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Public Member Functions
python-bindings.gnucash_business.Entry Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for python-bindings.gnucash_business.Entry:

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def test_type
- Public Member Functions inherited from python-bindings.gnucash_core.GnuCashCoreClass
def do_lookup_create_oo_instance

Detailed Description

Definition at line 191 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def python-bindings.gnucash_business.Entry.__init__ (   self,
  book = None,
  invoice = None,
  date = None,
  instance = None 
Invoice Entry constructor

You must provide a book or be initizing this with an existing
swig proxy object via the instance keyword argument.

The optional invoice argument can be set to a Bill or Invoice
that you would like to associate the entry with. You might as well
assign one now, as an Entry can't exist without one, but you can
always use Invoice.AddEntry or Bill.AddEntry later on.

By default, the entry will be set to today's date unless you
override with the date argument.

Definition at line 192 of file

193  def __init__(self, book=None, invoice=None, date=None, instance=None):
194  """Invoice Entry constructor
196  You must provide a book or be initizing this with an existing
197  swig proxy object via the instance keyword argument.
199  The optional invoice argument can be set to a Bill or Invoice
200  that you would like to associate the entry with. You might as well
201  assign one now, as an Entry can't exist without one, but you can
202  always use Invoice.AddEntry or Bill.AddEntry later on.
204  By default, the entry will be set to today's date unless you
205  override with the date argument.
206  """
207  if instance == None:
208  if book==None:
209  raise Exception(
210  "you must call Entry.__init__ with either a "
211  "book or an existing "
212  "low level swig proxy in the argument instance")
213  GnuCashCoreClass.__init__(self, book)
215  if date == None:
216  date =
217  self.SetDate(date)
218  if invoice != None:
219  invoice.AddEntry(self)
220  else:
221  GnuCashCoreClass.__init__(self, instance=instance)

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