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Static Public Member Functions
gameplay::MathUtil Class Reference

#include <MathUtil.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void smooth (float *x, float target, float elapsedTime, float responseTime)
static void smooth (float *x, float target, float elapsedTime, float riseTime, float fallTime)

Detailed Description

Defines a math utility class.

This is primarily used for optimized internal math operations.

Member Function Documentation

static void gameplay::MathUtil::smooth ( float *  x,
float  target,
float  elapsedTime,
float  responseTime 
) [static]

Updates the given scalar towards the given target using a smoothing function. The given response time determines the amount of smoothing (lag). A longer response time yields a smoother result and more lag. To force the scalar to follow the target closely, provide a response time that is very small relative to the given elapsed time.

xthe scalar to update.
targettarget value.
elapsedTimeelapsed time between calls.
responseTimeresponse time (in the same units as elapsedTime).
static void gameplay::MathUtil::smooth ( float *  x,
float  target,
float  elapsedTime,
float  riseTime,
float  fallTime 
) [static]

Updates the given scalar towards the given target using a smoothing function. The given rise and fall times determine the amount of smoothing (lag). Longer rise and fall times yield a smoother result and more lag. To force the scalar to follow the target closely, provide rise and fall times that are very small relative to the given elapsed time.

xthe scalar to update.
targettarget value.
elapsedTimeelapsed time between calls.
riseTimeresponse time for rising slope (in the same units as elapsedTime).
fallTimeresponse time for falling slope (in the same units as elapsedTime).
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