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Weak::PanamaHash< B > Class Template Reference

Panama Hash More...

#include <panama.h>

Inheritance diagram for Weak::PanamaHash< B >:
Panama< B > AlgorithmImpl< IteratedHash< word32, NativeByteOrder, 32 >, PanamaHash< B > > IteratedHash< word32, NativeByteOrder, 32 > IteratedHashBase< word32, HashTransformation > HashTransformation Algorithm Clonable

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef NativeByteOrder ByteOrderClass
typedef word32 HashWordType

Public Member Functions

unsigned int DigestSize () const
 size of the hash/digest/MAC returned by Final()
void TruncatedFinal (byte *hash, size_t size)
 truncated version of Final()
std::string AlgorithmName () const
 returns name of this algorithm, not universally implemented yet
unsigned int BlockSize () const
 block size of underlying compression function, or 0 if not block based
ByteOrder GetByteOrder () const
unsigned int OptimalBlockSize () const
 input to Update() should have length a multiple of this for optimal speed
unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment () const
 returns how input should be aligned for optimal performance
void Update (const byte *input, size_t length)
 process more input
byte * CreateUpdateSpace (size_t &size)
 request space to write input into
void Restart ()
 discard the current state, and restart with a new message
HashTransformationRef ()
 return a reference to this object, useful for passing a temporary object to a function that takes a non-const reference
virtual void Final (byte *digest)
 compute hash for current message, then restart for a new message
unsigned int TagSize () const
 same as DigestSize()
virtual void CalculateDigest (byte *digest, const byte *input, size_t length)
 use this if your input is in one piece and you don't want to call Update() and Final() separately
virtual bool Verify (const byte *digest)
 verify that digest is a valid digest for the current message, then reinitialize the object
virtual bool VerifyDigest (const byte *digest, const byte *input, size_t length)
 use this if your input is in one piece and you don't want to call Update() and Verify() separately
virtual void CalculateTruncatedDigest (byte *digest, size_t digestSize, const byte *input, size_t length)
 truncated version of CalculateDigest()
virtual bool TruncatedVerify (const byte *digest, size_t digestLength)
 truncated version of Verify()
virtual bool VerifyTruncatedDigest (const byte *digest, size_t digestLength, const byte *input, size_t length)
 truncated version of VerifyDigest()
virtual ClonableClone () const
 this is not implemented by most classes yet

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * StaticAlgorithmName ()
static void CorrectEndianess (HashWordType *out, const HashWordType *in, size_t byteCount)

Static Public Attributes

static const int DIGESTSIZE = 32
static const int BLOCKSIZE
static CompileAssert
<((T_BlockSize &(T_BlockSize-1))==0)> 

Protected Types

typedef word32 Stage [8]

Protected Member Functions

void Init ()
void HashEndianCorrectedBlock (const word32 *data)
size_t HashMultipleBlocks (const word32 *input, size_t length)
word32 * StateBuf ()
void Reset ()
void Iterate (size_t count, const word32 *p=NULL, word32 *z=NULL, const word32 *y=NULL)
word32 * DataBuf ()
word32 GetBitCountHi () const
word32 GetBitCountLo () const
void PadLastBlock (unsigned int lastBlockSize, byte padFirst=0x80)
virtual void HashEndianCorrectedBlock (const HashWordType *data)=0
void HashBlock (const HashWordType *input)
void ThrowIfInvalidTruncatedSize (size_t size) const

Protected Attributes

< word32, 20+8 *32 > 
FixedSizeSecBlock< word32,

Static Protected Attributes

static const int STAGES = 32

Detailed Description

template<class B = LittleEndian>
class Weak::PanamaHash< B >

Panama Hash

Definition at line 27 of file panama.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void HashTransformation::Final ( byte *  digest  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

compute hash for current message, then restart for a new message

size of digest == DigestSize().

Definition at line 545 of file cryptlib.h.

Referenced by PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC< T >::DeriveKey(), and HMAC_Base::TruncatedFinal().

virtual bool HashTransformation::Verify ( const byte *  digest  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

verify that digest is a valid digest for the current message, then reinitialize the object

Default implementation is to call Final() and do a bitwise comparison between its output and digest.

Definition at line 575 of file cryptlib.h.

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