Key ()
size_t SS4 ()
size_t m_l3KeySize ()
byte * m_nonce ()
size_t SS5 ()
size_t m_nonceSize ()
byte * m_pad ()
size_t SS6 ()
size_t m_padSize ()
size_t SST ()
void AllocateBlocks ()
word64 GetBitCountHi () const
word64 GetBitCountLo () const
void PadLastBlock (unsigned int lastBlockSize, byte padFirst=0x80)
virtual void HashEndianCorrectedBlock (const HashWordType *data)=0
void HashBlock (const HashWordType *input)
const AlgorithmGetAlgorithm () const
virtual const AlgorithmGetAlgorithm () const =0
virtual void UncheckedSetKey (const byte *key, unsigned int length, const NameValuePairs &params)=0
void ThrowIfInvalidKeyLength (size_t length)
void ThrowIfResynchronizable ()
void ThrowIfInvalidIV (const byte *iv)
size_t ThrowIfInvalidIVLength (int size)
const byte * GetIVAndThrowIfInvalid (const NameValuePairs &params, size_t &size)
void AssertValidKeyLength (size_t length) const
void ThrowIfInvalidTruncatedSize (size_t size) const

Protected Attributes

AlignedSecByteBlock m_aggregate
bool m_is128
bool m_padCached
bool m_isFirstBlock
int m_L1KeyLength

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file vmac.h.

Member Function Documentation

void SimpleKeyingInterface::SetKey ( const byte *  key,
size_t  length,
const NameValuePairs params = g_nullNameValuePairs 
) [virtual, inherited]

set or reset the key of this object

params is used to specify Rounds, BlockSize, etc.

Definition at line 60 of file cryptlib.cpp.

Referenced by SimpleKeyingInterface::SetKeyWithIV(), and SimpleKeyingInterface::SetKeyWithRounds().

bool SimpleKeyingInterface::IsResynchronizable (  )  const [inline, inherited]

returns whether this object can be resynchronized (i.e. supports initialization vectors)

If this function returns true, and no IV is passed to SetKey() and CanUseStructuredIVs()==true, an IV of all 0's will be assumed.

Definition at line 386 of file cryptlib.h.

void SimpleKeyingInterface::GetNextIV ( RandomNumberGenerator rng,
byte *  IV 
) [virtual, inherited]

get a secure IV for the next message

This method should be called after you finish encrypting one message and are ready to start the next one. After calling it, you must call SetKey() or Resynchronize() before using this object again. This method is not implemented on decryption objects.

Definition at line 136 of file cryptlib.cpp.

References RandomNumberGenerator::GenerateBlock().

virtual void HashTransformation::Final ( byte *  digest  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

compute hash for current message, then restart for a new message

size of digest == DigestSize().

Definition at line 545 of file cryptlib.h.

Referenced by PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC< T >::DeriveKey(), and HMAC_Base::TruncatedFinal().

virtual bool HashTransformation::Verify ( const byte *  digest  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

verify that digest is a valid digest for the current message, then reinitialize the object

Default implementation is to call Final() and do a bitwise comparison between its output and digest.

Definition at line 575 of file cryptlib.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: