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Public Member Functions
python-bindings.gnucash_business.Invoice Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for python-bindings.gnucash_business.Invoice:
python-bindings.gnucash_core.GnuCashCoreClass python-bindings.gnucash_business.Bill

Public Member Functions

def __init__
- Public Member Functions inherited from python-bindings.gnucash_core.GnuCashCoreClass
def do_lookup_create_oo_instance

Detailed Description

Definition at line 143 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def python-bindings.gnucash_business.Invoice.__init__ (   self,
  book = None,
  id = None,
  currency = None,
  owner = None,
  date_opened = None,
  instance = None 
Invoice Contstructor

You must provide a book, id, currency and owner
(Customer, Job, Employee, Vendor) or an existing swig proxy object
in the keyword argument instance.

Optionally, you may provide a date the invoice is opened on
( or datetime.datetime), otherwise today's date is used.

Definition at line 145 of file

146  date_opened=None, instance=None):
147  """Invoice Contstructor
149  You must provide a book, id, currency and owner
150  (Customer, Job, Employee, Vendor) or an existing swig proxy object
151  in the keyword argument instance.
153  Optionally, you may provide a date the invoice is opened on
154  ( or datetime.datetime), otherwise today's date is used.
155  """
156  if instance == None:
157  if book==None or id==None or currency==None or owner==None:
158  raise Exception(
159  "you must call Invoice.__init__ "
160  "with either a book, id, currency and owner, or an existing"
161  "low level swig proxy in the argument instance")
162  GnuCashCoreClass.__init__(self, book)
163  self.BeginEdit()
164  self.SetID(id)
165  self.SetCurrency(currency)
166  self.SetOwner(owner)
167  if date_opened == None:
168  date_opened =
169  self.SetDateOpened(date_opened)
170  self.CommitEdit()
171  else:
172  GnuCashCoreClass.__init__(self, instance=instance)

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