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com::sleepycat::collections::RangeCursor Class Reference

Package Functions

 RangeCursor (DataView view, KeyRange range, boolean writeAllowed) throws DatabaseException
RangeCursor dup (boolean samePosition) throws DatabaseException
Cursor getCursor ()

Detailed Description

A cursor-like interface that enforces a key range. The method signatures are actually those of SecondaryCursor, but the pKey parameter may be null. It was done this way to avoid doubling the number of methods.

This is not a general implementation of a range cursor and should not be used outside this package; however, it may evolve into a generally useful range cursor some day.

Mark Hayes

Definition at line 32 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

com::sleepycat::collections::RangeCursor::RangeCursor DataView  view,
KeyRange  range,
boolean  writeAllowed
throws DatabaseException [inline, package]

Create a range cursor.

Definition at line 84 of file

References com::sleepycat::collections::CurrentTransaction::openCursor().

Member Function Documentation

RangeCursor com::sleepycat::collections::RangeCursor::dup boolean  samePosition  )  throws DatabaseException [inline, package]

Create a cloned range cursor. The caller must clone the underlying cursor before using this constructor, because cursor open/close is handled specially for CDS cursors outside this class.

Definition at line 110 of file

References cursor, com::sleepycat::collections::CurrentTransaction::dupCursor(), and init().

Referenced by com::sleepycat::collections::DataCursor::cloneCursor().

Cursor com::sleepycat::collections::RangeCursor::getCursor  )  [inline, package]

Returns the underlying cursor. Used for cloning.

Definition at line 149 of file

Referenced by com::sleepycat::collections::DataCursor::close(), and com::sleepycat::collections::DataCursor::getCurrentRecordNumber().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Dec 25 12:15:00 2005 for Berkeley DB 4.4.16 by  doxygen 1.4.2