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collections::ship::marshal::MarshalledEnt Interface Reference

Inheritance diagram for collections::ship::marshal::MarshalledEnt:

collections::ship::marshal::Part collections::ship::marshal::Shipment collections::ship::marshal::Supplier

Public Member Functions

void marshalPrimaryKey (TupleOutput keyOutput)

Package Functions

void unmarshalPrimaryKey (TupleInput keyInput)
boolean marshalSecondaryKey (String keyName, TupleOutput keyOutput)

Detailed Description

MarshalledEnt is implemented by entity (combined key/data) objects and called by SampleViews.MarshalledEntityBinding. In this sample, MarshalledEnt is implemented by Part, Supplier, and Shipment. This interface is package-protected rather than public to hide the marshalling interface from other users of the data objects. Note that a MarshalledEnt must also have a no arguments constructor so that it can be instantiated by the binding.

Mark Hayes

Definition at line 26 of file

Member Function Documentation

void collections::ship::marshal::MarshalledEnt::marshalPrimaryKey TupleOutput  keyOutput  ) 

Extracts the entity's primary key and writes it to the key output.

Implemented in collections::ship::marshal::Part, collections::ship::marshal::Shipment, and collections::ship::marshal::Supplier.

boolean collections::ship::marshal::MarshalledEnt::marshalSecondaryKey String  keyName,
TupleOutput  keyOutput

Extracts the entity's index key and writes it to the key output.

Implemented in collections::ship::marshal::Part, collections::ship::marshal::Shipment, and collections::ship::marshal::Supplier.

void collections::ship::marshal::MarshalledEnt::unmarshalPrimaryKey TupleInput  keyInput  )  [package]

Completes construction of the entity by setting its primary key from the stored primary key.

Implemented in collections::ship::marshal::Part, collections::ship::marshal::Shipment, and collections::ship::marshal::Supplier.

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Generated on Sun Dec 25 12:14:58 2005 for Berkeley DB 4.4.16 by  doxygen 1.4.2