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collections::ship::sentity::Supplier Class Reference

Package Functions

void setKey (String number)

Detailed Description

A Supplier represents the combined key/data pair for a supplier entity.

In this sample, Supplier is created from the stored key/data entry using TupleSerialEntityBinding. See SampleViews.PartBinding for details.

The binding is "tricky" in that it uses this class for both the stored data entry and the combined entity object. To do this, the key field(s) are transient and are set by the binding after the data object has been deserialized. This avoids the use of a SupplierData class completely.

Since this class is used directly for data storage, it must be Serializable.

Mark Hayes

Definition at line 32 of file

Member Function Documentation

void collections::ship::sentity::Supplier::setKey String  number  )  [inline, package]

Set the transient key fields after deserializing. This method is only called by data bindings.

Definition at line 51 of file

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