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com::sleepycat::bind::tuple::MarshalledTupleEntry Interface Reference

Inheritance diagram for com::sleepycat::bind::tuple::MarshalledTupleEntry:

collections::ship::factory::PartKey collections::ship::factory::ShipmentKey collections::ship::factory::SupplierKey com::sleepycat::bind::tuple::test::MarshalledObject

Public Member Functions

void marshalEntry (TupleOutput dataOutput)

Package Functions

void unmarshalEntry (TupleInput dataInput)

Detailed Description

A marshalling interface implemented by key, data or entity classes that are represented as tuples.

Key classes implement this interface to marshal their key entry. Data or entity classes implement this interface to marshal their data entry. Implementations of this interface must have a public no arguments constructor so that they can be instantiated by a binding, prior to calling the unmarshalEntry method.

Note that implementing this interface is not necessary when the object is a Java simple type, for example: String, Integer, etc. These types can be used with built-in bindings returned by TupleBinding#getPrimitiveBinding.

Mark Hayes
See also:

Definition at line 30 of file

Member Function Documentation

void com::sleepycat::bind::tuple::MarshalledTupleEntry::marshalEntry TupleOutput  dataOutput  ) 

Construct the key or data tuple entry from the key or data object.

dataOutput is the output tuple.

Implemented in collections::ship::factory::PartKey, collections::ship::factory::ShipmentKey, collections::ship::factory::SupplierKey, and com::sleepycat::bind::tuple::test::MarshalledObject.

Referenced by com::sleepycat::bind::tuple::TupleTupleMarshalledBinding::objectToData(), and com::sleepycat::bind::tuple::TupleMarshalledBinding::objectToEntry().

void com::sleepycat::bind::tuple::MarshalledTupleEntry::unmarshalEntry TupleInput  dataInput  )  [package]

Construct the key or data object from the key or data tuple entry.

dataInput is the input tuple.

Implemented in collections::ship::factory::PartKey, collections::ship::factory::ShipmentKey, collections::ship::factory::SupplierKey, and com::sleepycat::bind::tuple::test::MarshalledObject.

Referenced by com::sleepycat::bind::tuple::TupleTupleMarshalledBinding::entryToObject(), and com::sleepycat::bind::tuple::TupleMarshalledBinding::entryToObject().

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