GnuCash  2.6.99
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qof Directory Reference


directory  test


file  gnc-date-p.h [code]
file  gnc-date.h [code]
 Date and Time handling routines.
file  gnc-numeric.h [code]
 An exact-rational-number library for gnucash. (to be renamed qofnumeric.h in libqof2)
file  guid.h [code]
 globally unique ID User API
file  kvp-util-p.h [code]
 misc odd-job kvp utils engine-private routines
file  kvp-util.h [code]
 QOF KVP utility functions.
file  kvp_frame.h [code]
 A key-value frame system.
file  qof-gobject.h [code]
file  qof-string-cache.h [code]
 QOF String cache functions.
file  qof.h [code]
file  qofbackend-p.h [code]
 private api for data storage backend
file  qofbackend.h [code]
 API for data storage Backend.
file  qofbook-p.h [code]
file  qofbook.h [code]
 Encapsulate all the information about a dataset.
file  qofbookslots.h [code]
file  qofchoice.h [code]
 Linking one entity to other entities of many possible types.
file  qofclass-p.h [code]
file  qofclass.h [code]
 API for registering paramters on objects.
file  qofevent-p.h [code]
file  qofevent.h [code]
 QOF event handling interface.
file  qofid-p.h [code]
file  qofid.h [code]
 QOF entity type identification system.
file  qofinstance-p.h [code]
file  qofinstance.h [code]
 Object instance holds common fields that most gnucash objects use.
file  qoflog.h [code]
file  qofobject-p.h [code]
 the Core Object Registration/Lookup Private Interface
file  qofobject.h [code]
 the Core Object Registration/Lookup Interface
file  qofquery-p.h [code]
file  qofquery.h [code]
 find objects that match a certain expression.
file  qofquerycore-p.h [code]
file  qofquerycore.h [code]
 API for providing core Query data types.
file  qofsession-p.h [code]
file  qofsession.h [code]
 Encapsulates a connection to a backend (persistent store)
file  qofutil.h [code]
 QOF utility functions.